Monkey Black - Ay Dios - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Monkey Black - Ay Dios

Ay Dios
Oh God
Porque toy sentao boracho escribiendo en el conten
Because I'm sitting drunk, writing in the dumpster
Joelo dile a pelusita que me traiga el copejen
Joelo, tell Pelusita to bring me the rum
Pa mariarme bien cada cuerpo con su sustento
To get well drunk, to each body its sustenance
Lo mio es alkol, humo y no me alimento
My thing is alcohol, smoke and I don't feed
Oi de tu palabra tambien de tu mandamiento
I hear your word, also your commandment
Perdoname lo admito ten pieda de mi
Forgive me, I admit it, have pity on me
Por ti yo retrosedi y la sociedad venci
For you I turned back and overcame society
Alumbrame con tu luz que esas son cosas celeciales
Enlighten me with your light, those are celestial things
Y nada mas la entiendes tu dios jehova, jesus
And only you understand that, God Jehovah, Jesus
Eso son nombre divino yo en la tierra de incilino
Those are divine names, on earth I bow before you
Tratando de cambiar el destino femenino y masculino
Trying to change the feminine and masculine destiny
Es muy profundo lo que digo lo hago pa k entiendas
It's very deep what I'm saying, I do it so that you understand
K yo taba igual que muchos pero me kite la benda
I used to be like many, but I took off my blindfold
No te sorprenda yo tenga sabiduria no me hable de brujeria
Don't be surprised that I have wisdom, don't talk to me about witchcraft
He hablado con seres raro atraves de mi tia
I've talked to weird beings through my aunt
No te preocupes si tu santo llora di k es la virgen maria
Don't worry if your saint cries, say it's the Virgin Mary
Esas son cosas celesiales desia la abuela mia
Those are celestial things, my grandmother used to say
Cada quien con su creensia cada quien con su teoria
Each one with their belief, each one with their theory
Haga su diligencia que estoy haciendo la mia
Do your diligence while I'm doing mine
Con jovi y alex 600 en bacanaria
With Jovi and Alex 600 in bacchanalia
Viendo la sicopatada mente de humanos dañada
Watching the psychopathic minds of damaged humans
Y es por culpa del sistema que mi publo es arogante
And it's because of the system that my people are arrogant
Trato de tirar palante y comparto mis ideas
I try to move forward and share my ideas
Aunque tu no me lo creas
Even if you don't believe me
Voy a dar mi testimonio por toda la humanidad
I'm going to give my testimony to all of humanity
A lo mejor con mi fe alcanse la inmortalidad
Maybe with my faith I will reach immortality
Hay dios, hay dios, hay dios
Oh God, oh God, oh God
Bendise mi familia
Bless my family
Hay dios, hay dios, hay dios
Oh God, oh God, oh God
Ayudano a los pobres
Help the poor
Hay dios derrame sobre mi la ausion
Oh God, pour your blessing on me
Porque a pesar de todo se que soy pecador
Because despite everything, I know I'm a sinner
Dame mas fuerza k hool ya que tengo una mision
Give me more strength than I have, because I have a mission
Y tu sabe cual es te lo digo en mi oraciones
And you know what it is, I tell you in my prayers
Tu que me conose y desde el cielo saca conclusiones
You who know me, and from heaven you draw conclusions
Aleja el diablo de mi, mi alma pertenece a ti
Keep the devil away from me, my soul belongs to you
Bendiseme que yo admito que crito murio por mi
Bless me, for I admit that Christ died for me
Era inpio aunque hace tiempo que me arepenti
I was wicked, though I repented long ago
Lo que pasa es que yo hago re-juego pa poder vivir
What happens is that I gamble to make a living
Y no le paro a na una pregunta jehova
And I don't stop at anything, a question, Jehovah
Porke en mi corazon hay odio y en mi mente maldad
Because in my heart there is hatred and in my mind wickedness
Muy poca felisidad casi nadie le va a llegar
Very little happiness, hardly anyone will reach it
Que en aire hay demonio y si hay uno que le da pa ti
That in the air there are demons and if there is one that gives it to you
Te causa un velorio pa que caiga en el infierno
They cause a wake for you to fall into hell
Y no tenga vida eterna
And have no eternal life
Aqui la sangre cae como agua en un sisterna
Here blood falls like water in a cistern
Pero yo soy el consuelo de lo k tamo en el suelo
But I am the consolation of those who are on the ground
Que hacemos pila de baina y no es por la crisis
That we do a lot of crap and it's not because of the crisis
Lo hacemos porque eso ta escrito en la pocalisis
We do it because it's written in the Apocalypse
Hay dios, hay dios, hay dios
Oh God, oh God, oh God
Bendise mi familia
Bless my family
Hay dios, hay dios, hay dios
Oh God, oh God, oh God
Ayudano a los pobres
Help the poor
Flasion records la baina del dinero
Flasion records the money thing
Iendose mas aya nico estudio clinico
Going further, Nico clinical study
Monkey black no te haga
Monkey Black don't make you

Авторы: Leonardo Michael Ozuna

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