Motohiro Hata - Lost - перевод текста песни на английский

Lost - Motohiro Hataперевод на английский

ピタリと鳴き声が止んで 短い夏が不意に終わった
The chirping abruptly stops, and the short summer has suddenly ended.
Only an empty shell like me remained.
あの日の輝きは 二度と戻りはしないって誰かが言った
Someone said the brilliance of that day would never return.
潰れた羽では もう うまくは飛べない
My broken wings can't let me fly properly anymore.
立ち止まる勇気もなくて 暗闇の中 走ってるんだ
Lacking the courage to stop, I keep running in the darkness.
進んでいるのか 感覚もないまま
Moving forward, yet without any sense of feeling.
それでも選んだ未来が 間違いじゃないって思いたかった
Even so, I wanted to believe that the future I had chosen was not a mistake.
Convincing myself, "There is no other way."
Time never stops 雲は流れ続け 振り返る暇なんてない
Time never stops, the clouds keep flowing, no time for looking back.
Climber's high でもまだ空の裾も見えない
Climber's high, but I still can't see the edge of the sky.
今は何も感じない 今は何も映らない
I can't feel anything now, I can't see anything now.
今は何も愛せない 今の僕では
I can't love anything now, not as I am now.
濁ったプールの隅で 音もなく沈んで朽ちる落ち葉
Fallen leaves silently sink and decay in the corner of the murky pool.
Unnoticed, they are forgotten.
もしもこの絶望を越え 前より強くなれるのなら
If I can get through this despair and become stronger than before,
失くしたつもりが 得ることになるのか
Will what I lost be something I come to gain?
Heartbeat stops 夏の終わりのように
Heartbeat stops, like the end of summer.
It could come anytime now.
Climb so high でも ただ空の先を目指して
Climbing so high, yet only aiming for the sky above.
今は何も感じない 今は何も映らない
I can't feel anything now, I can't see anything now.
今は何も愛せない 今の僕では
I can't love anything now, not as I am now.
今は何も感じない 今は何も映らない
I can't feel anything now, I can't see anything now.
今は何も愛せない 今の僕では
I can't love anything now, not as I am now.

Авторы: 秦 基博

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