Momo feat. Ektor - Jebem Tvoje Love - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Momo feat. Ektor - Jebem Tvoje Love

Jebem Tvoje Love
I Fuck Your Love
Jeb na chorú spoločnosť, čo cení len tých čo zbohatli,
Screw this sick society, which values only those who got rich,
Nemajú Boha pri sebe, im úplne jebe, treba porádky,
They don't have God with them, they don't give a damn, it needs to be ordered,
Milionársky se vohákli, chcú na seba vaše ukazováky,
They've become millionaire swindlers, they want your pointing fingers at them,
Otŕčať svoje baráky, hej meďáky, bavoráky.
Stick out their mansions, hey copper, BMWs.
Mám v piči tie love, to nehrá rolu, pojeb si aj milión eur, korún,
I don't give a damn about that love, it doesn't matter, you can fuck even a million euros, crowns,
Pozvi radšej bezďáka na kolu, aj absint je málo, mám hubu z kovu,
Invite a homeless guy for a cola instead, even absinthe is too little, I have a mouth of metal,
školu rapu som zežral celú, na škole v chodbách kričia mentor,
I devoured the whole rap school, they shout mentor in the corridors at school,
Peňáze nie hodnota ľudí, Momo Sám, Blava, Praha, Ektor.
Money is not the value of people, Momo Sám, Blava, Prague, Ektor.
Pravda je netvor aj kvet, veď záleží či si len klamár,
Truth is a monster and a flower, it depends on whether you are just a liar,
Peniaze nevravia pravdu, však veď vieš sám,
Money doesn't tell the truth, you know it yourself,
Sláva, chvála, kamoši len podľa fára, svet
Glory, praise, buddies only by the car, the world
Jak jedna enkláva, toto je ten svet, čo chceš mať.
Like one enclave, this is the world you want to have.
Zajímaj sa ty jebo aj o to, čo máš za očami, nie len pod nosom,
You're a jerk, care about what's behind your eyes, not just under your nose,
Možno nebudú love z toho, ty lolo, chceš mať zo všetkého osoh,
Maybe there won't be any love from it, you lolo, you want to benefit from everything,
Uvar si mozog, zabudni na seba, jak chceš rob,
Cook your brain, forget about yourself, do whatever you want,
Treba byť dravý a robiť love, no nenechaj sa nachytať na podvod.
You need to be aggressive and make money, but don't get caught in a scam.
No nezabúdaj že to stojí na peňázoch, dravosť je aj v nás dvoch,
But don't forget that it stands on money, that aggression is also in both of us,
Hej, môže sa hnevať aj sám Boh, pardon.
Hey, even God himself can be angry, pardon me.
Momo, Ektor
Momo, Ektor
Nikdy nebudu svině a nikdy nebudu otrok,
I will never be a pig and I will never be a slave,
Jejich zkurvený show a škváry budu mít po strop,
Their fucking show and slag I will have to the ceiling,
to postavím po svým, nikdy nebudu poskok,
I'll build it my way, I'll never be a lackey,
Možná budu kus zpátky, ale vždycky budu dál o krok.
Maybe I'll be a bit behind, but I'll always be a step ahead.
Kurva dál než ten, kerýho změní fakt,
Damn, further than the one who changes the fact,
že se líp než dřív, a jednou chyt ten vlak,
That he's better off than before, and catches that train one day,
A teď nevidí nic, jenom sebe a profit,
And now he doesn't see anything, only himself and profit,
Jenom laciný štětky, co nechá denně prosit.
Just cheap sluts, who let you beg every day.
O trochu levý škváry, která občas padne pod stůl,
A little bit of left-over slag, which sometimes falls under the table,
Můžou makat sami, ale na to sou prej moc cool,
They can work on their own, but they're too cool for that, they say,
Plastový kozy, plastový mozky, nový kabelky,
Plastic tits, plastic brains, new handbags,
Manžel v piči, otrok světa klaunů, typ na baterky.
Husband in the shit, slave of the world of clowns, a type for batteries.
Nejsou prachy jako prachy, neni plán, jako plán,
Money is not like money, there is no plan, like a plan,
Málokdo z nich může říkat sám sobě pán,
Few of them can call themselves master,
Nemaj charakter a proto prcat jejich škváru,
They don't have character and therefore fuck their slag,
Prcat jejich tuny, se klaním tvýmu málu.
Fuck their tons, I bow to your little.
Nikdy nespadni do světa klaunu, do skurvený show,
Never fall into the world of clowns, into that fucking show,
Je potřeba točit peníze, ale nikdy nenech peníze aby točili tebe.
You need to make money, but never let money make you.
Momo Sám, Detektor.
Momo Sám, Detektor.

Авторы: Marko Elefteriadis, Maiky Beatz, Momo Momo

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