Qi City Rivers and Lakes 《Topic of 2017 Taobao Maker Festival》 - 2017 TAOBAO MAKER FESTIVAL
奇市江湖 造的國度 奇市江湖 造的國度 奇市江湖 造的國度
Qi City Rivers and Lakes creation country Qi City Rivers and Lakes creation country Qi City Rivers and Lakes creation country
往東市走了幾步 潮流被我們解讀 轉西市培養氣質 看水墨插圖
Walking a few steps in the East Market, we decode the trend. We walk to the West Market to cultivate our temperament and see the ink and wash illustrations.
在南街停下腳步 這虛擬現實起霧 最後逛北街體會 裝置藝術
Stopping at the South Street, this virtual reality fogs up, and finally visiting the North Street to experience the installation art.
你觀念必須要有態度 搬去跟跨次元同住 這裡腦洞大開的技術 你的好奇心千萬要hold住
Your concept must have an attitude. Move in with multi-dimensional people. Here is the groundbreaking technology. Your curiosity must be on hold.
一萬二萬三萬 個贊 我停不住 准備上路 開始在倒數 三二一准備開幕
Thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand likes. I can't stop. Get ready to set off and start the countdown. Three, two, one, get ready to open.
在這奇市江湖 造物的國度 沸騰著藝術 想法清楚
In this Qi City Rivers and Lakes, the world of creation, art is boiling, and the ideas are clear.
玩原創神物 我們不屑套路 時尚武林反骨 我來做主
Playing the original artifact, we disdain routines. The fashion arena is rebellious. I'm the master.
在這奇市江湖 造物的國度 將創意帶入 永不落幕
In this Qi City Rivers and Lakes, the world of creation, creativity is brought in and will never end.
更多更詳盡歌詞 在
More detailed lyrics in
請移動腳步 天地在這造物 我們有幸目睹 造的國度 造的國度
Please move your feet. The heaven and earth are in this creation. We are fortunate to witness the country of creation, the country of creation.
往東市走了幾步 潮流被我們解讀 轉西市培養氣質 看水墨插圖
Walking a few steps in the East Market, we decode the trend. We walk to the West Market to cultivate our temperament and see the ink and wash illustrations.
在南街停下腳步 這虛擬現實起霧 最後逛北街體會 裝置藝術
Stopping at the South Street, this virtual reality fogs up, and finally visiting the North Street to experience the installation art.
你觀念必須要有態度 搬去跟跨次元同住 這裡腦洞大開的技術 你的好奇心千萬要hold住
Your concept must have an attitude. Move in with multi-dimensional people. Here is the groundbreaking technology. Your curiosity must be on hold.
一萬二萬三萬 個贊 我停不住 准備上路 開始在倒數 四三二一准備要開幕
Thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand likes. I can't stop. Get ready to set off and start the countdown. Four, three, two, one, get ready to open.
在這奇市江湖 造物的國度 驚人的紀錄 脫胎換骨
In this Qi City Rivers and Lakes, the world of creation, amazing records, and complete makeover
二次元演出 療愈系的溫度 沾著糖的幸福 萌翻世俗
Two-dimensional performance, temperature of healing system, happiness with sugar, cute and vulgar
在這奇市江湖 造物的國度 好玩的事物 在這演出
In this Qi City Rivers and Lakes, the world of creation, fun things are happening here.
聽我們描述 用創造力習武 門派都很顛覆 造的國度 奇市江湖 造的國度 造的國度
Listen to our description. Practice martial arts with creativity. The sects are very subversive. The country of creation and strange rivers and lakes, the country of creation, country of creation.
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