Paille - Fanm lan - перевод текста песни на английский

Fanm lan - Pailleперевод на английский

Fanm lan
The Woman
ELLE: qu'est-ce que tu fous dans les toilettes
HER: What are you doing in the bathroom?
GENDARME: gendarmerie de Sainte-luce je vous écoute
POLICE OFFICER: Sainte-Luce police station, I'm listening.
PAILLE: allo monsieur
PAILLE: Hello sir.
Oui bonjour
Yes, hello.
Pourquoi le bar il est fermé?
Why is the bar closed?
Vous pou... vous pouvez envoyer quelqu'un chez moi s'il vous plaît
Ca... can you send someone to my house please?
Et elles sont mes bouteilles
And where are my bottles?
Oui mais quel est votre problème
Yes, but what is your problem?
Non parce que franchement je crois que ma copine est entrain de péter les plombs
No, because frankly I think my girlfriend is losing it right now.
What do you mean?
Mais tu te fous de ma gueule
Are you kidding me?
Manzel à un problème hein... je suis enfermé dans les toilettes là...
Honey, there's a problem... I'm locked in the bathroom...
éh tu sais quoi tu as intérêt de sortir de et à me foutre mes affaires
Hey, you know what, you better get out of there and give me my things. je sais pas ce qui va arrivé alors s'il vous plait envoyé quelqu'un
...and I don't know what's going to happen, so please send someone.
Putain tu fais chier mêle toi de ce qui te regarde
Damn it, you're pissing me off, mind your own business.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
An ni bay a la byè si non i ka mal an pwen
We have to give her beer, otherwise she gets hurt.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Mwen an doktè an bwè rhum kriyé mwen le médecin
I'm a raw rum drinking doctor, call me the physician.
a foss domi an bay mwen kwè tchou mwen press plen
Even when I'm deeply asleep, give me credit, I'm full of pressure.
Spécialist an fanm fol é an budjet restreint
Specialist in crazy women and tight budgets.
yon' ka tchè mwen mal lot la ka gonflé tet' mwen
One can hurt me, the other can make my head swell.
Manman mwen ja lass pléré di i palé ped mwen
My mother is tired of crying, says I'm talking about my feet.
Yo di si mwen pa bwen rhum mwen jiss bwè parfum
They say if I don't have good rum, I might as well drink perfume.
I di fodré sa chanjé ke bondyié rimed mwen
She says it has to change, that God is my medicine.
Di mandé an ti fanm douss pou i mété mwen a lez mwen
Tell me to ask a sweet little woman to put me at ease.
Donc on oublie les yéyéz ki brisé rev mwen
So we forget about the drama queens who will shatter my dreams.
Le genre de fanm a pwoblem ki pran tet' mwen
The kind of problematic woman who will get on my nerves.
An ni di le hasard
We call it chance.
Kryéy le destin
Call it destiny.
mwen fini ka tombé an an ti maren' ex mwen
But I ended up falling for my ex's little brown-skinned sister.
Joli jeune fille san dossiyé mwen ménen enket' mwen
Pretty young girl with no record, I'm conducting my investigation.
Premiyé sorti premiyé ver mon chè zot konnet' mwen
First outing, first drink, my dear, you know me.
I pran boutey di ven an pliss san ke sa tro vex mwen
She takes the bottle of wine, moreover, without being too offended.
Mwen esséyé brè adany i mantché krazé dwet' mwen
I try to grab a peanut, she manages to crush my finger.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
An ni bay a la byè si non i ka mal an pwen
We have to give her beer, otherwise she gets hurt.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Tala an deuxième couplé i ja ni an lodè rhum
This is the second verse, but she already has the smell of rum.
An sort' de kont' de an mitant an chan kann'
I'm coming out of a sugarcane field.
Adan istwaw ta la set' nen boulé an sand
In this story, seven noses are buried in the sand.
mwen ki tchek cendrillon i ka bwèy kon on nonm
I'm the one who checked Cinderella, but she drinks like a man.
Bref tou sa pa sa mi mwa nou ansanm
Anyway, all that doesn't matter, we've been together two months.
Ayen po ko sériyé donc mwen pa ka fan'
Nothing was serious, so I wasn't doing anything.
Mais repas de famille un 25 décembre
But family dinner on December 25th.
Mon chè pa ni ayen j'ai emmené la personne
My darling didn't have anyone, I brought the person.
Mwen ti bren stressé tonton mwen assiz boy
I was a little stressed, my uncle was sitting, drinking.
Mais la jeune fille se tient bien jiss manman mwen kontany
But the young lady is behaving well until my mother spoke.
Lontan i ka espéré mwen trouvé an ti fanm kon'y
For a long time she hoped I would find a girl like her.
I di si mwen viré fo pa mwen viré san'y
She says if I want to turn around, I shouldn't turn around without her.
menu chat' la la
But sometimes the menu changes.
Rat' la ka bay bal
The rat is giving a ball.
Le repas est terminé maintenant c'est l'heure du champagne
Dinner is over, now it's champagne time.
Ma maman est un peu koutcha elle sort ses coupes en cristal
My mother is a little tipsy, she takes out her crystal glasses.
Madanm mwen pa di non, an ti kou pa fèy mal
My wife can't say no, a little sip won't hurt her.
lissa ou mwen diy, pa fot' li an san'y
But Lissa, listen to me, it's not her fault, it's in her blood.
Yo vidé twa boutey épi bagay la pran'y
They emptied three bottles and then the thing took her.
I di i po ko brè assé nou la ka fèy ped tan'y
She says she's not full enough, we're wasting time.
I dégaré an la biyè i ouvey épi dan'y
She takes off her bra, opens it, and in it...
Méssiyé douvan manman mwen: s
Gentlemen, in front of my mother:
Manzel pa ka rand kot' kont'
Honey can't control herself.
Di mwen bien sa mwen fèy pou i pa lass mwen wonte
Tell me what I did to her to make her so ashamed of me.
Mwen jiss rentré anlèy mwen di ki manniyè i sot'
I just went upstairs, I said how did she get out?
Sa an lot' boug i ja pran an kal(ot')
She was with another guy, she already took her panties.
Mais non mais non, pa ni bébé là. A chaque fois c'est pareil avec toi
No, no, no baby here. It's always the same with you.
Mais non je me sens bien
But no, I feel good.
C'est toujours pareil avec toi
It's always the same with you.
Tu sais déjà comment chuis quand j'ai bu
You already know how I am when I've been drinking.
Ouais ouais n'importe quoi
Yeah, yeah, whatever.
J'ai envie de toi
I want you.
Ah bon!
Oh really!
Allez on rentre?
Shall we go home?
éh bon éh manman, mwen pati hein! bisous!
Okay, okay, Mom, I'm leaving! Kisses!
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
An ni bay a la byè si non i ka mal an pwen
We have to give her beer, otherwise she gets hurt.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
La jeune fille a trop bu elle est tchad et elle me chauffe
The girl has had too much to drink, she's drunk, and she's turning me on.
Chérie quand on va rentrer je sens que ça va être ruff
Honey, when we get home, I feel like it's going to be rough.
J'espère que t'as bien mangé, j'espère que tu as pris des forces
I hope you ate well, I hope you got your strength up.
Je sais pas ce qui m'arrive mais je me sens toute chose
I don't know what's happening to me, but I feel something.
Moi même je descends soudé, appelle moi Alain Prost
I'm going down welded myself, call me Alain Prost.
Des dos d'âne à éviter mais je ne vois plus les bosses
Speed bumps to avoid, but I don't see the bumps anymore.
Je vais jouer dans un film qui ne sera pas pour les gosses
I'm going to play in a movie that won't be for kids.
La fille sens un peu l'alcool, c'est pas grave y'a le gloss
The girl smells a little bit like alcohol, it's okay, there's gloss.
Mwen mwen pa bizwen diw ke mwen ka bay bra
I don't need to tell you that I was giving it my all.
Mwen pa pran dix minutes pou mwen rivé an kay la
It didn't take me ten minutes to get home.
Kabann' lan ja fèt' donc pa la pen' bay dra
The bed was already made, so there was no need to put sheets on.
Mwen roté triko mwen i ja roté tay la
I took off my shirt, she already took off her dress.
i ka di mwen attan'
But she tells me to wait.
Chéri reste bouge pas
Honey, stay there, don't move.
Je reviens j'vais me faire belle pour que tu profites de tout ça
I'll be right back, I'm going to get beautiful so you can enjoy it all.
Mwen rété twa kar ka attan' an ba kouch la
I stayed fifteen minutes waiting for a blowjob.
Levé sa ki rivé i pran somme y an douch la
I got up to see what happened, she fell asleep in the shower.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
An ni bay a la byè si non i ka mal an pwen
We have to give her beer, otherwise she gets hurt.
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.
Fo bay an bon feu pou i sa senti koy bien
You have to light a good fire so she can feel it, alright?
I di mwen i pa fen i swèf i palé manjé i bwè
She tells me she's not done, she's thirsty, she talks about food, she wants to drink.

Авторы: Gilles Boulard, Yoni Alpha

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