NOXX - Maskapflicht - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский NOXX - Maskapflicht

Mask Mandate
Sit gester findet z Basel-Stadt
As of yesterday, in Basel-Stadt,
A Maskapflicht im Lada statt, (what?!)
Face masks are now mandatory in stores (what?!)
Go ikaufa dörfsch nüma ohni,
Now you can't go shopping without one,
I wünscht i hett no es paar vorig,
I wish I still had a few left,
Hani aber nid
But sadly I don't
Well dummerwiis isch mini letscht
Because foolishly, my last one
Im Kübel glandet vorvorgester,
Ended up in the bin the day before yesterday,
Und das isch en Scheiss
And that's a bummer
Well, i wür jo sofort neui kaufa,
Because, I would buy new ones immediately,
Dörf ohni aber nid in Lada laufa,
But I can't go into the store without one,
Und etz stohni vor dr Ladatüra,
And now I'm standing in front of the store door,
Öbs an Usnahm macha würen?
Wondering if they'll make an exception?
I seg au ganz liab bitte
I'm even asking really nicely please
Aber leider isch das nid aso,
But unfortunately, it's not allowed,
Sie lönd mi dussa wiiterstoh,
They make me stand outside,
Ohohoo, damn
Ohohoo, damn
Drum Kratzi dia graua Zella zemma,
So get your gray matter working,
Lösa z Maskapflichtsdilemma,
To solve the face mask dilemma,
S isch eigentli ganz eifach
It's actually really simple
Well d Lösig ligt jo uf dr Hand,
Because the solution is obvious,
I lauf schnell über auf Basel-Land,
I'll quickly run over to Basel-Land,
Well döt gilt d Maskapflicht nonid
Because there the mask mandate doesn't apply yet
I bin en Maskapflichtstourist.
I'm a mask mandate tourist.
Tja, wer's nid im Kopf het
Well, if you don't have it in your head
De hets in da Bei
Then you have it in your legs
Wiama so schön seit
As they say so nicely
Wer d Maska nid am Kopf het
If you don't have a mask on your head
Und trotzdem gern in Coop wett,
And still want to go to Coop,
De bliibt dahai
Then stay home
Oder goht in Migros uf Binninga.
Or go to Migros in Binningen.

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