Paper Jim - 好車伕 Uber - перевод текста песни на английский

好車伕 Uber - Paper Jimперевод на английский

好車伕 Uber
Good Driver Uber
Where u wanna go what u want to be
Where you want to go, what you want to be
Blowing a cool sea breeze at 8 miles per hour
Where u wanna go girl
Where do you want to go, girl?
Where u wanna go girl
Where do you want to go, girl?
Where u wanna go what u want to be
Where you want to go, what you want to be
Just one phone call and I'll take you
Be your Uber
Be your Uber
Let me flex on u
Let me flex on you
我想要帶你飛 長途
I want to fly you away long distance
Be your Uber uber
Be your Uber uber
當我駕車陪妳travel 像在天空遨遊一週 都沒降落 給我五星的蘋果 剛從澄清湖旁經過
As I drive with you, it's like we're flying through the sky for a week, never landing. Give me five apple stars. We just passed by澄清湖.
You started talking about星座.
I can't tell U perfect girl 掉進我視線裡
I can't tell you perfect girl, you've fallen into my
The salty words we put in each other's dictionaries
不跳錶計價 看太陽西下
No meter, watch the sun go down
Loose, loose travel, just toured義大.
定位系統目標你家 沿路兜
The navigation system targets your home, driving along the way
Baby keep your head up 先躺到後
Baby keep your head up first lie down on the back seat
我們不斷展開話題 一路翻山越嶺
We keep talking, climbing mountains and crossing ridges
Planning tomorrow's journey until the sunset ends
跟著我 yeah yeah
Follow me yeah yeah
順著路 蔓延
Along the road, spreading out
環遊佳 樂水我的渦輪為你轉動
Tour佳樂水, my turbine turns for you
Driving through the road
Driving through the road
Where u wanna go what u want to be
Where you want to go, what you want to be
Blowing a cool sea breeze at 8 miles per hour
Where u wanna go girl
Where do you want to go, girl?
Where u wanna go girl
Where do you want to go, girl?
Where u wanna go what u want to be
Where you want to go, what you want to be
Just one phone call and I'll take you
Be your Uber
Be your Uber
Let me flex on u
Let me flex on you
我想要帶你飛 長途
I want to fly you away long distance
Be your Uber uber
Be your Uber uber
The alarm clock wakes me up to wake you up
Praying every day in the morning
Praying every day in the morning
昨晚睡得好 有點鼻音
Slept well last night, a little nasal
塗上防曬乳 因為今天放晴
Apply sunscreen because it's sunny today
路邊不靠停 下一站八里
Don't stop by the side of the road, next stop八里.
風把妳叫醒 妳幫我dabing
The wind wakes you up, you dabing me
We're changing the scene
Oh imma hold yo back穿過北回歸線踩金色的田繞過東海岸玩西邊的水
Oh imma hold yo back across the北回歸線, stepping on the golden fields, around the east coast, playing in the west coast waters
We won't stop 剛上了highway 不拖泥帶水 東南西北 拿風景開胃
We won't stop, just got on the highway, no fuss, southeast, northwest, taking in the scenery
I can smell your fragrance when the wind blows
I just want know that
I just want to know that
Where u wanna go what u want to be
Where you want to go, what you want to be
Blowing a cool sea breeze at 8 miles per hour
Where u wanna go girl
Where do you want to go, girl?
Where u wanna go girl
Where do you want to go, girl?
Where u wanna go what u want to be
Where you want to go, what you want to be
Just one phone call and I'll take you
Be your Uber
Be your Uber
Let me flex on u
Let me flex on you
我想要帶你飛 長途
I want to fly you away long distance
Be your Uber uber
Be your Uber uber

Авторы: Paper Jim

Paper Jim - 好車伕 Uber
好車伕 Uber
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