Pil C - Peepshow - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pil C - Peepshow

Hedonický život priťahuje nenávisť,
A hedonistic lifestyle attracts hate,
Váš pojebaný hate ma kokot netrápi,
Your fucking hate means dick to me,
Pamätám si keď som žil bez peňazí,
I can remember when I had nothing,
Keď som sa pýtal Boha, kam hej a kám nemám ísť.
Way back when I was asking God where I should and shouldn't be.
Jebem vaše c'est la vie,
Fuck your c'est la vie,
Teraz každá piča chcela by,
Now the bitches all would like to be,
že sa kurva nehanbíš
That you're not ashamed of being a hoe
A ty drbnutý --- viacej nezáviď!
And stop being envious, you fucking moron!
No pravda je že keď si v prdeli tak veľa nemáš ich,
But the truth is, when you're broke you don't have many friends,
No keď žiariš ako diamant tak jebať ťa chce veľa píč,
But when you're shining like a diamond, plenty of bitches wanna fuck,
Vaše nablýskané paláce plné kríz - plné závisti a plné schýz
Your shiny mansions are full of drama - full of envy and full of schizophrenia
A preto tak často opúšťam tento svet a chodím tam,
And that's why I so often leave this world and go to the place,
Kam mama hovorila že ja nemám ísť. (že ja nemám ísť.)
Where my mother said I shouldn't go. (where I shouldn't go.)
A preto moji chlapci stále fúkajú ten dynamit,
And that's why my boys continually blow up that dynamite,
Nemám rád tie vaše predsudky a preto búram ich,
I don't like your prejudices and that's why I break them down,
život jedovatý ako Kyanid a všetci ideme ten život so svojimi chybami a nepýtaj sa či ona furt chýba mi, prebúdzam sa na hoteli z dvoma kurvami.
A life as poisonous as cyanide and we all lead that life with our flaws and don't ask if she still misses me, I wake up in a hotel with two whores.
Emócie prejebú ti mozog ako tsunami,
Emotions will fuck up your brain like a tsunami,
Ležím na izbe v hoteli - na Bali
I'm lying in a hotel room - in Bali
A píšem tento text a tento beat hrá veľmi pomaly,
And I'm writing this text and this beat is playing very slowly,
A ona vyzlieka sa, bere mi ho nohami.
And she's taking off her clothes, giving me head.
Peepshow - peepshow, peepshow, peepshow.
Peepshow - peepshow, peepshow, peepshow.
hoe na sebe Bape,
That hoe is wearing Bape,
Ape shall never kill ape,
Ape shall never kill ape,
Opičí král ako Gey,
Monkey king like Gey,
Po nociach fúka cocaine.
Snorting cocaine at night.
Vraví že môžem byť jej,
She says I can be hers,
Ja vravím že môžem byť v nej,
I say I can be in her,
hoe na sebe Bape,
That hoe is wearing Bape,
Ape shall never kill ape.
Ape shall never kill ape.
hoe na sebe Bape,
That hoe is wearing Bape,
Ape shall never kill ape,
Ape shall never kill ape,
Opičí král ako Gey,
Monkey king like Gey,
Po nociach fúka cocaine.
Snorting cocaine at night.
Vraví že môžem byť jej,
She says I can be hers,
Ja vravím že môžem byť v nej,
I say I can be in her,
hoe na sebe Bape,
That hoe is wearing Bape,
Ape shall never kill ape.
Ape shall never kill ape.

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