Pil C - Taxikár - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pil C - Taxikár

Taxi Driver
Ja mam piči jazdím mestom sám,
I'm a bit of a loner, driving through the city all by myself,
Cez noc do rana jak taxikár,
Through the night and into the morning like a taxi driver,
Pred tým vašim svetom unikám,
Escaping from all you people and your crazy world,
A ide vikend ver že mame plán,
And the weekend's coming, we got plans, it's gonna be wild,
Ja mam piči jazdím mestom sám,
I'm a bit of a loner, driving through the city all by myself,
Cez noc do rana jak taxikár,
Through the night and into the morning like a taxi driver,
Pred tým vašim svetom unikám,
Escaping from all you people and your crazy world,
A ide večer ver že mame plán,
And the evening's coming, we got plans, it's gonna be lit,
Neriešil som nikdy nič,
I never worry about anything,
Dvadsať ľudí jeden byt,
Twenty people sharing one apartment,
V pohári mam ametyst,
My cup is filled with amethyst,
Vola Kubo Jurkovič,
Name's Kubo Jurkovič,
Dopite a pome žiť,
Finish your drinks, let's go out and live,
Pome dole pome my,
Let's go downstairs, let's get out of here,
Nalej mi tam další džin,
Pour me another gin,
ďalšiu fľašu ja platím,
I'll pay for the next bottle,
Kým nezaspím jak Metys,
Until I pass out like Metys,
Konspi Páli weed,
Konspi is smoking weed,
Trendy vypil tisíc pív,
Trendy has drunk a thousand beers,
Jimbo ide iba... (pšt)
Jimbo is just... (shhh)
Dobre chceš ma ja to vím,
Okay, you want me, I know it,
Ja som sa zaľúbil,
I've already fallen in love,
vám nepatrí moj dick,
My dick is no longer yours,
(Ne ne ne)
(No, no, no)
Masky jako Halloween,
Masks like it's Halloween,
nemam nato síl,
I'm so over it,
Nechajte ma prosím byť,
Just leave me alone, please,
Fotiť sa budem neskôr prosim vás, prosim vás,
I'll take pictures later, please, please,
V žilách mi prúdi chlast, prúdi chlast,
My veins are filled with booze,
A kde mam mobil fuck, mobil fuck,
And where's my phone, damn it,
Ja chcem ist domov spat, domov spat,
I wanna go home and sleep,
V myšlienkach som zavretý, zajatý v kluboch naveky,
My mind is trapped, locked away forever in these clubs,
(Som) unavený, (ja som) unavený,
(I'm) tired, (I'm) tired,
Lietam po klube jak vetroplach, vetroplach,
I'm flying through the club like a whirlwind,
Neviem či nebola lepšia ta samota,
I wonder if being alone wasn't better,
Dunkuje Jordan na botach, na botach,
Jordan's dunking on my shoes,
Ona si mysli že ma namota, namota,
She thinks she's got me wrapped around her finger,
Ja mam piči jazdím mestom sám,
I'm a bit of a loner, driving through the city all by myself,
Cez noc do rana jak taxikár,
Through the night and into the morning like a taxi driver,
Pred tým vašim svetom unikám,
Escaping from all you people and your crazy world,
A ide vikend ver že mame plán,
And the weekend's coming, we got plans, it's gonna be wild,
Ja mam piči jazdím mestom sám,
I'm a bit of a loner, driving through the city all by myself,
Cez noc do rana jak taxikár,
Through the night and into the morning like a taxi driver,
Pred tým vašim svetom unikám,
Escaping from all you people and your crazy world,
A ide večer ver že mame plán,
And the evening's coming, we got plans, it's gonna be lit,
Míňam další výjazd v noci míňam další Exit,
I miss another exit at night, miss another Exit,
Neviem kam idem len tak v aute zrazu píšem texty,
I don't know where I'm going, just driving in my car and writing lyrics,
Svietia lampy smog noc je hnedá ako Nesquik
The lights glow smog, the night is brown like Nesquik
Hoď domňa kameňom keď sám si bezchýb
Throw a stone at me when you're flawless

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