O Zulu - 'A Livella - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский O Zulu - 'A Livella

'A Livella
'A Livella
Ogn'anno, il due novembre, c'è l'usanza
Every year, on November 2nd, it's customary
Per i defunti andare al Cimitero
For the deceased to go to the Cemetery
Ognuno ll'adda chesta crianza;
Everyone must follow this tradition;
Ognuno adda tené chistu penziero
Everyone must hold this thought
Ogn'anno, puntualmente, in questo giorno,
Every year, punctually, on this day,
Di questa triste e mesta ricorrenza,
Of this sad and mournful remembrance,
Anch'io ci vado, e con dei fiori adorno
I also go there, and with flowers adorn
Il loculo marmoreo 'e zi' Vicenza
The marble abode of Aunt Vicenza
E dopo aver compiuto il triste omaggio,
And after having paid the sad homage,
St'anno m'è capitato 'navventura
This year it happened to me, by chance
Dovetti farmi anema e curaggio
I had to muster soul and courage
Al solo raccontarlo fa paura
Just telling it is frightening
Il fatto è questo, statemi a sentire:
The fact is this, listen to me:
S'avvicinava ll'ora d'à chiusura:
The hour of closing was approaching:
Io, tomo tomo, stavo per uscire
I, slowly, was about to leave
Buttando un occhio a qualche sepoltura
Throwing an eye at some tombs
"Qui dorme in pace il nobile marchese
"Here sleeps in peace the noble Marquis
Signore di Rovigo e di Belluno
Lord of Rovigo and Belluno
Ardimentoso eroe di mille imprese
Daring hero of a thousand endeavors
Morto l'11 maggio del'31"
Died on May 11th, 1831"
'O stemma cu 'a curona 'ncoppa a tutto...
The emblem with the crown on top of everything...
Sotto 'na croce fatta 'e lampadine;
Under a cross made of light bulbs;
Tre mazze 'e rose cu 'na lista 'e lutto:
Three bunches of roses with a mourning ribbon:
Cannele, cannelotte e sei lumine
Candles, large candles, and six lights
Proprio azzeccata 'a tomba 'e stu signore
Right next to the tomb of this gentleman
Nce stava 'n 'ata tomba piccerella,
There was another small tomb,
Abbandunata, senza cchiu nu ciore;
Abandoned, without a flower anymore;
Pe' segno, sulamente 'na crucella
As a sign, only a small cross
E ncoppa 'a croce appena se liggeva:
And on the cross you could barely read:
"Esposito Gennaro - netturbino":
"Esposito Gennaro - garbage man":
Guardannola, che ppena me faceva
Looking at it, how sorry I felt
Stu muorto senza manco nu lumino!
For this dead man without even a candle!
Chesta è 'a vita! 'ncapo a me penzavo
This is life! I was thinking to myself
Chi ha avuto tanto e chi nun ave niente!
Who had so much and who had nothing!
Stu povero maronna s'aspettava
This poor soul was expecting
Ca pur all'atu munno era pezzente?
That even in the other world he was destitute?
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
Mentre fantasticavo stu penziero,
While I was fantasizing about this thought,
S'era ggià fatta quase mezanotte,
It was almost midnight,
E i'rimanette 'nchiuso priggiuniero,
And I remained locked up as a prisoner,
Muorto 'e paura... nnanze 'e cannelotte
Scared to death... in front of the candles
Tutto a 'nu tratto, che veco 'a luntano?
All of a sudden, what do I see in the distance?
Ddoje ombre avvicenarse 'a parte mia
Two shadows approaching my way
Penzaje: che fatto strano
I thought: what a strange event
Stongo scetato, rummenne, o è 'na fantasia?
Am I awake, dreaming, or is it a fantasy?
Ma erano 'o Marchese e 'o scopatore
But they were the Marquis and the street sweeper
So' muorte e se ritirano a chest'ora?
Are they dead and coming back at this hour?
E poi 'o Marchese se fermaje 'e botto
And then the Marquis stopped abruptly
E dicette a don Gennar: "Giovanotto!"
And said to Don Gennaro: "Young man!"
Vorrei saper, vile carogna,
I would like to know, vile carrion,
Con quale ardire e come avete osato
With what audacity and how you dared
Di farvi seppellir, per mia vergogna,
To be buried, to my shame,
Accanto a me che sono blasonato!
Next to me who is noble!
Ancora oltre sopportar non posso
I can no longer bear
La Vostra vicinanza puzzolente,
Your smelly presence,
Fa d'uopo, quindi, che cerchiate un fosso
It is necessary, therefore, that you seek a ditch
Tra i vostri pari, tra la vostra gente" (la vostra gente)
Among your peers, among your people" (your people)
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
"Signor Marchese, nun è colpa mia,
"Mister Marquis, it's not my fault,
I'nun v'avesse fatto chistu tuorto;
I wouldn't have done you this wrong;
Mia moglie è stata a ffa' sta fesseria,
My wife made this foolish move,
I' che putevo fa' si ero muorto?
What could I do, I was dead?"
Si fosse vivo ve farrei cuntento,
If I were alive I would satisfy you,
E proprio mo, 'nd'a stu mumento
And right now, at this moment
Pigliasse 'a casciulella cu 'e qquatt'osse
I would take the small box with my four bones
Mme ne trasesse dinto a n'ata fossa"
And move myself into another grave"
'Nu rre,'nu maggistrato, 'nu grand'ommo,
A king, a magistrate, a great man,
Trasenno stu canciello ha fatt'o punto
Crossing this threshold has made the point
C'ha perzo tutto,'a vita e pure 'o nomme:
That he has lost everything, life and even his name:
Tu nu t'hè fatto ancora chistu cunto?
Haven't you realized this yet?
Perciò, stamme a ssenti nun fa 'o restivo,
Therefore, listen to me, don't be fussy,
Suppuorteme vicino-che te 'mporta?
Bear with me nearby - what does it matter to you?
Sti ppagliacciate 'e ffanno sulo 'e vive:
These farces are only done by the living:
Nuje simmo serie appartenimmo à morte!"
We are serious, we belong to death!"
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o'ssai crè? Amen Amen!
Death is a great leveler, isn't it? Amen Amen!
'A morte o 'ssai, 'a morte o 'ssai crè?
Death is a great leveler, isn't it?
'A morte è 'na livella!
Death is a leveler!

Авторы: Antonio De Curtis, Giacomo Rondinella

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