Paraziții - Exprimare liberă - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Paraziții - Exprimare liberă

Exprimare liberă
Free Expression
? Auzi, ai avea ceva impotriva sa-mi sugi pula?
? Hey, would you mind sucking my dick?
Cu blitu' in ochi si cu ciunga in pula
With a flash in my eyes and a limp dick
Turnam filme pentru adulti de prima mana
We shoot top-notch adult films
Perfect, n-are efect sau vrun sens nici un vers
Perfect, no effect or meaning in any verse
Ai sapca intoarsa in cap sau ai capu' invers
You got your cap turned backwards or your head upside down
Numele, hei, parazitu', tu deschizi usa eu daram zidu'
The name, hey, parasite, you open the door, I tear down the wall
Pui urechea in difuzor, te dobori, esti in ceata
Put your ear to the speaker, you fall down, you're in a fog
E ca atunci cand schuipi si ai vantu' in fata
It's like when you spit and the wind blows in your face
Yo, imi trag in pula alice, sa se oftice toate zdrentele
Yo, I'm shooting buckshot in my dick, to spite all the rags
In timp ce, cu ochii pe Atomic la danceri te tai cu o lama
While, with your eyes on Atomic, you cut yourself with a blade at the dancers'
Ca o seara cu o dama s-a transformat in drama, de teama
Like a night with a lady turned into drama, out of fear
Nu inghit in sec, inghit in demisec
I don't swallow dry, I swallow in a decisecond
Urmatoarea lege o astept in rect direct
I'm waiting for the next law directly in my rectum
Ma extind sa intelegi mesaju'
I'm extending myself so you understand the message
Eu nu sunt mata sa cenzurez in fata ta limbaju'
I'm not your mother to censor the language in front of you
Exprimare libera, libera,
Free expression, free,
Ating si rup coarda sensibila
Touching and breaking the sensitive chord
Un stil vulgar, brutal in direct
A vulgar, brutal style, live
Pa, pa, pa, Parazitii in efect
Bye, bye, bye, Parazitii in effect
Exprimare libera, libera
Free expression, free
Ating si rup coarda sensibila
Touching and breaking the sensitive chord
Un stil vulgar, brutal in direct
A vulgar, brutal style, live
Ppppppppp, Parazitii in efect
Ppppppppp, Parazitii in effect
Cu harta in coi si cu stirba in pula
With a map in my ass and a chipped tooth in my dick
Dorm sub un manechin de la
I sleep under a mannequin from
Dau un regat pentru o curea banala
I'd give a kingdom for a trivial belt
Nu pot sa conduc o tara in pula goala
I can't rule a country with a naked dick
Am speriat estu', acum cand voi restu'
I scared the crew, now it's your turn, the rest of you
Incet, incet va intoarceti la Ceausescu
Slowly, slowly you're going back to Ceausescu
Daca nu ne-am fute in ea de legislatie
If we didn't fuck with the legislation
Am face un album instrumental de distractie
We'd make an instrumental album for fun
Sincer, interzice-ti premiu Pulitzer
Honestly, ban your Pulitzer Prize
Suna ca o pula, n-aveti character
It sounds like a dick, you have no character
Hei, sunt un simplu milion de lei
Hey, I'm just a simple million lei
Angajat in schimbu' valutar de idei
Employed in the exchange of ideas
Ca un poponar persecutat de femei
Like a stud persecuted by women
Tu te temi de noi sau tie frica sa vrei
Are you afraid of us or are you afraid to want
Spune ce mai poti sa faci cu doua palme
Tell me what else you can do with two hands
Ocolu' pamantului in patru labe
Go around the world on all fours
Relatez din coltu' mesii
I report from the corner of the table
Disparitia miresii
The disappearance of the bride
Frecata de trei caini ca in filmele cu Lesie
Rubbed by three dogs like in the movies with Lesie
Dau lectii
I give lessons
Nu pune in practica
Don't put into practice
Ce te invata in scoala o tarfa didactica
What a didactic bitch teaches you in school
De doua ori pula, un fel de voodoo magic
Twice the dick, a kind of voodoo magic
Fac sa para comic tot ce e tragic
I make everything tragic seem comic
In curu tau labagic o bagam si intra
We stick it in your ass, you little shit, and it goes in
De ce ramai in urma, timpurile se schimba
Why are you lagging behind, times are changing
Nu vorbim dar futem aceasi limba
We don't speak but we fuck the same language
Motiv penrtu care unii vor sa ne respinga
Reason why some want to reject us
3x Refren:
3x Chorus:

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