Pil C feat. Ego & Majk Spirit - 1 Uchom Dnu 2 Von (feat. Ego & Majk Spirit) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pil C feat. Ego & Majk Spirit - 1 Uchom Dnu 2 Von (feat. Ego & Majk Spirit)

1 Uchom Dnu 2 Von (feat. Ego & Majk Spirit)
1 In One Ear, 2 Out (feat. Ego & Majk Spirit)
Kokot pamätáš jak nám kedysi jebalo, úplne že najviac?
Dude, remember how we used to go crazy, like absolutely the most?
V kluboch, kokot?
In the clubs, dude?
No, jak nám jebalo?
Yeah, how we went crazy?
Koľko si dal najviac za večer do piči na veci? Povedz
How much did you spend the most in one night on stuff? Tell me
Čo ti jebe, tak to nezrátam ne? Dobre vieš, že vela.
Are you crazy, I can't count that, right? You know damn well it was a lot.
Ale kokot od kedy som zajebal že 14
But dude, ever since I dropped like 14
Tisíc naposledy za gramec, tak na to jebem.
Thousand for a gram last time, I've been saying fuck it.
A stále ťa s tým ešte sužujú, otravujú kokoti?
And do those assholes still bother you about it, annoy you?
Šak otravujú ne, ale tak, mám to tak že jednoducho im otvorím von
Well, they do annoy me, but you know, I just open the door for them and that's it.
Jáj, vy sa bavíte spolu?
Oh, you talk to them?
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven,
One in one ear, and two out the other,
Jedným uchom dnu a
One in one ear and
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Nepočujem nič, som hluchý ako peň, (Ego: som, som)
I can't hear anything, I'm as deaf as a post, (Ego: I am, I am)
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Ego: v hlave nechám len to, čo potrebujem,
Ego: I only keep what I need in my head,
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Nepočujem nič som hluchý ako peň, (Ego: som, som)
I can't hear anything, I'm as deaf as a post, (Ego: I am, I am)
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Ego: nepočujem nič, čo nepotrebujem
Ego: I don't hear anything I don't need
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven,
One in one ear, and two out the other,
Ja nepočujem nič, som hluchý ako peň
I can't hear anything, I'm as deaf as a post
Keď nepočujem, aj tak nič nepoviem,
When I don't hear, I don't say anything anyway,
Nepoviem nič, pokým nezomrem,
I won't say anything until I die,
Jakeby hádzal si hrach o stenu,
It's like throwing peas against the wall,
Nehovoril s policajtami bratu denné menu,
Don't tell the cops your daily menu, bro,
Nehovoriť kokotiny pred kokotmi, tak je, veru,
Don't talk bullshit in front of assholes, that's right,
Ja som ich prekukol, keď mazali mi kilá medu,
I saw through them when they were smearing honey on me,
Musíš ostať pod radarom ako Top Gun,
You gotta stay under the radar like Top Gun,
Svet je mój slógan,
The world is my slogan,
Keď nás zatlačia do kúta, za
When they push us into a corner, for
Mojich prebehnem lesom ako Logan,
My people I'll run through the forest like Logan,
Zlatá horúčka, Bratislava je klondajk
Gold rush, Bratislava is a Klondike
Píše mi paní účtovníčka že Lukáš volaj,
My accountant lady is texting me that Lukáš is calling,
Musíš zaplatiť tie dane, Lukáš smola,
You gotta pay those taxes, Lukáš, tough luck,
Skurvený štát, dám mu lóve, ktoré z neho vyšumia jak Coca Cola,
Fucking state, I'll give it money that will fizzle out of it like Coca Cola,
Snaha bola, podla toho, ktorá,
There was an effort, depending on which one,
Držím volant, nezastavím, ani boha???
I'm holding the wheel, I won't even stop for God???
Lisa Mona, brehy mije tichá voda, ústup,
Lisa Mona, quiet water passes the banks, retreat,
Trendy sedí vedla, žere iba plody mora,
Trendy is sitting next to me, only eating seafood,
Naša show, kačer a večer bola opäť sóda
Our show, duck and the evening was soda again
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Nepočujem nič, som hluchý ako peň, (Ego: som, som)
I can't hear anything, I'm as deaf as a post, (Ego: I am, I am)
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Ego: v hlave nechám len to, čo potrebujem,
Ego: I only keep what I need in my head,
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Nepočujem nič som hluchý ako peň, (Ego: som, som)
I can't hear anything, I'm as deaf as a post, (Ego: I am, I am)
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým uchom ven, (Ego: von, von)
One in one ear, and two out the other, (Ego: out, out)
Ego: nepočujem nič, čo nepotrebujem
Ego: I don't hear anything I don't need
Majk Spirit:
Majk Spirit:
Jedným uchom dnu a druhým vón,
One in one ear, and two out,
Je mi jedno čo si povie ón,
I don't care what he says,
Jediné čo sa ráta je čo urobím já,
The only thing that matters is what I do,
Jebem na to, viem že som aký som,
Fuck it, I know what I'm like,
Na krku mám zlatú baňu, nepýtam si vašu radu,
I got a gold mine around my neck, I don't ask for your advice,
Na to mám svoju mamu, od nej mám vlastnú hlavu,
I got my mom for that, I got my own head from her,
Preto spolieham sa na ňu,
That's why I rely on her,
Ale keď cítia túto zdravú energiu, po nej prahnú, chcú z nej kradnúť,
But when they feel this healthy energy, they crave it, they want to steal from it,
Bitch, nepotrebujem tvoj kompliment,
Bitch, I don't need your compliment,
Dobre viem, že za rohom nás ohováraš,
I know damn well you're talking shit about us around the corner,
Dobre všetci vieme kto je tu confident,
We all know who's the confident one here,
Keď nevieš zarepovať, aspoň porozprávaš,
If you can't rap, at least you can talk,
Bitch, nepotrebujem tvoj súhlas,
Bitch, I don't need your approval,
Robím si čo chcem od kedy viem čo chcem,
I do what I want ever since I know what I want,
Viem že neviem všetko, ale to jedno viem,
I know I don't know everything, but I know one thing,
Ja poznám svoju trasu, ty sa túlaš, rúhaš,
I know my path, you're wandering, blaspheming,
Sa pozri na seba, ty cúvaš,
Look at yourself, you're going backwards,
A kukni na mňa jak to kultivujem,
And look at me how I cultivate it,
Levitujem nad klebetami, nepreciťujem drby,
I levitate above gossip, I don't feel the gossip,
??? bullshit, nekvitujem, sorry, nepočujem, no comprendo,
??? bullshit, I don't appreciate, sorry, I don't hear, no comprendo,
Conscious rep, aj tak moje songy prvé v trendoch,
Conscious rap, still my songs are first in trends,
Conscious rep, aj tak blbé reči v komentároch,
Conscious rap, still stupid talk in the comments,
Conscious rep, aj tak jedným uchom dnu a druhým von,
Conscious rap, still one in one ear and two out,
Aký som, to vie iba pán boh
What I'm like, only the Lord knows

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