Patria feat. Pero Galic - Bila Mi Je Jedan Dan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Patria feat. Pero Galic - Bila Mi Je Jedan Dan

Bila Mi Je Jedan Dan
She Was Just One Day
Šetao sam obalom
I was walking along the coast
Probao sam shvatiti
Trying to understand
Da se znamo jedva tek
That we barely knew each other
I da odlazi zauvijek
And that you were leaving forever
Ali čemu dodiri
But why those touches
Zašto sva ta obećanja
Why all those promises
Kad je znala da smo mi
When you knew we were
I prije nas izgorjeli
Burned out even before us
Bila mi je jedan dan u životu mom
You were just one day in my life
Od tad ništa ne vidim, ni društvo, ni dom
Since then I can't see anything, not society, not home
Bila mi je jedna noć, a sada je sve
You were just one night, and now it's everything
Više ništa važno nije, samo volim je
Nothing else matters anymore, I just love you
Grad je bio sumoran
The city was gloomy
Počelo je kišiti
It started to rain
Tad je prošla pored mene
Then you walked past me
I bili smo samo sjene
And we were just shadows
I vratiše se dodiri
And those touches returned
Slediše me obećanja
Promises froze me
Dovoljno da osjetim
Enough to feel
Da smo i mi samo dim
That we're just smoke too
Bila mi je jedan dan u životu mom
You were just one day in my life
Od tad ništa ne vidim, ni drušvo, ni dom
Since then I can't see anything, not society, not home
Bila mi je jedna noć, a sada je sve
You were just one night, and now it's everything
Više ništa važno nije, samo volim je
Nothing else matters anymore, I just love you
Bila mi je jedan dan u životu mom
You were just one day in my life
Od tad ništa ne vidim, ni društvo, ni dom
Since then I can't see anything, not society, not home
Bila mi je jedna noć, a sada je sve
You were just one night, and now it's everything
Više ništa važno nije, samo volim je
Nothing else matters anymore, I just love you
Više ništa važno nije, samo volim je
Nothing else matters anymore, I just love you

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Damir BaäŒiä†, Branimir Jovanovac, Mato Juzbaå iä†, Petar Juzbaå iä†

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