Pede B feat. Dj Static - Hvor Du Henne? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pede B feat. Dj Static - Hvor Du Henne?

Hvor Du Henne?
Where Are You?
Hvor du henne Pede, jeg bare mit job igen
Where are you, baby? I'm at my job again
Hvor mine folk hen, det terapien vi' op' i den
Where are my people? It's therapy, we're up in it
Og det ik' ni til fem, det de sene nattetimer skriver battlerim og hvad der ligner
And it's not nine to five, it's the late night hours, I write my rhymes and whatever
Viser folk hvordan man rimer
Showin' people how to rhyme
Fra asfalten til toppen af blocken
From the asphalt to the top of the block
Før hatede folk, nu har jeg hele flokken cocken
People used to hate, now I got the whole flock on the cock
De tror at de kan battle, og vil bokse med bossen
They think they can battle, wanna box with the boss
Men jeg rimer mere dope end du kan stop' op i snotten
But I rhyme more dope than you can stop up in your snot
de holder sig fra holdet med tossen
So they stay away from the team with the madman
Det the shit, helt uden at ha' kroppen potten
It's the shit, without even havin' the body on pot
At finde dansk rap som der holder i clubben
Finding Danish rap that lasts in the club
Er efterhånden sværere end at spotte Holger i flokken
Is harder than spottin' Wally in the crowd
For der er crews i overflod, ved at true niveauet
'Cause there are crews galore, threatening the level
Lægger konkurrencen i seng, og lægger puden over hovedet
Putting the competition to bed, putting the pillow over its head
Gøgereden stil, ingen bred appeal
Cuckoo's nest style, no broad appeal
Men uanset om lortet sælger vil jeg stadig smil'
But regardless if the crap sells, I'll still smile
Hvis du ka' li' at fucke rundt er det nu skal gøre
If you like to fool around, this is the time to do it
Hvis du ka' li' at puffe blunts er det nu du skal gøre det
If you like to puff blunts, this is the time to do it
Hvis du ka' li' at holde det dumt er det nu du skal gøre det
If you like to keep it stupid, this is the time to do it
Nu du skal gøre det, nu du skal gøre det
Now you gotta do it, now you gotta do it
Hvis du vil tos' rundt sprit er det nu du skal gøre det
If you wanna get wasted on booze, this is the time to do it
Hvis du vil holde det beskidt er det nu du skal gøre det
If you wanna keep it dirty, this is the time to do it
Og amok med din click er det nu du skal gøre det
And go crazy with your click, this is the time to do it
Nu du skal gøre det, nu du skal gøre det
Now you gotta do it, now you gotta do it
De kommer og de går, Pede blir' hvor han er
They come and go, Pede stays where he is
Håber folk de forstår, når jeg sir' det sådan her
I hope people understand when I say it like this
Ay, præcis sådan der, lad mig set the record straight
Ay, just like that, let me set the record straight
Du ik' millionær fordi du går i Bathing Ape
You're not a millionaire because you wear Bathing Ape
Og du ik' militær fordi du går i camo wear
And you're not military because you wear camo wear
Ta' og vis mig din hær, jeg viser dig plattenslagere
Show me your army, I'll show you the hitmakers
Viser dig hva' de værd, hey oppefra og ned
Show you what they're worth, hey, from top to bottom
Hvem kan rip' det sådan her, arh det klokkeklare Pede
Who can rip it like this, ah, it's the crystal clear Pede
For før sagde sure piger, rap er den visse død
Because before, sour girls said, rap is certain death
Nu siger groupier, Pede han er pisse sød
Now groupies say, Pede he's really cute
En verden i kaos, har gjort mig lidt mindre blød
A world in chaos has made me a little less soft
Skriver et vers, der rammer plet som infrarød
Writing a verse that hits the spot like infrared
Jeg går ud af studiet, med en sang som jeg skal spil' for nogen
I leave the studio with a song that I have to play for someone
Du går ud af studiet, med en regning og en depression
You leave the studio with a bill and a depression
Fede sløve rappere, folk der bor i trailere
Fat, lazy rappers, people living in trailers
Yo du burde tabe dig, stikkeren er en yankeebar
Yo, you should lose weight, the snitch is a Yankee bar
Hvis du ka' li' at fucke rundt er det nu skal gøre
If you like to fool around, this is the time to do it
Hvis du ka' li' at puffe blunts er det nu du skal gøre det
If you like to puff blunts, this is the time to do it
Hvis du ka' li' at holde det dumt er det nu du skal gøre det
If you like to keep it stupid, this is the time to do it
Nu du skal gøre det, nu du skal gøre det
Now you gotta do it, now you gotta do it
Hvis du vil tos' rundt sprit er det nu du skal gøre det
If you wanna get wasted on booze, this is the time to do it
Hvis du vil holde det beskidt er det nu du skal gøre det
If you wanna keep it dirty, this is the time to do it
Og amok med din click er det nu du skal gøre det
And go crazy with your click, this is the time to do it
Nu du skal gøre det, nu du skal gøre det
Now you gotta do it, now you gotta do it
Hvor du hen' Pede, jeg bar' mit job igen
Where are you, baby? I'm just at my job again
Med en blok og en pen, prøver at skrive noget godt igen
With a pad and a pen, tryin' to write something good again
Der godt nok en del timer før jeg kommer hjem
There are quite a few hours before I come home
Men det okay, ingen grund til at holde igen
But it's okay, no reason to hold back
Hvor du hen' Pede, jeg bar' mit job igen
Where are you, baby? I'm just at my job again
Med en blok og en pen, prøver at skrive noget godt igen
With a pad and a pen, tryin' to write something good again
Der godt nok en del timer før jeg kommer hjem
There are quite a few hours before I come home
Men det okay, ingen grund til at holde igen
But it's okay, no reason to hold back

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