Motre feat. Migo - MURDVR - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Motre feat. Migo - MURDVR

Cand am iesit din cacat i-am tras pe toti afara
When I got out of the shit, I pulled everyone else out
Si o chestie am invatat o nu sta cu vreo panarama
And one thing I learned is don't stay with a hoe
In timp ce tu esti acasa
While you're at home
Ea se rupe pe bara
She's breaking herself on the pole
Ai mei ti-o intind in pat o fut
My guys stretch her out in bed, fuck her
Si o trimit acasa
And send her home
Cand am iesit din cacat i-am tras pe toti afara
When I got out of the shit, I pulled everyone else out
Si o chestie am invatat o nu sta cu vreo panarama
And one thing I learned is don't stay with a hoe
In timp ce tu esti acasa
While you're at home
Ea se rupe pe bara
She's breaking herself on the pole
Ai mei ti-o intind in pat o fut
My guys stretch her out in bed, fuck her
Si o trimit acasa
And send her home
(Krrrr, powww)
(Krrrr, powww)
Am paranoia in cap
I have paranoia in my head
Imi aprind un blunt si trag
I light a blunt and take a drag
Inca nu stiu ce sa fac
I still don't know what to do
Disperat ma imbrac
Desperate, I get dressed
Sun un frate ies afar
I call a brother, I go out
Nu sti tu cum e aici dupa bloc e chiar murdar
You don't know how it is here, behind the block it's really dirty
Crede-ma pe cuvant cand zic
Believe me when I say
Am mai mult de un frate fara patinti
I have more than one brother without parents
Tu inca incerci sa mai minti
You're still trying to lie
Ca invarti bani si ca esti real
That you're making money and you're real
Nu mai cred de mult in minuni si atat
I haven't believed in miracles for a long time, that's all
Daca vrei sa iti faci un drum atunci te apunci
If you want to make your way, then you start
Cu mainile tale
With your own hands
Sa iti faci milioane
To make your millions
Nu pui la suflet oameni
You don't take to heart people
Ce vin si pleaca coaie
Who come and go, dude
Nu mai vreau probleme wau
I don't want any more problems, wow
Strada e o materie nu poti sa o inveti
The street is a subject you can't learn
Daca nu o traiesti
If you don't live it
De la scoala am invatat doar cum sa chiulesc
From school I only learned how to skip class
Cand am iesit din cacat i-am tras pe toti afara
When I got out of the shit, I pulled everyone else out
Si o chestie am invatat o nu sta cu vreo panarama
And one thing I learned is don't stay with a hoe
In timp ce tu esti acasa
While you're at home
Ea se rupe pe bara
She's breaking herself on the pole
Ai mei ti-o intind in pat o fut
My guys stretch her out in bed, fuck her
Si o trimit acasa
And send her home
Cand am iesit din cacat i-am tras pe toti afara
When I got out of the shit, I pulled everyone else out
Si o chestie am invatat o nu sta cu vreo panarama
And one thing I learned is don't stay with a hoe
In timp ce tu esti acasa
While you're at home
Ea se rupe pe bara
She's breaking herself on the pole
Ai mei ti-o intind in pat o fut
My guys stretch her out in bed, fuck her
Si o trimit acasa
And send her home
Brüder kommen raus
Brothers come out
Brüder kommen rein
Brothers come in
Ich hoffe Gott vergibt
I hope God forgives
Ich hab ein Herz aus Stein
I have a heart of stone
Baller die Bars
Shooting the bars
Für die Brüder hinterm Zaun
For the brothers behind the fence
Ich will schneller hier raus
I want to get out of here faster
Und meine Jungs hier auch
And my boys here too
Knacke jetzt tressis
Cracking safes now
Im Viertel sind Sirenen
Sirens in the neighborhood
Meine Jungs sind nur am beten
My boys are just praying
Und tragen nur Macheten
And only carry machetes
Dein Mädchen gibt jetzt arsch
Your girl is giving ass now
6 mische Double Cup
6 mixing Double Cup
Jäger Fanta Kopf am arsch
Jäger Fanta head fucked up
Trotzdem geht es wieder ab
Still going off
Trotzdem geht es ab
Still going off
Die Jungs sind wieder kah
The boys are broke again
Tagelang bin ich Wach
I'm awake for days
Stiga wenn ich sag
Stiga when I say
Der Bulle fuckt ab will nur mein schnapp illegale patte bei Nacht
The cop is freaking out, just wants my stuff, illegal gun at night
Lade die gun fuckst mich nur ab
Load the gun, you're just pissing me off
Geh bei Seite Migo kommt jetzt an
Step aside, Migo is coming now

Авторы: Nicolae Motreanu

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