Neru - なんて物騒な時代だ - перевод текста песни на английский

なんて物騒な時代だ - Neruперевод на английский

What a Noisy Time It Is
報道は偏狭 サイバーテロ 仮想現実 スラックティビズム
The news is biased, we've got cyber terrorism, virtual reality, and slacktivism
Just a few bytes of text is enough to attract a lot of hate and BBS
The AI's auto-driving car just had a contact accident with our rationality
What a noisy time it is
タイムマシンの密造 バイオスフィアと移住計画
Time machine smuggling, biosphere construction, and immigration plans
そんなんじゃない 僕が望むモノは
That's not what I want, I'll tell you what
If I had to say something, I'd say
この千切れた未来をせめてくっ付ける接着剤の方が 僕は嬉しいんだ
I'd be happier with glue to fix this fractured future
心臓はどうやらフェイクだった 愛を歌う資格ももう無いや
Apparently my heart was fake, so I no longer qualify to sing about love
ホントは命とやらは無かった 単なる信号源だった
Actually, there was no such thing as "life", it was just a signal
虚しさや辟易はそいつの 欠損のようだ
Emptiness and weariness are apparently symptoms of it's defect
強いて言うとするなら人類は 失敗作だった
If I had to say something, I'd say that humanity was
最近学者がそう言っていたんだ なんて物騒な時代だ
A failure, or so a scholar said recently, what a noisy time it is
ねえ神様、僕等には この身体は十分過ぎたんだ
Oh God, this body was more than enough for us
どうしようもない ブレーキが利かない
I can't control it, the brakes don't work
高スペックなCPUは 都市部の掃き溜めみたいに丸焦げで
The high-spec CPU is as burnt as a city garbage dump
ポンコツ同然なんだ 同情は不要さ
It's almost useless, I don't need your pity
暗礁に乗り上げた地球号に 愛着も美徳ももう無いや
I no longer feel affection or virtue for the Earth, which has run aground
生憎、天国などは無かった 歴史は二次創作ばっか
Unfortunately, there is no heaven, history is just a bunch of creative writing
かの英雄だとかはどうも 偶像のようだ
The heroes of old seem to have been just idols
強いて言うとするなら人類は 失敗作だった
If I had to say something, I'd say that humanity was
音楽ですらもそう歌っているんだ なんて物騒な時代だ
A failure, or so even music sings, what a noisy time it is
I can only remember the most useless things
For some reason, I can't remember what was truly important
生涯、あれこれ問わず壊して ただ誰それ構わず撃って
My whole life, I've been destroying everything without asking questions, just shooting whoever I could find
Is spending my life in an endless night all there is to it?
いつかは優しくなれると言って 実際はどうだ
You said you'd become gentler one day, but how did that turn out?
閉塞感さえ 愛くるしくなった
Even my feelings of claustrophobia feel lovely now
いっそお前など 消えてしまえなんて祈った
I prayed you would just disappear instead
こんな時代など もう大満足なんだ 続きはいらない
I'm more than satisfied with this era, no need to continue

Авторы: NERU, NERU

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