Paulie Garand - Bali - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Paulie Garand - Bali

To zase budou ty chytráci nadávat
Those smart asses will be bitching again
Kdepak je ten starej Harant co jsme znali
Where's that old Harant we used to know
dávno se válí na Bali
He's been chilling in Bali for ages
Je tam Elvis, Kurt nebo Amy a Michael
Elvis is there, Kurt, Amy, and Michael
A všichni ty famous lidi co nechcípli
And all those famous people who didn't die
Jen se zdejchli
They just vanished
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali,
Chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chillu chilluju na Bali,
Chilling, chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali,
Chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Jedu hype
Riding the hype
Dokud bude síla
As long as I have the strength
Kdo to neunese zůstane kýla
Those who can't handle it will be left behind
Je to moc hard
It's too hard
Na tebe zbytečně složitý
Too complex for you
Nebudeš star
You won't grow old
Nestarej se vole
Don't worry, man
Učenej z nebe nespad
You didn't fall from the sky as a scholar
Bez debat
No debate
Ale kár
But beware
Budeš furt stejnej páč
You'll stay the same because
Po deseti letech jsi furt stejnej sráč
After ten years you're still the same asshole
Progres nulovej, ubohej dick
Zero progress, pathetic dick
Aspoň stylovej klip
At least the video is stylish
Ale sečteno podtrženo, je to na hovno
But the bottom line is, it's shit
Úplně všechno
Absolutely everything
Kámo si mimo mísu
Dude, you're out of line
Místo peace-u maluješ na zdi jen schízu
Instead of peace, you only paint schizophrenia on the walls
Nebude vízum
There will be no visa, no
Do republiky rapu fakt nepustěj
They won't let you into the republic of rap
Ledaže by šlo o výzkum
Unless it's for research
Nebo miss mega píčus
Or miss mega dumbass
Fuck it
Někomu chybí vkus
Some people lack taste
A vyčichnout umí kdekdo
And anyone can lose their edge
chci jenom volně plout
I just want to float freely
Být jednak bohem
To be one with God
Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
Klidnej veterán Leon
Calm veteran Leon
Nejsem šampón ale barber
I'm not shampoo but a barber
Kundo ty taháš tampon
Bitch, you're pulling a tampon
To zase budou ty chytráci nadávat
Those smart asses will be bitching again
Kdepak je ten starej Harant co jsme znali
Where's that old Harant we used to know
dávno se válí na Bali
He's been chilling in Bali for ages
Je tam Elvis, Kurt nebo Amy a Michael
Elvis is there, Kurt, Amy, and Michael
A všichni ty famous lidi co nechcípli
And all those famous people who didn't die
Jen se zdejchli
They just vanished
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali,
Chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chillu chilluju na Bali,
Chilling, chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali,
Chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chtěli by mi furt dělat promo
They always want to promote me
Ale mohl by si bejt trochu míň peprnej
But you could be a little less spicy
Not out of line
Tvá blbá flow vymřela jako dino
Your stupid flow died out like a dino
A long time ago
A přesto se tváříš jak haur přerostlý mimino
And yet you act like an overgrown baby haur
Než moje jméno
Before my name
Si dej do huby svý péro
Put your own pen in your mouth
Umim hrát game
I can play the game
Miluju rap
I love rap
Klidně ti dám svůj fame
I'll gladly give you my fame
Sežer si ho celej sám
Eat it all yourself
Na, udav se jak pes tím co dává pán
Here, choke like a dog on what the master gives
Mám za sebou tým
I have a team behind me
Ty, tým byl dank jak zahnat ten splín
Your team was dank like chasing away the blues
Nechtěli to udělat
They didn't want to do it
Ale museli bonzovat
But they had to snitch
Že museli přebalovat z plín
That they had to change your diapers
Nech to bejt
Let it be
Ztrapňujete jenom sami sebe
You're only embarrassing yourselves
Na co hate
Why the hate
Nech to bejt
Let it be
Stalkuješ jak paparazzi
You stalk like paparazzi
Jsi šmejd
You're a creep
Zaživa pohřbenej
Buried alive
Jenom tim, že si chtěl bejt světovej
Just because you wanted to be world-famous
Tak vymrdej se z rakve
So get the fuck out of the coffin
Jak Uma v Kill Bill
Like Uma in Kill Bill
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali,
Chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chillu chilluju na Bali,
Chilling, chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chilluju na Bali,
Chilling in Bali, yeah
Chilluju na Bali
Chilling in Bali
Chillu chilluju na Bali
Chilling, chilling in Bali
To zase budou ty chytráci nadávat
Those smart asses will be bitching again
Kdepak je ten starej Harant co jsme znali
Where's that old Harant we used to know
dávno se válí na Bali
He's been chilling in Bali for ages
Je tam Elvis, Kurt nebo Amy a Michael
Elvis is there, Kurt, Amy, and Michael
A všichni ty famous lidi co nechcípli
And all those famous people who didn't die
Jen se zdejchli
They just vanished
Maiky Beatz
Maiky Beatz

Авторы: Maiky Beatz, Paulie Garand

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