Ombladon - Hip Hop Romanesc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ombladon - Hip Hop Romanesc

Hip Hop Romanesc
Hip Hop Romanesc
2015, asta nu-i piesa de single,
2015, that's not the single track,
E creata-n Colentina, deci nu-e hiphop de nigger
It's made in Colentina, so it's not hiphop by nigger
Prin Bucuresti, pentru cei ce ma inteleg,
Through Bucharest, for those who understand me,
Am trait multi ani frumos, pe strazi, in acelasi jeg
I have lived for many years beautifully, on the streets, in the same jeg
V-am vazut pe voi, criticandu-ne, curgeau randurile
I saw you, criticizing us, the lines were flowing
Ca suntem comerciali, dar fugeati ca tarfele
That we were commercial, but you ran like bitches
V-ati dus pe pulă tarfelor, pa pa, ca ma ia cu hihihi, ca ati semnat cu hahaha
You went on the cock bitches, bye bye, that takes me with hihihi, that you signed with hahaha
Mi-am ascuns un topor in coltu' mintii
I hid an axe in the corner of my mind
D'aia cand auziti de Parazitii,
That's why when you hear about parasites,
Voi dati bir cu fugitii,
You run away,
V-ati simtit vizati, cu WHITE AND PROUD
You felt targeted, with WHITE and PROUD
Viitorul suna bine doar daca suna underground
The future only sounds good if it sounds underground
Sunteti rapperii pìzdi, nimic n-ati inteles,
You're the rappers P. O. K., You don't understand anything,
Cand v-aud futuva-ngat parca mi-e dor de 3 sud est
When I hear you futuva-ngat like I miss 3 South East
Mi-aprind jointu', ma grabesc sa inchei strofa
I Light My joint, I hurry to end the stanza
Ma culc odata cu gainile, de doua ori cu mata.
I sleep with the chickens once, twice with mata.
E hiphop, e hiphop grotesc,
It's hiphop, it's grotesque hiphop,
E hiphop, e hiphop romanesc,
E hiphop, e hiphop,
E hiphop, e hiphop exact cum a mai fost,
It's hiphop, it's hiphop just like it used to be,
Pe beat-uri low cost, 20 CM RECORDS
On low cost beats, 20 CM RECORDS
E hiphop, e hiphop grotesc,
It's hiphop, it's grotesque hiphop,
E hiphop, e hiphop romanesc,
E hiphop, e hiphop,
E hiphop, e hiphop exact cum a mai fost,
It's hiphop, it's hiphop just like it used to be,
Pe beat-uri low cost, 20 CM RECORDS
On low cost beats, 20 CM RECORDS
Am fonduri insufiecente, cand imi verific cardurile,
I have insufiecent funds, when I check my cards,
Dar nu pun accent, ca Adi Sana pe toate câcaturile
But I don't put emphasis, like Adi Sana on all the shit
Daca Parazitii dispar, mi se indoaie
If the parasites disappear, I doubt
Macar noi am fost odata, ca niciodata, coaie.
At least we were once, like never before, nuts.
Lumea ne-asculta de ani de zile, intelegi
The world has been listening to us for years, you know
In timp ce muzica ta, grasule, suna a C C Catch
While your music, Fat Boy, sounds like C C Catch
Am invatat din scoala primara sa fiu o bruta ordinara
I learned from primary school to be an ordinary brute
Sa ii trag pe multi dupa mine cand o dau in bara.
To drag a lot of people after me when I screw up.
E ca muia cu topping de herpes, e trist,
It's like blowjobs with herpes topping, it's sad,
Morar si Buzdugan, o zdreanta si-un manelist
Miller and Mace, a rag and a manelist
Toti DJ-ii de radio, azi ocolesc rapu,
All radio DJs, today bypass rapu,
Daca aveam pula fosforescenta, le lumina tot capu'
If I had a phosphorescent dick, it would light up their heads
Toate curvele-s la TV si stau de vorba,
All the whores are on TV and talking,
Nu inteleg, de ce, dupa ce se fut nu se dizolva,
I do not understand, why, after fuck does not dissolve,
Filat prin luneta, la Cotroceni sar gardu,
Filat through luneta, Cotroceni SAR gardu,
Ridic steagu', imi fac dreptate cu briceagu'!
I raise the flag, I do justice to my pocketknife!
E hiphop, e hiphop grotesc
It's hiphop, it's grotesque hiphop
E hiphop, e hiphop romanesc
E hiphop, e hiphop
E hiphop, e hiphop exact cum a mai fost,
It's hiphop, it's hiphop just like it used to be,
Pe beat-uri low cost, 20 CM RECORDS
On low cost beats, 20 CM RECORDS
E hiphop, e hiphop grotesc,
It's hiphop, it's grotesque hiphop,
E hiphop, e hiphop romanesc,
E hiphop, e hiphop,
E hiphop, e hiphop exact cum a mai fost,
It's hiphop, it's hiphop just like it used to be,
Pe beat-uri low cost, 20 CM RECORDS
On low cost beats, 20 CM RECORDS

Авторы: Ailenei Razvan-adrian

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