Paraziții - Ce N-Avem Acasă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Paraziții - Ce N-Avem Acasă

Ce N-Avem Acasă
What We Don't Have at Home
Totu' a inceput cand striveam o musca pe geam,
It all started when I squashed a fly on the windowpane,
Cand am facut bale la gura si-am lesinat peste pian.
When I drooled and fainted over the piano.
O sa va tavalesc, fara mila, din pat in pat,
I'm going to roll you around mercilessly, from bed to bed,
Iar acum luati-ma in gura (hehe), e unicat.
And now take me in your mouth (hehe), it's unique.
Ne-am detonat creierii in ultimul an, in ultimul hal, Ne canta greierii in civili ca e penal.
We blew our brains out in the last year, in the last place, The crickets chirped in plain clothes that it is criminal.
Va spun eu, ce-am spus, n-am spus nimic in plus,
I tell you, what I said, I didn't say anything extra,
E vorba de sange-n p**a, toba si pus.
It's a matter of blood in the p**sy, drums and gun.
Venim dintr-o lume numai a noastra,
We come from a world that is only ours,
Unde apa-i de foc, si lumina-i albastra,
Where water is fire, and light is blue,
Unde albul e alb, si negrul e negru,
Where white is white, and black is black,
Unde inca mai gasesti un prieten integru.
Where you can still find an honest friend.
Da-mi una mica-n pat, la bar, doua de sete,
Give me a little one in bed, at the bar, two for thirst,
Ca avem munitie-n plus si nu vanam comete.
Because we have extra ammunition and we don't hunt comets.
Pune-ti increderea cu-ncredere, unde-ti pui banii,
Put your trust with confidence, where you put your money,
Ca am iesit in oras sa facem origami.
Because we went out to town to do origami.
Pana si tarfele-au fugit, ca-i groasa,
Even the whores have run away, it's thick,
E doar o constatare, tare, nu ne pasa.
It's just a statement, strong, we don't care.
Mai comanda un rand cu demnitatea ramasa, Cautam in alta parte ce n-avem acasa. X2
Order another round with the remaining dignity, We're looking elsewhere for what we don't have at home. X2
Da-ma tare-n difuzoare sa-ti sara balele,
Hit me into the loudspeakers to make your spit fly,
Ne bate vantu-n buzunare de ne-ngheata c*****e.
The wind is beating our pockets and freezing our c*****s.
Fata ta de saltea p****a rade ca tampita.
Your mattress face f****ing whore laughs like an idiot.
Hei, señorita!
Hey, señorita!
Tu bagi in bot belita?
Are you putting a little bit of belita in your mouth?
Nu vreau sa-mi insel femeia sau sa-ntrec masura,
I don't want to cheat on my wife or overstep the mark,
Da' sunt meteo-sensibil, cand ploua-mi bag p**a.Iti joaca creieru' in cap, sare-n sus ca bila,
But I'm meteo-sensitive, when it rains, I stick my d**k in. Your brain is bouncing in your head, jumping up like a ball,
Ca unde dam cu p**a, Dumnezeu cu mila.
Because where we hit with a d**k, God with mercy.
Stam pe strazi ca javrele, dar suntem de rasa, Niciodata nu-i tarziu si nu vrem acasa.
We're on the streets like scum, but we're pedigree, It's never too late and we don't want to go home.
Avem dubii serioase intr-o lume credula
We have serious doubts in a credulous world
Cand bratul lung al legii ne cauta la p**a.
When the long arm of the law is looking for our p**sies.
Toarna-l in pahare, fratioare! Poate
Pour it into glasses, little brother! Maybe
Sa ne-ntindem la un pahar, de sinceritate
We could have a drink of sincerity
Vorba circula repede, printre bagabonti,
Word spreads fast among tramps,
Nimeni nu scapa virgin, viata ne f**e pe toti.
No one escapes a virgin, life f**ks us all.
Pana si tarfele-au fugit, ca-i groasa,
Even the whores have run away, it's thick,
E doar o constatare, tare, nu ne pasa.
It's just a statement, strong, we don't care.
Mai comanda un rand cu demnitatea ramasa, Cautam in alta parte ce n-avem acasa. X2
Order another round with the remaining dignity, We're looking elsewhere for what we don't have at home. X2

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