Oscar D'León - Ya Lo Verás - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Oscar D'León - Ya Lo Verás

Ya Lo Verás
You'll See
Eres como la musica
You are like music
Que todos le prestan atencion
That everyone pays attention to
Eres la mar tranquila
You are the tranquil sea
Que encanta con su tranquilidad
That enchants with its calm
Eres un dia claro
You are a clear day
Con sombras de anten y cielo azul
With shades of sky and sea
Eres juguete nuevo
You are a new toy
Que todo niño quiere tener
That every child wants to have
La magia que tu tienes
The magic that you have
Me enbriaga tiernamente
Drunk me tenderly
Ipnotisas con tu mirar
Hypnotize me with your gaze
Siento no poder despertar
I feel like I can't wake up
Y me da miedo
And I'm scared
Hablame, hablame, hablame
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Despiertame, despiertame
Wake me up, wake me up
Hablame, hablame, hablame
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Pero pelliscame
But pinch me
Wake me up
L a verdad es que yo te miro
The truth is that I look at you
Y tiemblo de puro miedo
And I tremble with fear
Los demas miran tranquilos
The others look calm
Y yo que me desespero pero.
And I who despair but.
Hablame, hablame, hablame
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Despiertame arruyame
Wake me up, sooth me
Hablame, hablame, hablame
Tell me, tell me, tell me
Pero pelliscame despiertame
But pinch me wake me up
Ya lo veras, ya lo veras, ya lo veras
You'll see, you'll see, you'll see
Que un dia me quito el miedo
That one day I'll get rid of my fear
Te cojo y te doy un beso
I'll take you and give you a kiss
Y te aseguro que eso es lo que
And I assure you that that is what
Yo ando buscando
I'm looking for
Ya vera, ya veras
You'll see, you'll see
Que ese encanto que tu tienes
That that charm that you have
Solo sera mio
Will only be mine
Ya lo veras, ya lo veras, ya lo veras
You'll see, you'll see, you'll see
Ven linda mujer
Come here, pretty woman,
Que te quiero besar
Let me kiss you
Tienes un orgullo que me desvaratas
You have such pride that it drives me crazy
Ven aca linda mujer
Come here, pretty woman
Y yo estoy detras de ti
And I'll be right behind you
Como el gato sobre la gata
Like a tomcat on a she-cat
Ven aca linda mujer
Come here, pretty woman
Ven aca, ven aca, ven aca
Come here, come here, come here
Ven aca linda mujer
Come here, pretty woman
Que yo te quiero
That I love you
Que yo te amo y te quiero tener
That I love you and want you
Ven aca linda mujer
Come here, pretty woman
Mira que yo me desespero
Look, I'm getting desperate
Ven aca linda mujer
Come here, pretty woman
Ven aca, ven aca, ven aca linda mujer
Come here, come here, come here, pretty woman

Авторы: Oscar Emilio Leon

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