Ms.OOJA - Movin' - перевод текста песни на английский

Movin' - Ms.OOJAперевод на английский

何年ぶりだろう 二人でドライブなんて
How many years has it been since we last drove together like this?
オンナ同士でも たまにはいいもんね
Even as women, sometimes it's nice to do things like this.
お互い忙しくて なかなか会えなかったから
We have both been so busy that we haven't been able to see each other much,
積もる話なら たくさんあるよね
So there is a lot to talk about,
常に仕事も恋も 全力で生きていかなきゃ
Always working hard, whether it's work or love,
でも最近 疲れ始めてたころ
But lately, I've been starting to feel tired.
懐かしい風の匂いと 焼け付くような太陽
The nostalgic smell of the wind and the scorching sun,
It doesn't matter where we end up.
くだらないことで笑って 思い切り騒ごうよ
Let's laugh about stupid things and make a lot of noise.
The summer day that never ends,
Let's keep it in our hearts forever.
トンネル抜ければ もうすぐ海が見えるよ
If we go through the tunnel, we'll soon be able to see the ocean.
昔よく行った 穴場のビーチだね
It's a secret beach we used to go to.
元彼が最近 結婚したみたいだと
She said that her ex-boyfriend got married recently,
明るく振る舞う 笑顔寂しいよ
She pretended to be cheerful, but her smile was sad.
あの頃とは違って 水着はもう着れないけど
Unlike those days, I can't wear a swimsuit anymore,
新しい 出会いが待ってるかもよ
But maybe there's a new encounter waiting for me.
繋いだ手 はしゃぎながら 砂浜を駆けてゆく
Holding hands, we run along the sandy beach.
懐かしい メロディーを 大声で歌って
Singing a nostalgic melody at the top of our lungs,
弾ける 波のリズムに 全部預けて
Entrusting our hearts to the rhythm of the crashing waves,
ねえ今日は 聞かせてよ
Hey, tell me,
会えなかった時間の 出来事も
What happened while we were apart.
What we experienced here together,
きっと 明日から頑張れる力になるよ
I'm sure it will give us strength to move forward from tomorrow.
繋いだ手 はしゃぎながら 砂浜を駆けてゆく
Holding hands, we run along the sandy beach.
懐かしい メロディーを 大声で歌って
Singing a nostalgic melody at the top of our lungs,
弾ける 波のリズムに 全部預けて
Entrusting our hearts to the rhythm of the crashing waves,
Hey, tell me,
会えなかった時間の 出来事も
What happened while we were apart.

Авторы: Ms.ooja

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