Ñengo Flow - El Cacerio Esta Caliente - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ñengo Flow - El Cacerio Esta Caliente

El Cacerio Esta Caliente
The Hunt Is On
El caserio esta caliente la cosa no es como antes
The neighborhood's hot, things ain't like before,
Los chamaquitos estan graduao de maliantes
Youngsters are graduating as thugs,
Quieren ponerse alante pa tener su propio plante
They wanna get ahead, have their own plantation,
Esto es puertorro la tierra de los gangster
This is Puerto Rico, land of gangsters.
El caserio esta caliente la cosa no es como antes
The neighborhood's hot, things ain't like before,
Los chamaquitos estan graduao de maliantes
Youngsters are graduating as thugs,
Quieren ponerse alante pa tener su propio plante
They wanna get ahead, have their own plantation,
Esto es puertorro la tierra de los gangster
This is Puerto Rico, land of gangsters.
Un chamaquito esta flaco
One kid is skinny,
Pero no es un pela gato
But he ain't no weakling,
Y anda con un pitbull
And he walks with a pitbull,
Que parece hasta sato
That even looks like a mutt,
En la joderera es medio novato
He's kinda new to the game,
Pero los gangster lo ayudan y el 8 sale barato
But the gangsters help him out and the 8 comes cheap.
Le encanta con cojones estar jugando a los atracos
He loves to play the robbery game,
Y dejar lechones brincando como sapos
And leave suckers jumping like frogs,
Si te envuelve papo te paso el mapo
If he wraps you up, baby, I'll give you the map,
Y se va caminando disfrutando el arrebato
And he walks away enjoying the loot.
El viejo de el era tonio espinel
His old man was Tonio Espinel,
Y en el barrio se decia que era pana e′ lucifer
And in the hood, they said he was tight with Lucifer,
Tu sabes pana mio no se dejaba joder
You know, my friend, he wouldn't let himself be messed with,
Pero se durmio en la paja y le dieron lo de el
But he fell asleep on the job and they took him out.
El hijo siguio pa' delante y esta luciendo elegante
The son kept going and is looking sharp,
Con aros twenty four y blinblines con diamantes
With 24-inch rims and diamond-studded bling,
El beist tiene encendido y ñengo es el cantante
The beast is on fire and Ñengo is the singer,
Pa inyestarse mas cabron mientras mueve los kilates
To inject himself harder while he moves the kilos.
Tiene alante a los usuarios y atodos los alicates
He has the users and all the pliers ahead,
Que te pasa cabron aqui el cobre se bate
What's up, dude? Here the copper is beaten,
Tirate de jodedor vala bien que no te maten
Play around, but make sure they don't kill you,
Acuerdate que esta es la tierra de los gangster
Remember this is the land of gangsters.
El caserio esta caliente la cosa no es como antes
The neighborhood's hot, things ain't like before,
Los chamaquitos estan graduao de maliantes
Youngsters are graduating as thugs,
Quieren ponerse alante pa tener su propio plante
They wanna get ahead, have their own plantation,
Esto es puertorro la tierra de los gangster
This is Puerto Rico, land of gangsters.
El caserio esta caliente la cosa no es como antes
The neighborhood's hot, things ain't like before,
Los chamaquitos estan graduao de maliantes
Youngsters are graduating as thugs,
Quieren ponerse alante pa tener su propio plante
They wanna get ahead, have their own plantation,
Esto es puertorro la tierra de los gangster
This is Puerto Rico, land of gangsters.
En su mano tiene el valor y hasta supera vapor
In his hand he has the courage and even surpasses vapor,
Tiene tres ayabusa y un bachi bien cabron
He has three Hayabusas and a badass buggy,
Produciendo dinero, dinero de crack se enmanda
Making money, crack money is sent,
Pero lo tiene setioa un chamaquito de su banda
But a kid from his gang has it secured.
Loko por enterrarlo con zapato y bufanda
Crazy to bury him with shoes and a scarf,
Meterle a los hermanos ganar y malanda
To get the brothers to win and Malanda,
Pero el menor tiene un satelite que le pagan y habla
But the youngest has a satellite they pay him and he talks,
¿Sabe que le dijeron? que le van hacer una cama
You know what they told him? They're gonna set him up.
Escuchaste hermano mio aqui no existen pana
Listen, my brother, there are no friends here,
Aqui no existen hombre mas fina son las dama
There are no men, the ladies are finer,
Pero la supuesta cama que le iva hacer el pana
But the supposed setup his friend was gonna do to him,
El chamaquito se entero y le borro la cara
The kid found out and erased his face.
Ya estas medio viejo y hasta tienes canas
You're already kinda old and even have gray hair,
Los bebos crecieron y ya te tiene ganas
The young ones grew up and they're after you,
De esta no se va a salvar ni tu hermana
Not even your sister will be saved from this one,
Ya paso tu tiempo te toca la gabana
Your time has passed, it's your turn for the sheet.

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