NG² - Culpables - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский NG² - Culpables

Forgive me
No se lo que paso contigo
I don't know what happened to you
Que no te veo como antes
That I don't see you like before
Tus manos ya me daban frío
Your hands were already giving me the chills
No tenia como calentarme
I had no way to warm up
Lo siento por apenas contarte
I'm sorry for barely talking with you
No quería lastimarte
I didn't want to hurt you
Confieso que, en medio de tu
I confess that, in the midst of your
Descuido he conocido mucha gente
Negligence, I've met a lot of people
Sabes que yo no soy de amigos
You know I'm not the type to have friends
Pero tu estabas tan ausente, tan distante
But you were so absent, so distant
Las cosa cambian bastante
Things change quite a bit
Has dejado de importarme
You have ceased to matter to me
Yo se como paso
I know how it happened
Esa distancia que teníamos
That distance we had
Lentamente estaba matándonos
Was slowly killing us
Si hay un culpable aquí somos
If there's a culprit here, it's
Los dos pero ella no
Both of us, but not her
Tu no tenias tiempo para nuestro encuentro
You didn't have time for our meetings
La relación iba tan lento y tu siempre tenias un cuento
The relationship was going so slow and you always had a story
Yo me perdí en el intento, de recuperar este sentimiento pero
I lost myself in the attempt to regain this feeling, but
Nunca pude, no me detuve, le pedí a mi Dios que me ayude
I never could, I didn't stop, I asked my God to help me
Tu con tus malas actitudes
You with your bad attitudes
Y otra me hace solicitudes y no
And another one makes requests to me and no
Ella hizo lo que no hiciste
She did what you didn't do
No la culpes a ella más, si por tu culpa
Don't blame her anymore, if it's because of you
Fue que me perdiste
That you lost me
Yo se como paso
I know how it happened
Esa distancia que teníamos
That distance we had
Lentamente estaba matándonos
Was slowly killing us
Si hay un culpable aquí somos
If there's a culprit here, it's
Los dos pero ella no
Both of us, but not her
A nadie quiero culpar
I don't want to blame anyone
No estoy en condición de reclamar
I'm not in a position to complain
Acepto que también he sido cómplice
I accept that I have also been complicit
No soy el mismo cuando te conquiste
I'm not the same as when I conquered you
Lo que te voy a contar
What I'm going to tell you
Seguramente te va a ser llorar
Will surely make you cry
Alguien se dio cuenta de lo que pasaba
Someone else realized what was going on
Se aprovecho cuando no estabas
He took advantage when you weren't around
Forgive me
No se lo que paso contigo
I don't know what happened to you
Que no te veo como antes
That I don't see you like before
Tus manos ya me daban frío
Your hands were already giving me the chills
No tenia como calentarme
I had no way to warm up
Lo siento por apenas contarte
I'm sorry for barely talking with you
No quería lastimarte
I didn't want to hurt you
Yo se como paso (yo se), esa distancia
I know how it happened (I know), that distance
Que teníamos (que teníamos)
That we had (that we had)
Lentamente estaba matándonos
Was slowly killing us
Si hay un culpable aquí somos
If there's a culprit here, it's
Los dos pero ella no
Both of us, but not her
Yo se como paso
I know how it happened
Esa distancia que teníamos
That distance we had
Lentamente estaba matándonos
Was slowly killing us
Si hay un culpable aquí somos
If there's a culprit here, it's
Los dos pero ella no
Both of us, but not her

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