Paulie Garand - Bar(Bar) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Paulie Garand - Bar(Bar)

Rozprášim wasabi po barech
I'm spreading wasabi all over the bars
Rap-man nesu chody na podnose jak pingl
Rap-man, I'm bringing food on a tray like a waiter
Sypu to do hlavy vám, vám to pálí
I'm pouring it into your head, so that it burns
Kvasíte ve světě fata morgan
You're fermenting in a world of mirages
Mám ty slova v ruce jak žezlo
I hold these words in my hand like a scepter
A můj trůn je to starý houpací křeslo
And my throne is that old rocking chair
Ne, nechci nechat ve tvym uchu nudu a maz
No, I don't want to leave boredom and slime in your ear
Najdu si cestu z průměru vyvrtám to jako kaz
I'll find a way out of mediocrity, I'll drill it out like a cavity
Tas činy a ne guny a říkej mi Papa funny
Pull out your actions, not your guns, and call me Papa funny
Miluju rap jako Hany Bany
I love rap like Hany Bany
je to tak daný
It's just a given
Dáš malý výpalný
You'll pay a small extortion
Nebo výstavní kozy tvý malý před ksicht
Or your little goats will be put in front of your face
Sedíme na židlích v dope baru
We're sitting on chairs in a dope bar
Tady si barbaři posílaj brka kolem krbu
Here the barbarians send quills around the fireplace
Lovíme můzu, trhám blůzu na kozy
We hunt for the muse, I rip her blouse on her tits
Nemiluju tu nevěrnou čůzu
I don't love that unfaithful slut
Je to easy
It's easy
Nabíhám na bar jak barbar
I'm charging into the bar like a barbarian
Vnitru jsem barabizna, venku vila rockstar
Inside I'm a crazy man, outside I'm a villa rockstar
Chtěli soudit, pak jako zmoklý čokli
They wanted to judge me, then like wet lapdogs
Stahujou ocas do boudy
They're dragging their tails into their kennels
Nabíhám na bar jak barbar
I'm charging into the bar like a barbarian
Vnitru jsem barabizna, venku vila rockstar
Inside I'm a crazy man, outside I'm a villa rockstar
Chtěli soudit, pak jako zmoklý čokli
They wanted to judge me, then like wet lapdogs
Stahujou ocas do boudy
They're dragging their tails into their kennels
A u sebe furt skejty
And I still have my skateboards with me
Fakáč na ty, co je nosej jako kejtry
A fist to those who wear them like kits
Na show jsem high jako Amy
I'm high as Amy at the show
Dej mi litr Jacka se sejmu
Give me a liter of Jack so I can kill myself
Kroutim ty bary - Bill Murray
I'm whirling those bars - Bill Murray
Žádnej fakin farizej, jsou to dary
Not any fakin' Pharisee, they're gifts
Chtěli by usměrňovat kudy jít
They'd like to tell me which way to go
půjdu kudy budu chtít
I'll go wherever I want
Neptej se furt, co chci trackama říct
Don't keep asking me what I'm trying to say with my tracks
Možná nic a možná něco víc
Maybe nothing and maybe something more
Najdi si to svý
Find your own thing
Nechápu, že jsem víc real
I don't understand that I'm more real
Než většina MCs, ke kterejm vzhlížíš
Than most of the MCs you look up to
Debily killim, byli by mi měli diliny dát chillin'
I kill idiots, they should have given me idiots to chill with
nevelim jenom hustlim rap
I don't just hustle rap
Tak co chceš, vo co de?
So what do you want, what's it all about?
Co jsi sněd, ve tvejch očích jenom lež
What have you eaten, there's only a lie in your eyes
stavim roky nedobytnou věž
I've been building an unconquerable tower for years
Na tebe sere pes
The dog is pissing on you
Nabíhám na bar jak barbar
I'm charging into the bar like a barbarian
Vnitru jsem barabizna, venku vila rockstar
Inside I'm a crazy man, outside I'm a villa rockstar
Chtěli soudit, pak jako zmoklý čokli
They wanted to judge me, then like wet lapdogs
Stahujou ocas do boudy
They're dragging their tails into their kennels
Nabíhám na bar jak barbar
I'm charging into the bar like a barbarian
Vnitru jsem barabisna, venku vila rockstar
Inside I'm a crazy man, outside I'm a villa rockstar
Chtěli soudit, pak jako zmoklý čokli
They wanted to judge me, then like wet lapdogs
Stahujou ocas do boudy
They're dragging their tails into their kennels

Авторы: Dom, Paulie Garand

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