Motohiro Hata - 自画像 - перевод текста песни на английский

自画像 - Motohiro Hataперевод на английский

午前十時 僕は愛の意味ばかりを考えてる
At 10 a.m., all I can think about is what love means
頭の中 突き刺すよな原因不明の痛みに襲われてる
My head's throbbing with a mysterious pain
I can hear the melody of the garbage truck outside my window
体の中 調子っぱずれのリフレインがどこまでも響いてく
A discordant melody echoes through my body
以前 一度だけ会った女が着信 残してる
There's a missed call from a woman I met once
ベッドの中 淫らな姿を 思い出して少しばかりにやける
I'm lying in bed, smiling a little as I recall her lewdness
今日も 自らを慰め その日の終わりを待ってる
Today, too, I'm comforting myself, waiting for the day to end
暮らしの中 這いずり回るムカデのように苛立ちが巡ってる
Irritation crawls through my being like a centipede
この現世(うつしよ)のあらゆるいやらしさ ちぎり絵にしました
I've torn up all the vulgarity of this world into collage
そしたら自画像が描けました 僕はどうすればいいですか
And from that, I've made a self-portrait. What should I do?
愛なんてない 愛なんてない 愛なんてないのに
There's no such thing as love, there's no such thing as love, there's no such thing as love
愛なんてない 愛なんてない きっと幻想だろ
There's no such thing as love, there's no such thing as love, it must be an illusion
意味なんてない 意味なんてない 意味なんてはじめからないのに
There's no such thing as meaning, there's no such thing as meaning, there's no meaning to begin with
意味なんてない 意味なんてない これは ただの歌だよ
There's no such thing as meaning, there's no such thing as meaning, this is just a song
午前十時 僕は愛の意味ばかりを考えてる
At 10 a.m., all I can think about is what love means
画面の中 それでも鳴り止まない悲鳴の理由を訊ねてみる
On the screen, I ask why the screams won't stop
I string together hypocritical words to justify myself
I sink deeper and deeper into "whatever" peace
とどのつまり 何より愛されることを望んでいる
What it all boils down to is that I want to be loved more than anything
陽射しの中 幸せそうに笑う人々をぼんやり眺めてる
I stare blankly at people laughing happily in the sunlight
挙げ句 自らを慰める度 虚しく 萎れてく
Every time I comfort myself, I feel empty and withered
誰かの中 せめて 痕跡(しるし)を 刻めれば少しくらい報われる?
If I could just leave a mark on someone, would that make it worth something?
この現世(うつしよ)のあらゆる美しさ ちぎり絵に出来たら
If I could tear up all the beauty of this world into collage
そしたら振り向いてくれますか 滅茶苦茶にしてもいいですか
Would you turn back to me? Would it be okay if I messed you up?
愛なんてない 愛なんてない 愛なんてないのに
There's no such thing as love, there's no such thing as love, there's no such thing as love
愛なんてない 愛なんてない 悪い冗談だろ
There's no such thing as love, there's no such thing as love, it's a cruel joke
意味なんてない 意味なんてない 意味なんてはじめからないのに
There's no such thing as meaning, there's no such thing as meaning, there's no meaning to begin with
意味なんてない 意味なんてない 所詮 歌は歌だよ
There's no such thing as meaning, there's no such thing as meaning, a song is just a song
午前十時 僕は愛の意味ばかりを考えてる
At 10 a.m., all I can think about is what love means

Авторы: 秦 基博

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