Oques Grasses - Cul - перевод текста песни на английский

Cul - Oques Grassesперевод на английский

Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole
Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole
Jo vull ser papa, jo vull ser rei
I want to be the Pope, I want to be the king
Vull ser la nòvia d′un home forrat
I want to be the wife of a wealthy man
Tenir un vaixell i una girafa
To have a ship and a giraffe
Viure de l'aire i de l′esperit sant
To live on air and the holy spirit
Ja pots agafar-ho tot
You can take it all
I anar-te'n a tomar pel cul
And go fuck yourself in the ass
Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole
Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole
I viure amb amor i anar a collir flors
And live with love and go pick flowers
I menjar il·lusió i cagar petons
And eat illusion and shit kisses
I comprar cupons i votar eleccions
And buy coupons and vote in elections
I menjar il·lusió i comprar condons
And eat illusion and buy condoms
Ser president, portar corbata
Be president, wear a tie
Comprar una torre amb un tobogant
Buy a tower with a slide
Tenir un jardí ple de petroli
Have a garden full of oil
Amb una gàbia per als immigrants
With a cage for the immigrants
Ja pots agafar-ho tot i anar-te'n a tomar pel cul
You can take it all and go fuck yourself in the ass
Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole
Cul, cul, cul, cul, cul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole
Si tots els camins porten a Roma
If all roads lead to Rome
Diga′m tu perquè ha de venir aquest home
Tell me why this man has to come
Un país en ruïnes, gastant-se milions
A country in ruins, spending millions
Amb un personatge que es toca els collons
With a character who plays with his balls
Jo el meu papa el tinc a casa
I have my Pope at home
Jo el meu papa el tinc a casa
I have my Pope at home
Jo el meu papa el tinc a casa
I have my Pope at home
Jo vull ser Papa, jo vull ser rei
I want to be the Pope, I want to be the king
Vull ser la nòvia d′un home forrat
I want to be the wife of a wealthy man
Tenir un vaixell i una girafa
To have a ship and a giraffe
Viure de l'aire i de l′esperit sant
To live on air and the holy spirit
Ja pots agafar-ho tot
You can take it all
I anar-te'n a tomar pel cul
And go fuck yourself in the ass
Ja pots agafar-ho tot
You can take it all
I anar-te′n a tomar pel cul
And go fuck yourself in the ass
Cul cul cul cul cul cul culculculculcul cuuuuul
Butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole, butthole butthole butthole butthole butthole butt-hooooole

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