Ms.OOJA - Miss U - перевод текста песни на английский

Miss U - Ms.OOJAперевод на английский

Miss U
Miss U
Baby I miss u...
Baby I miss u...
あれはちょうど何年前? って 突然聞かれたから焦って
that was exactly how many years ago? i was suddenly asked, so i was in a hurry.
when i look at you like that, i'll come back.
あの頃の私達ってきっと 周りからは理想の二人と
at that time, i was sure that people around me were talking about the ideal two people.
言われ 思われてた 懐かしいね...
it's nostalgic that i was told and thought...
(Baby miss u)でも今でも
(Baby miss u) But even now
(Baby miss u)変わらないでいるよ
(Baby miss u) It doesn't change
それは君が不器用でも 心地良い愛し方で
it's a way of loving you, a way of loving you, a way of loving you, a way of loving you, a way of loving you.
they make up every day...
喧嘩ばかりだって 君といた時間があって
i had a lot of time with you.
I just sayささやかな毎日が 私を変える...
I just say every small day changes me...
照れくさくて 言えない私だけど(Oh Baby Baby)
I can't say it because I'm shy (Oh Baby Baby)
今だけ素直になってみるよBaby I miss u
I'll try to be honest only now Baby I miss u
Baby I miss u...
Baby I miss u...
たまに信じる事出来なくて 嫌な事ばかり駆け巡って
sometimes i can't believe it, and i run around all the nasty things.
この人でいいかって 考えてる...
i'm thinking about this person...
だけど想う気持ちならいつも 誰にも負けてはいないずっと
but if you think about it, you're not always defeated by anyone, you've always been.
今のこの空気は 深さだよね
the air is so deep right now.
(Baby miss u)時が経てば
(Baby miss u) Time will pass
(Baby miss u)色も変わる
(Baby miss u) The color also changes
でもそれは愛情だと 最後には思えるから
but in the end, i think it's love.
it is important to be able to get along forever...
もう泣かないでいいかな? ずっと君といれるなら
can i stop crying? if i could stay with you all the time
I just say私ならいつだって 君の隣で
I just say I'll always be next to you
見守ってるよ 一歩後ろ歩いてたい(Oh Baby Baby)
I'm watching you, I want to walk one step back (Oh Baby Baby)
だから安心していて 今もBaby I miss u
So I'm relieved now Baby I miss u
喧嘩ばかりだって 君といた時間があって
i had a lot of time with you.
I just sayささやかな毎日が 私を変える...
I just sayささやかな毎日が 私を変える...
照れくさくて 言えない私だけど(Oh Baby)
照れくさくて 言えない私だけど(Oh Baby)
今だけ素直になってみるよBaby I miss u
今だけ素直になってみるよBaby I miss u
Baby I miss u...
Baby I miss u...

Авторы: TAZZ, LEN

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