pH - Mirror - перевод текста песни на английский

Mirror - pHперевод на английский

黑暗中逆著光 是誰在我腦海呢喃微妙 的聲響
In the dark, against the light, who in my mind whispers subtleSounds
盤算著 模稜兩可的計劃
Plotting an ambiguous plan
裹著霜 微笑誘惑著 堅強
Wrapped in frost, smiling, temptingStrength
隱瞞或戳破謊 一步一步身陷在時間泥沼
Concealing or piercing lies, step by step, sinking into the quagmire of time
疑似讓人 無所顧忌 咬著傷
Suspected, making meReckless, biting the wound
卻又細膩入微 不低頭的揭露過往
Yet subtle, not bowing down, revealing thePast
All right.
All right.
現實幻境交錯的我 猶豫不決或義無反顧的走
The reality and illusion of my intertwined self, am IHesitant or resolute to go
一語點醒沈睡的夢 喚起一觸即發 的騷動
A word awakens a sleeping dream, evoking aMomentary, long-lostCommotion
Is this me? My memory says
How can it be me? My dignity says
Even gritting my teeth and never retreating
你卻依舊藏身記憶 背後
You still hide behind myMemory
Who's in the mirror baby?
Who's in the mirror, baby?
Who's in the mirror baby?
Who's in the mirror, baby?
佇立幻鏡入口 虛假真實的面孔
Standing at the entrance of the illusion, the false and theReal faces
Who can endure me?
Who's in the mirror 誰?
Who's in the mirror, who?
Who's in the mirror 是誰?
Who's in the mirror, who?
誰在指引著我 在光與影的末路
Who guides me at the end of the light andShadow
See the beauty ofMiracles
暗藏的幻鏡 切換舉棋不定的我
Hidden illusions, switching between myIndecisive self
久違的快活 無關是非對錯
Long-lost joy, regardless of right andWrong
拉扯我 引誘看似寂寞
Pulling me, tempting my seemingLoneliness
All right.
All right.
(I believe)善惡的二元論正在訴說 抽絲剝繭的循循善誘
(I believe) the duality of good and evil is beingTold, subtly coaxing me out
(為了你)鏡花水月的轉生面孔 就如深埋心底的噩夢
(For you), the reincarnation of the illusory face,Like a nightmare buried deep inside
意圖不明的狂妄放縱 誰在等著我的墮落
Ill-intentioned arrogance, who awaits myFall
在我眼前開始分裂的我 是否還能不被吞沒
Before my eyes, my fragmented self, can I still not beEngulfed?
Who's in the mirror baby?
Who's in the mirror, baby?
佇立幻鏡入口 虛假真實的面孔
Standing at the entrance of the illusion, the false and theReal faces
Who can endure me?
Who's in the mirror 誰?
Who's in the mirror, who?
Who's in the mirror 是誰?
Who's in the mirror, who?
誰在指引著我 在光與影的末路
Who guides me at the end of the light andShadow
See the beauty ofMiracles
期盼那真實的我 還能不保留
Expecting my true self, still withoutReservation
已決定拋下 愛與恨的活
Decided to cast aside the life of love andHate
在幻鏡世界中遊走 虛無飄渺的困惑
Wandering in the world of illusion, the vagueConfusion
太多的迷霧 牽累我
Too much fog, dragging meDown
Mirror woo oh~~~
Mirror, woo, oh~~~
沈默 woo oh ~~~
Silence, woo, oh~~~

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