Natacha - Villich - перевод текста песни на английский

Villich - Natachaперевод на английский

I hocke hie di haubi Nacht
I sit here in the dark night
Studiere wies isch gsy
Studying how it used to be
Im Spiugu gseh n'i au di Jahr
In the mirror I also see the years
Wo si si hi
Where they are now
Für'ds beröie isches z'pät
It's too late to regret
U z'rügg chasch einewäg
And you can't go back
Nid ei Schritt
Not even one step
Drum - wohi füerts mi de hi
So - where is it taking me?
Würum läbt me so churz u wie
Why do we live so short and how
Geit me - de vo hie
Do I leave - from here
Villich git es irgendwie de doch äs Paradies
Maybe there is somehow a paradise
Villich zausch de mau für aues gliich ä grächte Priis
Maybe you'll pay a fair price for it all
Villich triffsch de aui wot emau bisch zäme gsy
Maybe you'll meet everyone you were with again
U villich - isch's gsy - für immer
And maybe - it was - forever
Wo ni no chly bi gsy
When I was little
I weis wis geschter wär
I know as if it was yesterday
Mi Hang i Vaters gleit
My love gripped my father's hand
So unbeschwärt
So carefree
I ha dra gloubt das ds g'uete zeut
I believed that the good time
äs Verspräche öppis giut
Was the promise of something good
Itz weis igs (nüt isch gsy)
Now I know (that nothing came of it)
Doch würum mues das so si
But why does it have to be like this
Würum het me kei Wahl drby
Why do I have no choice
U wenn - ischs verby
And when - is it over
I täiche mängisch dra
I often think about it
Wo me de hi chunnt
Where do we go
Ischs verby - u bisch Du de ou da
Is it over - and will you be there too
U wo si de au die Type
And where are those folks
Wo keis Gwüsse hei - u no lache drby
Who have no conscience - and still laugh about it

Авторы: Natacha

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