Stádo podstatné že sme si za to hneď kúpili veci do štúdia brácho
A herd, it's essential that we bought stuff for the studio right away, brother
Hodiny tikajú, stále ich počujem aspoň viem že žijem ešte jediný cez víkend strčený v štúdiu frajca kámoši v meste nechápu, že s nimi nejdem dnes, že s nimi nejdem jesť mrzí ma to, ale kedykoľvek môžete prísť sem za mnou takže žiaden stres
The hours are ticking away, I can still hear them at least I know I'm still alive, the only one stuck in the studio on the weekend my friends in the city don't understand why I'm not going out with them today why I'm not going out to eat with them I'm sorry but you can come see me here anytime so no stress
Stále len tlačíme do toho love z hudby nezarábame žiadne lóve aj tak sme verný muzike ver mi už od základnej je to Nerieš bejby jou
We're still pushing for that love, we're not making any money from music, so we're still true to the music, trust me, ever since primary school, it's been Nerieš, baby, yay
Aj cez všetky hádky s mojim bratom, stále som presvedčený, že to stojí za to jeeje
Even through all the arguments with my brother, I'm still convinced that it's worth it, yeah
Aj cez všetky hovná
Even through all the shit
Stále sme tu (stále sme tu)
We're still here (we're still here)
Nezmenený (nezmenený)
Unchanged (unchanged)
Taký istý (taký istý)
The same (the same)
Aký sme boli, keď sme začínali
As we were when we started
Aj cez všetky hovná
Even through all the shit
Stále sme tu (stále sme tu)
We're still here (we're still here)
Nezmenený (nezmenený)
Unchanged (unchanged)
Taký istý (taký istý)
The same (the same)
Aký sme boli, keď sme začínali
As we were when we started
Ani nechci vedieť koľkokrát
I don't even want to know how many times
Som sa chcel na to všetko fakt vyjebať
I wanted to just fuck it all up
Pustiť pero skrčiť papier
Drop the pen, crumple the paper
Nejebnuť do toho už ani halier a povedať si
Not put another dime into it and tell myself
Teraz už naozaj vážne
Now, really seriously
Je to v píči toľké love
It's all gone to shit, so much money
Vyjebané za nepoužité beaty
Fucked away on unused beats
Nemusíš mi hovoriť
You don't have to tell me
čo mám robiť ja to cítim a viem
what to do, I feel it and I know
že s tým skončiť nechcem
that I don't want to quit
Keď som došiel až sem
When I've come this far
že to nebude len, tak tuším jak že sme chytili vlak
that it won't just be like that, I guess that we caught the train
Ja len dúfam, povedz sám ja to neviem, ja sa zatiaľ iba hrám
I just hope, tell me yourself, I don't know, I'm just playing around for now
A reči o tom že Mates to brzdy sú pre mňa pasé
And the talk about Mates being the brakes is passé for me
Mám v píči ideme ďalej ty netušíš čo jak je
I don't give a fuck, let's keep going, you have no idea what it's like
Veríme si tomu stále
We still believe in it
Veľakrát boli sme na dne
Many times we were at rock bottom
Snáď dobre to dopadne
I hope it turns out well
Keď dojebali sme zas zem...
When we fucked up the earth again...
Aj cez všetky hovná
Even through all the shit
Stále sme tu (stále sme tu)
We're still here (we're still here)
Nezmenený (nezmenený)
Unchanged (unchanged)
Taký istý (taký istý)
The same (the same)
Aký sme boli, keď sme začínali
As we were when we started
Aj cez všetky hovná
Even through all the shit
Stále sme tu (stále sme tu)
We're still here (we're still here)
Nezmenený (nezmenený)
Unchanged (unchanged)
Taký istý (taký istý)
The same (the same)
Aký sme boli, keď sme začínali
As we were when we started
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