Pau Riba (F) - Licors - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pau Riba (F) - Licors

Just per'llà on la gent del port
Just where the people of the port
Fan fraus, trafiques i conxorxes
Do frauds, traffic and conspire
Un xicot de robes pobres
A boy in poor clothing
Observava abstret un punt concret del cel
Abstractedly observed a specific point in the sky
On, de cara, nova i neta
Where, facing, new and clean
Ell hi veia una pesseta
He saw a peseta
Brillant com una bombeta
Shining like a light bulb
Marca Z o Phillips de 25 W
Z or Phillips brand of 25 watts
Veia el cel de color menta
He saw the sky as the color of mint
Veia uns núvols de grosella
He saw clouds of currant
Veia ocells de color Chartreuse gros
He saw big chartreuse birds
Veia el mar tot de color Parfait Amour
He saw the sea as the color of Parfait Amour
Just davant d'ell, palplantada
Right before him, standing tall
Una dona malcarada
A woman in a bad mood
Se'l mirava cara a cara
Looked at him face to face
Des de feia potser cinc o deu minuts
For maybe 5 or 10 minutes
¿Que tinc micos a la cara?
Do I have monkeys on my face?
Va dir el noi, plantant-li cara
The boy said, standing up to her
I uix, mussol, si en tens de cara!
Well, golly, if you've got some on your face!
Féu la dona grassa amb aire amenaçant
The fat woman said with a threatening air
Jo, als marrecs que em planten cara
To the kids who stand up to me
Sempre els hi he girat la cara
I've always turned their face
Intervingué, donant la cara
Intervened, showing his face
Un senyor amb un trajo crema de cacau
A gentleman in a cocoa cream suit
Poc després, quatre o cinc cares
A little later, 4 or 5 faces
Dotze, quinze, trenta cares
12, 15, 30 faces
Se'l miraven a la cara
Looked at him in the face
Per saber si o si no estava drogat
To see if he was on drugs or not
Varen cridar un guàrdia urbano
They called a city guard
I els dos verds d'una barraca
And the two greens from a booth
Feren venir un blau que passava
Made a passing blue come around
Perquè anés a buscar els grisos amb un salt chimpam chimpam
So he could go look for the grays with a chimpam chimpam jump
I els grisos: - A ver: ¡¿ qué passsa?!
And the grays: - Let's see: what's going on?!
D'un cop d'ull se'n feren càrrec
With one look they took charge
I amb poc temps i una ambulància
And with a little time and an ambulance
El van fotre dins el llit d'un hospital
They put him in a hospital bed
Veié metges color palo
He saw doctors the color of palo
Infermeres curaçao
Curaçao nurses
Sang d'anís, Aigua del Carme
Anise blood, Aigua del Carme
Pisco, Aromes -i orinals- del Montserrat
Pisco, Aromes - and urinals - from Montserrat
Veié anàlisis de Kummel
He saw analyzes of Kummel
Infeccions com Chartreuse verd
Infections like green Chartreuse
Pernod, crema de banana
Pernod, banana cream
Calisay, Cointreau, Ricard i estomacal
Calisay, Cointreau, Ricard and stomach ache
Varen buscar-li marihuana
They looked for marijuana
Varen buscar-li grifahuana
They looked for grifahuana
I van buscar-li àcid lisèrgic
And they looked for LSD
I heroiiiiina,
And heroin,
I morfina
And morphine
I anfetamina
And amphetamine
I van buscarli vaselina
And they looked for petroleum jelly
I també vàren buscar-li si se li escapava la orina
And they also looked if his urine would leak
I brillantina
And brillantine
O kif
Or kif
L'endemà ja el varen fer fora
The next day they put him out
No li varen trobar cap droga
They didn't find any drugs on him
Li varen fer interrogatoris
They interrogated him
Però el xicot els va respondre innocentment
But the boy answered them innocently
I l'informe que donaren
And the report they gave
Tots els que l'analitzaren
All who analyzed it
Fou de que tan sols li trobaren
Was that they only found him
Un petit excés de copes de licor
A little too much liquor
I en ser fora ell mira el cel i
And being out he looks at the sky and
Nomès hi veiè deu centims
He only saw ten cents
Foscos, bruts, plens de misteri
Dark, dirty, full of mystery
I decebut se n'anà a buscar algun bar obert
And disappointed he went to look for an open bar
Decebut se n'anà a buscar algun bar obert
Disappointed he went to look for an open bar
Decebut se n'anà a buscar algun bar obert
Disappointed he went to look for an open bar
és el que passa per mamar massa
is what happens when you suck too much
Pren xocolata i deixa els licors
Drink chocolate and leave the liquor

Авторы: Pau Riba Romeva

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