Nerieš - Miesta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Nerieš - Miesta

to tie miesta kde sme všetci spolu chodievali,
These are the places where we all used to loiter,
to tie veci ktoré navždy v hlave mám,
These are the things that I'll forever hold dear,
to tie míle čo sme na tom mieste nabehali,
These are the miles that we covered on that ground,
A nepamätám, že niekedy by som ostal sám.
And I can't remember a time when I was alone.
to tie miesta kde sme spolu chodievali,
These are the places where we used to wander,
to tie míle čo sme na tom mieste nabehali,
These are the miles that we covered on that ground,
Dávam ruky hore za ten život,
I raise my hands in gratitude for that life,
Na tom mieste kde som celý ten čas vyrastal.
On that place where I spent all that time growing up.
Vchod 48, predtým 9,
Entrance 48, before it was 9,
To bolo moje miesto, moje detstvo, sídlisko Sever,
That was my place, my childhood, the Sever estate,
Tak kde som kedysi kráčal dneska jazdím,
So where I once walked, today I drive,
Aj keď pomaly asi nebude za chvíľu za kým,
Even though soon there will probably be nobody left to see,
Všetci preč, ostali prázdne byty prázdne okná,
Everyone's gone, there are empty apartments, empty windows,
Vietor ich odvial, ja to chápem tiež som odišiel odtiaľ,
The wind carried them away, I understand that I also left there,
A len sa tak vozím, pozerám dookola, premietam si sa naspäť,
And so I just cruise, looking around, projecting myself back in time,
Tie myšlienky, tie spomienky čo mi ostali jasné,
Those thoughts, those memories that remain clear to me,
Boli to ihriská kde sme trávili čas a tam robili body,
They were the playgrounds where we spent our time and scored,
Boli to špinavé lavičky a časom rozbité schody,
They were the dirty benches and the broken steps,
Boli to nefunkčné zvončeky a pekne zasrané vchody,
They were the non-functional doorbells and the really disgusting entrances,
Boli to časy a partie za ktoré by som sa dokázal pobiť.
They were the times and the friendships that I would have fought for.
to tie miesta kde sme všetci spolu chodievali,
These are the places where we all used to loiter,
to tie veci ktoré navždy v hlave mám,
These are the things that I'll forever hold dear,
to tie míle čo sme na tom mieste nabehali,
These are the miles that we covered on that ground,
A nepamätám, že niekedy by som ostal sám.
And I can't remember a time when I was alone.
to tie miesta kde sme spolu chodievali,
These are the places where we used to wander,
to tie míle čo sme na tom mieste nabehali,
These are the miles that we covered on that ground,
Dávam ruky hore za ten život,
I raise my hands in gratitude for that life,
Na tom mieste kde som celý ten čas vyrastal.
On that place where I spent all that time growing up.
Prechádzam tým istým miestom, monument stojí tam kde stál,
I'm walking through the same place, the monument stands where it stood,
Prechádzam tým istým mestom, to len postavy menia svoju tvár,
I'm walking through the same city, it's just the characters that change their face,
Pamätám akoby to bolo dnes, keď tadiaľ prejdem tisíc krát,
I remember it as if it were yesterday, when I crossed this path a thousand times,
Po každé zobrazí sa mi ten deň, keď som tam ako soplák stál,
Every time I see that day again, when I was there as a snotty kid,
Ihrisko, lavice, park, pamätám ako sme drtili basket,
The playground, the benches, the park, I remember how we played basketball,
Dnes tam nevidím nikoho stáť, šport na háku dnešná mládež,
Today I don't see anybody standing there, today's youth doesn't give a damn about sports,
Pamätám bike, pamätám ako som hodil papuľu milión krát,
I remember the bike, I remember how I talked trash a million times,
Pamätám majk, prvá skladba, prvá hudba, bolo to fajn,
I remember the microphone, the first song, the first music, it was good,
Pamätám tanec, najviac cením tých ktorý makajú na sebe do dnes,
I remember the dance, I appreciate the most those who work on themselves to this day,
čo boli najslabší dnes udávajú tempo, dokonalý progres,
Those who were the weakest set the pace today, perfect progress,
Som rád, že som prežil, to čo som prežil,
I'm glad I made it through what I made it through,
A to čo ma neminie čaká, vždy keď vstávam sa na to teším.
And what's ahead I'll wait, I look forward to it every time I wake up.
to tie miesta kde sme všetci spolu chodievali,
These are the places where we all used to loiter,
to tie veci ktoré navždy v hlave mám,
These are the things that I'll forever hold dear,
to tie míle čo sme na tom mieste nabehali,
These are the miles that we covered on that ground,
A nepamätám, že niekedy by som ostal sám.
And I can't remember a time when I was alone.
to tie miesta kde sme spolu chodievali,
These are the places where we used to wander,
to tie míle čo sme na tom mieste nabehali,
These are the miles that we covered on that ground,
Dávam ruky hore za ten život,
I raise my hands in gratitude for that life,
Na tom mieste kde som celý ten čas vyrastal.
On that place where I spent all that time growing up.

Авторы: Peter Macko, Matej Straka, Matej Gabris

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