Muris feat. razor.bl8 & gapex - //TR3Z0R - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Muris feat. razor.bl8 & gapex - //TR3Z0R

3:30 ráno
3:30 AM
Som v cudzom meste
I am in a foreign city
Nechýba spánok
I don't miss sleep
Chceme žiť večne
We want to live forever
Problémy nevnímam
I don't perceive problems
Držím sa pevne
I hold on tight
Problémy nevnímam
I don't perceive problems
Drž sa ma pevne
Hold on tight to me
Svetlá glitchujú (Svetlá glitchujú)
The lights are glitching (The lights are glitching)
Zima nám nieje (Zima nám nieje)
We are not cold (We are not cold)
Chceme len hudbu (Chceme len hudbu)
We only want music (We only want music)
Ostatné si berte (Ostatné si berte)
You can take the rest (You can take the rest)
Robím to dokola (Robím to dokola)
I do it again (I do it again)
Nežijeme večne (Nežijeme večne)
We don't live forever (We don't live forever)
Robím to dokola (Robím to dokola)
I do it again (I do it again)
Budem žiť večne (Budem žiť večne)
I'm going to live forever (I'm going to live forever)
Sedíme v mekáči
We are sitting in McDonald's
Pijeme ice tea
We are drinking ice tea
Steny sa topia A
The walls are melting
Padajú tváre
And the faces are falling
Okolo ľudia
There are people around us
Nevnímam čas
I don't notice the time
Ideme preč
Let's go
Pod mostom
Under the bridge
Bežíme A
We are running
Žijeme vo filme
We are living in a movie
Zároveň žijeme pasť
At the same time, we are living in a trap
Žijeme vo filme
We are living in a movie
Zároveň žijeme pasť
At the same time, we are living in a trap
Svetlá sa zhasli
The lights have gone out
Nevieme kde sme
We don't know where we are
Náš smer je stanica
Our destination is the station
Okolo kurvy
There are whores around us
A crackheads
And crackheads
Hviezdy nám svietia
The stars are shining for us
Kúpujem pack
I'm buying a pack
Kupujem pack je
I'm buying a pack
Svetlá sa zhasli
The lights have gone out
Nevieme, kde sme
We don't know where we are
Sedíme v mekáči
We are sitting in McDonald's
Pijeme ice tea
We are drinking ice tea
Steny sa topia A
The walls are melting
Padajú tváre
And the faces are falling
Okolo ľudia
There are people around us
Nevnímam čas
I don't notice the time
Ideme preč
Let's go
Pod mostom
Under the bridge
Bežíme A
We are running
Žijeme vo filme
We are living in a movie
Zároveň žijeme pasť
At the same time, we are living in a trap
Žijeme vo filme
We are living in a movie
Zároveň žijeme pasť
At the same time, we are living in a trap
Otvorme zámky
Let's open the locks
Rozjebme všetko
Let's smash everything
Rozjebme sánky
Let's smash the jaws
Zhorí tu mesto
The city is going to burn
Všade hračky
There are toys everywhere
Mám jedno gesto
I have one gesture
Počítam na tri
I'm counting to three
Sme trochu land off
We are a bit land off
Časy za tescom na kameni
Times behind Tesco on the stone
Tam niekde to u mňa pramení
That's where it stems from for me
Kúpiť cigy, kúpiť chlast
Buy cigarettes, buy booze
Nemal starosť, lebo nebol čas
Had no worries, because there was no time
Prvá ciga, prvý bong
First cigarette, first bong
Prvý krát som bol na šrot
First time I was wasted
Ďalší problém, ďalší spot
Another problem, another spot
Sme jebnutí no a čo
We are fucked up so what
Kto si myslíš, že sme?
Who do you think we are?
Generácia Z
Generation Z
Ovládame svet
We dominate the world
Sme špinavé deti bez hanby
We are dirty children without shame
Každý deň chceli by párty
Every day we wish for parties
Zabúdať na všetky hádky
Forgetting all the quarrels
Zabúdať na všetky hádky
Forgetting all the quarrels
Vnímam to inak
I perceive it differently
Všetko je zlé
Everything is bad
Všímaj si synak
Notice, son
Neriešim hate
I don't deal with hate
Začal som fajčiť
I started smoking
Nemáme way
We have no way
Mal by si zažiť
You should experience
Čo žijeme
What we live
Ležím pod apolom
I'm lying under the Apollo
Nevidím hviezdy
I can't see the stars
Žijeme na plno
We live to the fullest
Píšeme texty
We write lyrics
Neležím pod bohom
I don't belong under God
Nadomnou vesmír
The universe is above me
Polievam sa krvou
I'm pouring blood over myself
Zmývam si hriechy
I'm washing away my sins
(Zmývam si hriechy)
(I'm washing away my sins)
(Zmývam si hriechy)
(I'm washing away my sins)
(Zmývam si hriechy)
(I'm washing away my sins)
Všetko do trezora
Everything into the safe
Prestaň byť
Stop being
Odporná kurva
A disgusting whore
som sick
I'm sick of it
K tomu sa vyjadrím
I'll express myself on this
A bude krik
And there will be screaming
Ja som neznáma
I'm the unknown
Na konci X
At the end, X
Všetko do trezora
Everything into the safe
Prestaň byť
Stop being
Odporná kurva
A disgusting whore
som sick
I'm sick of it
K tomu sa vyjadrím
I'll express myself on this
A bude krik
And there will be screaming
Ja som neznáma
I'm the unknown
Na konci X
At the end, X

Авторы: Dominik Cuninka

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