Pind - Plastic (feat. Benjamin Hav) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pind - Plastic (feat. Benjamin Hav)

Plastic (feat. Benjamin Hav)
Plastic (feat. Benjamin Hav)
Det' for børn det', legende let nu
It's for kids, so playfully easy now
Store følelser de plejer væk nu
Big emotions, they usually fade away
Man kan se de ben de defekt' nu
You can see on those legs, they're defective now
Kan ikk' tænk', det' bar', "dans, dans, dans til det tekno
Can't think, it's just, "dance, dance, dance to the techno"
Mod det umulig
Against the impossible
Det har været blå mandag i ugevis
It's been a blue Monday for weeks
Ligger med den fulde effekt nu
Lying with the full effect now
Det der problem, det væk nu
That problem, get it away now
"Nock, nock", politi, ved min dør, hvad vil de?
"Knock, knock", police, at my door, what do they want?
"Få din far med ud i den bil, og kører vi"
"Get your father in that car, and then we drive"
Jeg fortæller sandheden, men hvad hører de?
I tell the truth, but what do they hear?
Vi' i krig mod de dum', og nu fører de
We're at war with the stupid, and now they're leading
Al' de kort bordet, det er kun min'
All the cards on the table, it's only mine
Al' de folk jeg har, det' ikke kun grin
All the people I have, it's not just laughter
Din' går, og vender du, hvem er du?
You leave, and then you turn around, who are you?
Pak din' ting, pige, det ender nu
Pack your things, girl, it ends now
Vredt blik
Angry look
Har det fantastic
Feeling so fantastic
Den joke var sarcastic
That joke was sarcastic
Smelter li'som plastic, plastic
Melting like plastic, plastic
Vredt blik
Angry look
Har det fantastic
Feeling so fantastic
Den joke var sarcastic
That joke was sarcastic
Smelter li'som plastic
Melting like plastic
mærk dig min' ord
So mark my words
Kommer fra vest, men jeg header mod nord
Coming from the west, but I'm heading north
Folk kommer tætter', jeg sletter min' spor
People are getting closer, I'm erasing my tracks
Al' de forvirred' de gætter i kor
All the confused ones are guessing in chorus
Deres argumenter de falder til jorden
Their arguments are falling to the ground
Gi' dem lidt lin', og de falder i snoren
Give them some line, and they fall for the rope
Livet de kender, det' fra fjorden
The life they know, it's from the fjord
Djævelen han kommer, han kender
The devil he comes, he knows
Djævelen han kommer, han kender dig
The devil he comes, he knows you
De talt' om en sjov hat, den hat væk
They talked about a funny hat, get that hat off
Mand, du ligner en, der lige har fået flat dæk
Man, you look like someone who just got a flat tire
Respekt, det' en go' måde at brug' tiden
Respect, it's a good way to spend time
Ligner, du er død for en uge siden
Looks like you've been dead for a week
Deres prioritering den er helt fucked
Their prioritization is completely fucked
Hvis du ikk' har set noget, har du set nok
If you haven't seen anything, you've seen enough
Du' et barn af dit ødelagt' instinkt
You're a child of your ruined instinct
Tillykke med absolut ingenting
Congratulations on absolutely nothing
Klokken den var lidt i fem, sig, "uh"
The clock was a little past five, say, "uh"
Tænker min lille ven lige nu
Thinking of my little friend right now
Go' dreng, den er go' dreng
Good boy, he's a good boy
Står bar' og sveder med en mokaï
Just standing there sweating with a mokaï
O nej, ikk' let at være en tom karl
Oh no, not easy being an empty guy
Om jeg gider hører det? Er du åndsvag?
If I care to listen to that? Are you crazy?
High five med en hånd, der var kaktus
High five with a hand that was cactus
"Vil du ha' et godt råd?," ellers tak du (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
"Do you want some good advice?," otherwise thank you (Uh-uh-uh-uh)
Vredt blik
Angry look
Har det fantastic
Feeling so fantastic
Den joke var sarcastic
That joke was sarcastic
Smelter li'som plastic, plastic
Melting like plastic, plastic
Vredt blik
Angry look
Har det fantastic
Feeling so fantastic
Den joke var sarcastic
That joke was sarcastic
Smelter li'som plastic
Melting like plastic
mærk dig min' ord
So mark my words
Kommer fra vest, men jeg header mod nord
Coming from the west, but I'm heading north
Folk kommer tætter', jeg sletter min' spor
People are getting closer, I'm erasing my tracks
Al' de forvirred' de gætter i kor
All the confused ones are guessing in chorus
Deres argumenter de falder til jorden
Their arguments are falling to the ground
Gi' dem lidt lin', og de falder i snoren
Give them some line, and they fall for the rope
Livet de kender, det' fra fjorden
The life they know, it's from the fjord
Djævelen han kommer, han kender
The devil he comes, he knows

Авторы: Benjamin Hav

Pind - Videre - EP
Videre - EP
дата релиза

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