Parni Valjak - Jablane - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Parni Valjak - Jablane

Apple trees
Da li lažem kada kažem da je sreća u tri stvari:
Do I lie when I say that happiness lies in three things:
U dobroj ženi, gitari i bogatom tati koji uvijek nešto radi?
A good wife, a guitar and a rich dad who always has something going on?
Pa ako sanjaš takvu sreću, igraj rulet, kocku, karte
Well, if you dream of such happiness, play roulette, dice, cards
Ili prodaj sve osim blanje i kreni
Or sell everything but a jacket and get going
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Tvoji su dani pročerdani na vinjak, TV i slike
Your days are wasted on brandy, TV and porn pictures
Ženu nemaš i teško da ćeš je i steći pored takve stare majke
You don't have a wife and it's hard to get one with such an old mom
Ljubav je to za čime gineš, do ljubavi se teško stiže!
Love is what you are dying for, but love is hard to come by!
I zato prodaj sve osim blanje i kreni
So sell everything but a jacket and get going
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Volio bi da si nalik na one bradate i silne momke
I wish you were like those bearded, mighty guys
Da dižeš ćumez na noge i da te nude cigaretom i alkoholom
Who lift weights on their legs and who offer you cigarettes and alcohol
Da nosiš šljivu ispod lijevog oka i da vičeš parole što strašno zvuče
Who wear plums under their left eye and shout slogans that sound awful
I da si bitnik i pravi anarhist i zato kreni
And who are beatniks and real anarchists, so get going
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!
Drugom stranom jablane kreni!
To the other side of the apple trees!

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