Pemdas - Sar - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pemdas - Sar

Da o mie ca sa sar
Give a thousand to jump
Tin dripanu' pe val
I keep the chopper on the wave
In fata DIICOT-ul ma fileaza
In front of DIICOT they are watching me
Intra, nu tresar
They come in, I don't flinch
Baga foaia la dosar
Put the paper in the file
Trag, dar nu-i necesar
I shoot, but it's not necessary
Coaie sunt viitoru' intr-o Tesla
Man, I'm the future in a Tesla
Pusa-n interval
Put in interval
Nu vorbesc cu tine, am alergie la prosti
I don't talk to you, I'm allergic to fools
Industria ca o familie, tu inca nu ma cunosti
The industry is like a family, you still don't know me
Ca la ce piese scot, ai tot dreptu sa ma urasti
For the tracks I drop, you have every right to hate me
Si tarfele astea vor ceva nou, dar plang dupa fosti
And these whores want something new, but they cry for their exes
Baga boaba
Take the pill
Ca incep sa sculptez, sa fac muzica cu dalta
Because I start to sculpt, to make music with a chisel
Pata voastra nu se spala, nici cu dero alta
Your stain doesn't wash off, not even with high-end detergent
Vreau un hectar pentru cioate sa fumez si legal
I want a hectare for plants to smoke legally
Si legal
And legally
Si suu'
And woo'
Trapu' real din plin
Real trap in full
Nu te stiu, esti strain
I don't know you, you're a stranger
Muzica e-n declin
Music is in decline
Vindem leanu' pe gin
We sell lean for gin
N-o s-ajungeti ce-ati zis
You won't reach what you said
Fac din flow doar un vis
I make flow just a dream
Soundu' vechi e proscris
The old sound is outlawed
N-o sa poti sa ne atingi
You won't be able to touch us
Gravitatia-i pe sute
Gravity is in the hundreds
Facem sute
We make hundreds
Si miare, teancuri multe
And thousands, many stacks
Doar valute
Only currencies
Preturi brute
Raw prices
Si GPS-ul comenteaza ca avem rute
And the GPS comments that we have routes
Da o mie ca sa sar
Give a thousand to jump
Tin dripanu' pe val
I keep the chopper on the wave
In fata DIICOT-ul ma fileaza
In front of DIICOT they are watching me
Intra, nu tresar
They come in, I don't flinch
Baga foaia la dosar
Put the paper in the file
Trag, dar nu-i necesar
I shoot, but it's not necessary
Coaie sunt viitoru' intr-o Tesla
Man, I'm the future in a Tesla
Pusa-n interval
Put in interval
Raman pe zona filat
I stay on the zone watched
Cu fratii-n casa blocat
With the brothers locked in the house
Sunt ca o sonda pe mine, petrol in pod si-n dulap
I'm like a probe, oil in the attic and in the closet
Nu vorbesc cu un ratat
I don't talk to a loser
N-are niciun rezultat
He has no result
Imi iau sticle cu mine de lean sa raman hidratat
I take lean bottles with me to stay hydrated
Nu va dau spuma, dau mostre
I don't give you foam, I give samples
Nu vad azi suma, o sa te coste
I don't see the sum today, it will cost you
Ca vin ban pe ban roller-coaster
Because money comes in like a roller-coaster
Aduna-ti fanii, casa Foster
Gather your fans, Foster house
Ca pun ban pe ban, ca Money Gram
Because I put money on money, like Money Gram
Ai treaba cu mine, ca eu nu am
You have business with me, because I don't
Daca nu-l schimbam, nu ma apucam
If I didn't change it, I wouldn't start
Daca nu rupeam, nu mai intram
If I didn't break it, I wouldn't enter anymore
Zic WOW, arunca telu'
I say WOW, throw the phone
Ca imi respingi apelu'
Because you reject my call
Oricum bubuie cartieru'
Anyway, the neighborhood is booming
Nu e letal daca-i putin volum
It's not lethal if the volume is low
Golani cu multe teluri
Thugs with many phones
Nu ratam, ocazia-i acum
We don't miss, the opportunity is now
Poza cu originea in timp ce sunt pe drum
Photo with the origin while I'm on the road
Sunt invidiosi c-apar pe poster
They are envious that I appear on the poster
Va servesc rapid EP-u', ca pe mostra
I serve you the EP quickly, like a sample
Rupem beaturi coaie, dar avem si stofa
We break beats man, but we also have fabric
Am stiut ca rupem de la prima strofa
I knew we were breaking from the first verse
Da o mie ca sa sar
Give a thousand to jump
Tin dripanu' pe val
I keep the chopper on the wave
In fata DIICOT-ul ma fileaza
In front of DIICOT they are watching me
Intra, nu tresar
They come in, I don't flinch
Baga foaia la dosar
Put the paper in the file
Trag, dar nu-i necesar
I shoot, but it's not necessary
Coaie sunt viitoru' intr-o Tesla
Man, I'm the future in a Tesla
Pusa-n interval
Put in interval
Da o mie ca sa sar
Give a thousand to jump
Tin dripanu' pe val
I keep the chopper on the wave
In fata DIICOT-ul ma fileaza
In front of DIICOT they are watching me
Intra, nu tresar
They come in, I don't flinch
Baga foaia la dosar
Put the paper in the file
Trag, dar nu-i necesar
I shoot, but it's not necessary
Coaie sunt viitoru' intr-o Tesla
Man, I'm the future in a Tesla
Pusa-n interval
Put in interval

Авторы: Darius Hasan

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