Neztor mvl feat. Alexis Chaires - Volveras - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Neztor mvl feat. Alexis Chaires - Volveras

You Will Return
Ahora te vas, y veras que volveras,
Now you leave, and you'll see you'll come back,
vas a querer estar conmigo pero ya no se podra (no se podra)
you'll want to be with me but it won't be possible anymore (it won't be possible)
Te arrepentiras, y veras que lloraras,
You'll regret it, and you'll see you'll cry,
voy a disfrutar ser testigo, de que sufras como yo, incluso aun mas.
I'll enjoy being a witness, to your suffering like I did, even more.
(Neztor MVL)
(Neztor MVL)
Quisiera, que algun dia el karma te visite,
I wish, that one day karma will visit you,
y sientas lo que es sufrir cuando me necesites
and you feel what it's like to suffer when you need me
por que hoy, se que andas muy campante,
because today, I know you're walking around carefree,
riendote de mi a carcajadas con tu amante.
laughing at me with your lover.
Pero esas carcajadas las tendre yo un dia,
But those laughs will be mine one day,
cuando veas que eras su juguete de fantasia
when you see that you were just his fantasy toy
y ahi ni vuelvas para, el que rie al ultimo rie mejor,
and then don't even bother coming back, the one who laughs last laughs best,
y lo pienso hacer en tu cara.
and I plan to do it in your face.
Nena, no digas que sera venganza,
Baby, don't say it will be revenge,
el mismo destino va a emparejar la balanza,
destiny itself will balance the scales,
voy a ser tu karma, y tu pesadilla cuando duermas
I'll be your karma, and your nightmare when you sleep
incluso despues de sonar la alarma.
even after the alarm goes off.
En tus sueños y cuando estes despierta,
In your dreams and when you're awake,
recuerda que la vida da mil vueltas,
remember that life takes a thousand turns,
yo te amaba pero tu misma lo volviste en desprecio
I loved you but you turned it into contempt
ni con todo el dinero del mundo pagaras el precio.
not even with all the money in the world will you pay the price.
Lo que hiciste creo que no fue justo,
What you did I don't think was fair,
quisiera que todo fuera una broma de mal gusto,
I wish it was all a bad joke,
has perdido lo mas valioso que tenias
you have lost the most valuable thing you had
ya cambiaron los papeles, ahora va la mia.
the roles have changed, now it's my turn.
Ahora te vas, y veras que volveras,
Now you leave, and you'll see you'll come back,
vas a querer estar conmigo pero ya no se podra (no se podra)
you'll want to be with me but it won't be possible anymore (it won't be possible)
Te arrepentiras, y veras que lloraras,
You'll regret it, and you'll see you'll cry,
voy a disfrutar ser testigo, de que sufras como yo, incluso aun mas.
I'll enjoy being a witness, to your suffering like I did, even more.
(Alexis Chaires)
(Alexis Chaires)
Ya paso tu tiempo, ya pase de ser ese inmaduro,
Your time has passed, I'm no longer that immature boy,
el mismo que procuro permanecer en tu futuro
the same one who tried to stay in your future
el que duro aferrado a ti y enfreto momentos duros
the one who held onto you tightly and faced tough times
con tal de pintar tu mundo el cual tenia un pasado oscuro.
just to paint your world which had a dark past.
Hace tiempo eres muy rara, (asi esperabas que te amara)
You've been acting strange for a while now, (that's how you expected me to love you)
siendo mujer liberal y burlandote en mi cara,
being a liberal woman and mocking me to my face,
perdone una, dos y tres (cuantas querias que perdonara),
I forgave you once, twice, and thrice (how many times did you want me to forgive?),
fui un estupido confiando y esperando a que cambiaras.
I was stupid to trust and hope that you would change.
Pero no, ya no es asi tome un papel diferente
But no, it's not like that anymore, I took a different role
decidi calmar mis nervios y el amor ponerlo ausente
I decided to calm my nerves and make love absent
disfrute saber verdades mientra veo como mientes
I enjoyed learning the truths while I see how you lie
hoy tu tienes mi lugar, sufre y ve como se siente.
today you have my place, suffer and see how it feels.
No me estorbes, marchate alguien tiene que irse,
Don't bother me, leave, someone has to go,
aqui ya no me sirve ya te dije lo que quise,
you're no longer useful here, I already told you what I wanted,
no soportare estar conrigo y que me pises
I won't stand being with you and you stepping on me
ya segui yo mi camino has lo mismo que yo hize
I already followed my path, do the same as I did
Ahora te vas, y veras que volveras,
Now you leave, and you'll see you'll come back,
vas a querer estar conmigo pero ya no se podra (no se podra)
you'll want to be with me but it won't be possible anymore (it won't be possible)
Te arrepentiras, y veras que lloraras,
You'll regret it, and you'll see you'll cry,
voy a disfrutar ser testigo, de que sufras como yo, incluso aun mas.
I'll enjoy being a witness, to your suffering like I did, even more.

Авторы: neztor mvl

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