Pekado feat. Ambar - Dentro del Laberinto - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pekado feat. Ambar - Dentro del Laberinto

Dentro del Laberinto
Inside the Labyrinth
Sigo escribiendo canciones que cuentan tu
I keep writing songs that tell your
Historia, no puedo continuar si sigues en mi memoria.
story, I can't go on if you're still in my memory.
"Hay tanto que no entiendo, noto este magnetismo.
"There's so much I don't understand, I feel this magnetism.
Te busco y no te encuentro, dentro del laberinto.
I look for you and I can't find you, inside the labyrinth.
Hay tanto que no cuento, pero sientes lo mismo,
There's so much I don't say, but you feel the same,
No creas que me lo invento, estoy al borde del abismo. "
Don't think I'm making it up, I'm on the edge of the abyss."
Estuve presente en el momento,
I was there at the moment,
Cuando te ahogo su aliento,
When his breath choked you,
Yo no quería este asiento, pero acudí a tu llanto.
I didn't want this seat, but I ran to your cry.
No cómo comenzó,
I don't know how it started,
Pero vi sus aspavientos y pude sentir que tu miedo aumento.
But I saw his gestures and I could feel your fear increasing.
La vi allí sola tirada, abrazada a la almohada,
I saw her there lying alone, hugging the pillow,
Sin entender que pasaba, dejo de creer en las hadas.
Not understanding what was happening, she stopped believing in fairies.
A solas, a todas horas mora por su casa,
Alone, at all hours she dwells in her house,
Siente como la mira, sabe que su mente no descansa.
She feels how he looks at her, she knows her mind doesn't rest.
"Hay tanto sufrimiento, que pierdo la esperanza",
"There is so much suffering, that I lose hope,"
No quieras luchar tu sola, solo pide mi ayuda,
Don't try to fight alone, just ask for my help,
Aunque sea el quien te desnuda, solo tu finges ser muda.
Even if he's the one who undresses you, only you pretend to be mute.
Él estaba contento,
He was happy,
Ella imagina que es un cuento,
She imagines it's a story,
Todo su alrededor aterrador teme su encuentro.
Everything around her, terrifying, fears their encounter.
La habitación es su prisión y su padre el dementor
The room is her prison and her father the dementor
Que forjó sus cimientos, donde soporta sus lamentos.
That forged its foundations, where it endures her laments.
Cuentan que mientras estés creciendo,
They say that while you are growing,
Serás bocado suculento,
You will be a succulent morsel,
Y esto es solo un adelanto, de un futuro sangriento.
And this is just a preview of a bloody future.
Cuando se acabe tu encanto, pasas página,
When your charm runs out, you turn the page,
Pero mientras tanto, sigues llorando en esa esquina.
But in the meantime, you keep crying in that corner.
"Quizás me lo merezco, porque sigo existiendo" estas viva no olvides,
"Maybe I deserve it, because I still exist" you're alive don't forget,
No dejes que te castiguen,
Don't let them punish you,
Estoy aquí me ves, no lo dudes, decides.
I'm here you see me, don't doubt it, you decide.
Recuerdo solo fragmentos, y mientras intento olvidar,
I only remember fragments, and while I try to forget,
Vuelvo a estar en tu lugar, han pasado unos años ya.
I go back to being in your place, a few years have passed.
Queda poco de la chica que soñaba en su tejado,
There is little left of the girl who dreamed on her roof,
Ya olvidado a su padre, tiene un hombre a su lado.
Already forgotten her father, she has a man by her side.
El desconoce el pecado, es un chico anticuado,
He's unaware of the sin, he's an old-fashioned guy,
Tu alegría termina, donde comienza su enfado.
Your joy ends where his anger begins.
Ayer fueron grados desangrados de alcohol,
Yesterday it was bloody degrees of alcohol,
Condenados a darte esa patada en el salón sin razón.
Condemned to give you that kick in the living room for no reason.
"No puede estar pasando, que lo estás viendo,
"It can't be happening, I know you're seeing it,
Y dime que no es cierto, que el me sigue queriendo"
And tell me it's not true, that he still loves me"
Tu corazón se dispersó por la habitación,
Your heart was scattered around the room,
En el juego de vivir, no existe premio de consolación.
In the game of living, there is no consolation prize.
Sufres su exceso de ambición, y de poder,
You suffer from his excess of ambition and power,
No puedes jugar pensando que vas a perder.
You can't play thinking you're going to lose.
Yo, te vi llorar ante el espejo,
I saw you cry in the mirror,
Ocultando esas señales, vi miras las fotos, tus antiguas amistades.
Hiding those signs, I saw you look at the photos, your old friends.
Ya no sales a la calle,
You don't go out anymore,
Tienes miedo a tu reflejo en su mirada, sigues sola, resignada.
You are afraid of your reflection in his gaze, you are still alone, resigned.
"Ya no vale la pena,
"It's not worth it anymore,
Quitarme estas cadenas" no hay colmena sin reina,
Taking off these chains" there is no hive without a queen,
Ella ya lo sabía, le robaron la magia, esa pastilla la devolvería.
She already knew it, they stole her magic, that pill would bring her back.
Hay un momento,
There is a time,
En el que cierras los ojos y tomas asiento,
When you close your eyes and take a seat,
No eres consciente de lo que estás viendo.
You are not aware of what you are seeing.
Hay personas que en su interior llevan
There are people who carry inside
Marcado ese estruendo, si oyes su voz estate atento.
That roar marked, if you hear his voice be careful.
Puedes ser su ultimo intento,
You may be his last try,
Serás su única señas, antes de que se acabe el tiempo.
You will be his only sign, before time runs out.
Yo pude ser el salvador,
I could be the savior,
De esta escena que presencio, pero al final, solo quedo el silencio.
Of this scene I'm witnessing, but in the end, only silence remains.
"Hoy es mi último encuentro, no creas sus espejismo,
"Today is my last encounter, don't believe his mirage,
Aun te siento aquí dentro, aunque no entienda el mecanismo"
I still feel you here inside, even though I don't understand the mechanism."

Авторы: Miguel Francisco Becerra

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