Paulie Garand feat. Idea & Supa - Loyalty (feat. Supa, Idea) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Paulie Garand feat. Idea & Supa - Loyalty (feat. Supa, Idea)

Loyalty (feat. Supa, Idea)
Loyalty (feat. Supa, Idea)
Poznáte sa večnosť,
You've known each other forever,
Ale všetko sa stratiť
But everything can be lost
Niekto stlačil rewind
Someone pressed rewind
Zas ste iba dvaja známi
Now you're just two strangers
Chceš ho naspäť
You want him back
Je to zvláštne
It's strange
Keď to hľadáš v očiach
When you search for it in his eyes
Ale on je ďaleko
But he's far away
Je z neho iba malá bodka
He's just a tiny dot
Beháš s jeho nožom v chrbte,
You're running with his knife in your back,
Je ti blbé kam to zašlo
You're ashamed of how far it went
žiadne brácho, brácho
No more bro, bro
Ako sa to stalo?
How did it happen?
Úsmevy cez zuby,
Smiles through gritted teeth,
Hlúpe hry,
Stupid games,
Trápna taktika
Awkward tactics
neni chuť to vrátiť
There's no desire to bring it back
Chceš len nahlas zakričať,
You just want to shout out loud,
že ty si čistokrvný fejker
That you're a purebred faker
Tak moc to nejde,
So much that it doesn't work,
Ty si primoc blbý na to
You're too damn stupid for that
Aby si v to veril
To believe in it
Ty nechýbaš nikomu
Nobody misses you
V tvojom starom svete
In your old world
Shit celý čas si toto hral
Shit, you've been playing this the whole time
Na nás jak playback
On us like playback
Ty si zrejme...
You're probably...
... vlastný názor
... your own opinion
My vieme jak ľúbiš ojebávať
We know how you love to screw over
Vlastných bratov
Your own brothers
Ty si kam vietor
You're like the wind
Tam pláveš
You flow wherever it blows
Tak sa nerob
So don't act
Jak nás máš rád
Like you love us
Za pár euro nám dáš pápá
For a few euros you'll say bye-bye
Pravda, pravda
True, true
Ale čas sa aj tak nedá zmazať
But time can't be erased anyway
Klamstvá, intrigy, výmysly
Lies, intrigues, fabrications
Samá hanba, hanba
All shame, shame
A aj keď sa minula posledná šanca
And even though the last chance is gone
Chceš aby sa prebral,
You want him to wake up,
Ne aby tu na kolenách plakal
Not to cry here on his knees
Pre všetkých hajzlov vonku,
For all the assholes out there,
Jaké je to nájsť sa v tom songu?
How does it feel to find yourself in this song?
A všetky zápalky,
And all the matches,
Nie je to krása žiť?
Isn't it beautiful to live?
Pre všetkých hajzlov vonku,
For all the assholes out there,
Jaké je to nájsť sa v tom songu?
How does it feel to find yourself in this song?
A všetky zápalky,
And all the matches,
Nie je to krása žiť?
Isn't it beautiful to live?
Snesu se zpět k těm, co věřim víc
I descend back to those I trust more
Mezi ty vybraný Gs, co mi maj co říct
Among my chosen Gs, who have something to say
Nenesou faleš na bedrech
They don't carry falsehood on their shoulders
Ta crew není krysí
This crew isn't rat-like
Věrně budou foukat do plachet
They will faithfully blow into the sails
Když přijde bezvětří
When the windless comes
Od mala skládám puzzle z lidí činů, hrdinů
Since childhood, I've been putting together a puzzle of people, actions, heroes
A co mít víc než bejt hrdej, rozeznat rub a líc
And what more to have than to be proud, to distinguish between right and wrong
Rodinu vzít kolem ramen i přes úskalí
To take family by the shoulders even through hardships
Spálit hady, který chtěli podle z grálu pít
To burn snakes who wanted to drink from the grail
Mít víc míst v srdci pro ty, co zvedli k nebi
To have more places in my heart for those who lifted me to heaven
Když jsem ksichtem brousil zemi
When I was grinding my face against the earth
Osud je někdy heavy
Fate is sometimes heavy
Metal hořký meny
Bitter metal menus
Ale lidi jsou ready
But my people are ready
Takže čas na další mety
So it's time for the next milestones
Pod hajzlama praskaj ledy
Ice cracks under the assholes
Když vidim frajera, tak vidim obraz mýho dědy
When I see a dude, I see a picture of my grandpa
On je ten odkaz jakej bejt se mi sečtou roky
He is the legacy of what to be when my years are counted
Hrdej, bystrej a čestnej pán
Proud, quick, and honest man
Co se nevzdá rodiny
Who will not give up on family
Je Corleone stále tahá z bryndy svoje syny
He is Corleone, still pulling his sons out of trouble
Podej mi ruku můžem jít kam chcem
Give me your hand, we can go wherever we want
Někdy jsme v hypu
Sometimes we're hyped
Někdy deep jak Ústí nad Labem
Sometimes deep as Ústí nad Labem
Ale jsme spolu roky
But we've been together for years
Boys, co jedou stejnou story
Boys riding the same story
Zlo, co stojí před barákem
Evil standing in front of the building
Chytáme do chapadel
We catch it in our tentacles
Někdy lítáme, někdy přistanem
Sometimes we fly, sometimes we land
Na hlavě máme nonstop
We have it nonstop on our heads
V pozoru jak freestyler
At attention like a freestyler
Milujem hudbu víc než cokoli na světě
We love music more than anything in the world
Hochu dal jsem
Dude, I gave her
A ona mi chutila jak karamel
And she tasted like caramel to me
A spolu unikáme před strachem
And together we escape from fear
Někdy je v hlavě temnota
Sometimes there's darkness in the head
Tak chodíme přespat ven
So we go sleep outside
Přinesl lidi, co pro budou
I brought people who will be for me
Znamenat navždy rodinu
Forever mean family
A symbol světla, co nikdy nezhasne
And a symbol of light that will never go out
A my ten postoj neseme jak pochodeň
And we carry that attitude like a torch
Dal jsem si slib, že kolem sebe
I made a promise to myself that around me
Budu mít jen homeboye
I will only have homeboys
Chci ty slova roznožit
I want to spread those words
A proto je nenosím v těch kondomech
And that's why I don't carry them in those condoms
A chci konečně slyšet ten rým a hlas
And I want to finally hear that rhyme and voice
Tak vypni?
So turn it off?
Pre všetkých hajzlov vonku,
For all the assholes out there,
Jaké je to nájsť sa v tom songu?
How does it feel to find yourself in this song?
A všetky zápalky,
And all the matches,
Nie je to krása žiť?
Isn't it beautiful to live?
Pre všetkých hajzlov vonku,
For all the assholes out there,
Jaké je to nájsť sa v tom songu?
How does it feel to find yourself in this song?
A všetky zápalky,
And all the matches,
Nie je to krása žiť?
Isn't it beautiful to live?

Авторы: Pavel Harant, Marek Nemec, Josef Zmelik, Vladimir Dupkala

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