Momo feat. Hoodini & Separ - Karma - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Momo feat. Hoodini & Separ - Karma

Yeah, idem za svoju rodinu, yeah
Yeah, I'm going for my family, yeah
Tvoríme si svoj príbeh, yeah
We're creating our own story, yeah
Berem všetko čo príde, yeah
I take everything that comes, yeah
Zažil som pády a zrady, od seba idú protiklady
I've experienced falls and betrayals, opposites go their own way
Rozdrbú ťa keď si slabý, si malý pán na to aby si dával rady
They'll crush you when you're weak, you're too small to give advice
Aj keď chceš odrezať vzťahy, chcú ťa držať v klepetách ako kraby
Even if you want to cut off relationships, they want to hold you in their clutches like crabs
Ako chlap im dám pocítiť to že aký tlak vyvinú medveďov laby
As a man, I'll make them feel the pressure that a bear's paws exert
Masky jak v Abu Dhabi, moment keď sa lámu lady
Masks like in Abu Dhabi, the moment when ladies break
Ďeň kedy králi zavrú hrady, čas keď pyšným padnú brady
The day the kings close their castles, the time when the proud ones fall
V jednom vreci chlapi, baby, doplazia sa slizkí ako hady
In one bag, guys, babes, they crawl up slimy like snakes
Taký neni nikto z mojej bandy, klope na dvere ich moment hanby
Nobody from my gang is like that, the moment of their shame knocks on their door
Bude to keď vypne sa kamera, roztočí energiu karma
It will be when the camera turns off, karma spins its energy
Spoza rohu driftom jak Carrera, jak magnet to ťahá tvoja aura
From around the corner, drifting like a Carrera, like a magnet your aura pulls it
Neni to preto že prajem ti zle, za to že si bol ten ktorý sral ma
It's not because I wish you ill, but because you were the one who screwed me
Taký je život, on nadelí každému to čo si zaslúži zdarma (zadara)
That's life, it gives everyone what they deserve for free (for free)
Za svojich fans stúpam hore, k oblohe ku hviezdam
I'm rising up for my fans, to the sky, to the stars
Nepodceňuj nikdy toho kto zrovna tu je sám
Never underestimate the one who's here alone right now
Za svoje skutky každý z nás sa spovedá
Each of us will confess for our deeds
Karma sa vracia a energiu tým kolesám, yeah
Karma comes back and gives energy to those wheels, yeah
Idem za svoju rodinu, yeah
I'm going for my family, yeah
Tvoríme si svoj príbeh, yeah
We're creating our own story, yeah
Berem všetko čo príde, yeah
I take everything that comes, yeah
Nezáleží odkiaľ si došiel
It doesn't matter where you came from
Ten rozdiel určuje iba to na čom máš podiel
The difference is determined only by what you have a share in
A tvoj cieľ odzrkadluje či si prospel
And your goal reflects whether you've benefited
A čo chcel si máš, to je základ karmy v kocke
And what you wanted, that's the basis of karma in a nutshell
Zavesí ti obraz tvojho života nad posteľ
It will hang a picture of your life above your bed
Ten začne meniť farby jak sa blíži ortieľ
It starts to change colors as the verdict approaches
Čím si tvrdohlavejší, tým je to horšie
The more stubborn you are, the worse it gets
Neskúšaj ju pojebať, aj tak sa to dozvie
Don't try to screw it over, it'll find out anyway
Zatarasí ti cestu, ti do huby kokot jak kefku
It will block your way, give you a cock in your mouth like a brush
S vážnou tvárou mieri na lebku
With a serious face, it aims at your skull
A ten tlak ti prechádza cez hruď
And that pressure goes through your chest
Utekať preč, to ani neskús
Don't even try to run away
Aj tak sa nedá, máš okolo klietku
You can't anyway, you have a cage around you
Nijak sa nevyhneš môjmu trestu
You can't escape my punishment
Budeš ju nosiť na duši jak tehlu
You will carry it on your soul like a brick
Za svojich fans stúpam hore, k oblohe ku hviezdam
I'm rising up for my fans, to the sky, to the stars
Nepodceňuj nikdy toho kto zrovna tu je sám
Never underestimate the one who's here alone right now
Za svoje skutky každý z nás sa spovedá
Each of us will confess for our deeds
Karma sa vracia a energiu tým kolesám, yeah
Karma comes back and gives energy to those wheels, yeah
Idem za svoju rodinu, yeah
I'm going for my family, yeah
Tvoríme si svoj príbeh, yeah
We're creating our own story, yeah
Berem všetko čo príde, yeah
I take everything that comes, yeah

Авторы: Michael Kmet, Roman Grigely, Stanislav Hudec

Momo feat. Hoodini & Separ - Karma - Single
Karma - Single
дата релиза

1 Karma

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