NoFuture - Tüfi Schluchta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский NoFuture - Tüfi Schluchta

Tüfi Schluchta
Deep Gorge
I laufa dur a kalti schlucht
I'm running through a cold gorge
As isch mer kalt und d'füass tüand weh
It's cold and my feet are hurting
Nur hochi felsa links und rechts
Only high cliffs left and right
Um mi uma häts nur iis und schnee
All around me there's only ice and snow
Wia bini nur do inagrota
How did I get lost here?
Mit was echt hani das verdiant
What have I really done to deserve this?
Hätti sölla dr liacht weg neh
I should have taken the light way
I machs halt wider kompliziart
I'm always making things complicated
I bin gloffa über stufa
I ran over steps
Immer witer ufa und vergessa wia fescht i schnufa
Always up and forgetting how hard I'm breathing
Im nochhinain hani jo immer gsait
In retrospect, I always said
Wieso döt ufa wenns aso fescht schnait
Why go up there when it's so hard to breathe
I rita uf mina fehler und i
I fall into my mistakes, and I
Machs immer wider und as
Always do it again, and it's
As sind immer dia glicha
Always the same mistakes
Als ob i das brücht
As if I need this
Als ob mi immer öpis döt dura zücht
As if something is always pulling me through there
Jetzt bini do
Now I'm here
Und kann nur fürschi luaga
And can only look ahead
Bin jo nit dr erscht und dr letscht
I'm not the first and not the last
Wo sich uf dem weg hät verirrt
Who got lost on this path
Aber d'hoffnig stirbt
But hope dies
Am schluss und dr übermuat als erschts
In the end, and arrogance is the first to die
I kriaga as wenn schu wider
I'll get it again, if I'm already
An klara kopf as isch nur
With a clear head, it's just
A frog vor zit
A matter of time
Tüfi schluchta und
Deep gorges and
Kalti gassa
Cold streets
Lönd aim wider gspüra
Make you feel again
Dass ma so viel het z'verlüra
That you have so much to lose
Und langi weg über so viel täg
And long roads over so many days
Dur da tüfi dreck
Through this deep dirt
Lönd aim wider erinnera
Make you remember again
Dass au dia witischt schlucht as wenn as endi nimmt
That even the deepest gorge seems to end
Ob dr früahlig wider wärmi bringt
Will spring bring warmth again
Und ob au dia schlucht as endi nimmt
And will this gorge also end?
Sind froga woni miar no gstellt han
Are questions I asked myself
Kurz bevor's passiart isch
Right before it happened
I han a neui landschaft gseh
I saw a new landscape
Noch dära schlucht as wunderschöns bluamabeet
After this gorge, a beautiful flower bed
Wägwiser wia sand am meer
Signposts like sand on the sea
Jetzt muassi nur no da richtig neh
Now I just have to take the right one
Jo will d'hoffnig stirbt
Yes, hope dies
Am schluss und dr übermuat als erschts
In the end, and arrogance is the first to die
I kriaga as wenn schu wider
I'll get it again, if I'm already
An klara kopf as isch nur
With a clear head, it's just
A frog vor zit
A matter of time
Tüfi schluchta und
Deep gorges and
Kalti gassa
Cold streets
Lönd aim wider gspüra
Make you feel again
Dass ma so viel het z'verlüra
That you have so much to lose
Und langi weg über so viel täg
And long roads over so many days
Dur da tüfi dreck
Through this deep dirt
Lönd aim wider erinnera
Make you remember again
Dass au dia witischt schlucht as wenn as endi nimmt
That even the deepest gorge seems to end
Dass au dia witischt schlucht as wenn as endi nimmt
That even the deepest gorge seems to end
Oh ho oh ho
Oh ho oh ho
Oh ho ou yeah
Oh ho ou yeah
Oh ho oh ho
Oh ho oh ho
Oh ho ou yeah
Oh ho ou yeah
I laufa über a schöni wiesa
I'm running across a beautiful meadow
I froi mi uf noi weg
I'm looking forward to this new path
Vorbi ischs jetzt mir kalta biesa
Past the cold misery, it is now
Wiaviel mol dasi echt das no säg
How many times have I really said this?

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