Pinki - Prvi Dan Napolju - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pinki - Prvi Dan Napolju

Prvi Dan Napolju
First Day Outside
Ne znam što me ovaj bit vozi
I don't know what this beat's driving me to
Dal' jer sam na drozi, sistem jebo i u tvorzi
Maybe it's the drugs, I fucked the system and the factory
I da bude bolje sutra Bože mi pomozi
And I hope God helps me to make tomorrow better
I zato hvala istom što sam u svojoj koži
And I'm grateful for the same fact that I'm in my own skin
Samo džok nek se loži
Just let the fool burn
Ali prestajem da snifam jer tako keš se množi
But I'm stopping sniffing because that's how the money multiplies
A u hitnim situacijama vadio sam nož i
And in emergency situations I pulled out a knife and
Bez pravog dokaza, sudijo me ne traži
Without real evidence, don't ask me for judgment
A i dokaze kad imaš, o dupe ih obriši
And even when you have evidence, wipe your ass with it
U stanici kad završiš, ništa ne potpiši
When you end up at the station, don't sign anything
Inspektore što me 'apsiš - kurac mi posiši
Inspector, why did you arrest me - suck my dick
Sve jača sam glava, sve ste manji miši
I'm getting stronger, you guys are getting smaller
A kad na neku dobru robu pomisliš u glavi
And when you think about some good stuff in your head
Ti završi neko sranje il' se nama javi
You end up doing some bullshit or call us
Ako imaš lošu priču, skrati je - ne davi
If you have a bad story, shorten it - don't bore me
Za dobro jutro i laku noć petarda se savi
For good morning and good night, the firecracker bends
Daleko od toga da sam neki narko bos
Far from being some kind of drug boss
Al gudru volim dok silujem pluća, a i nos
But I love the haze while I rape my lungs, and my nose
Sada novi štos bacam sa C trojke
Now I'm throwing a new trick with a C three
Na dvokorak ređe idem jer ne mašim trojke
I go on two-step less often because I don't miss threes
Volim da mi riba ima guzicu i dojke
I like it when my chick has an ass and tits
Žao mi, al' moram reći bićeš jeban Stojke
I'm sorry, but I have to say, you're gonna get fucked, Stojke
Nemoj da se kurčiš, da ne bi pao čekić
Don't get cocky, or you might get hit with a hammer
A uz čekić ide štangla, neću trošim metkić
And with the hammer goes the bar, I won't waste a bullet
Zato što si me sjebao i u dušu takao
Because you fucked me over and touched my soul
Otvaram ti vrata - dobro došao u pakao
I'm opening the door for you - welcome to hell
Klošarčina si postao - čujem mrčeš kakao
You've become a bum - I hear you're shitting cocoa
Kad te budem video, bolje da se nisi makao
When I see you, you better not have moved
Ako uspeo sam ilegalno preći preko granice
If I managed to cross the border illegally
U Ljubljani pobegao iz centralne stanice
In Ljubljana, I escaped from the central station
U tvorzi sam osetio prve rep varnice
I felt the first rap sparks in the factory
Zato sada repovaću ispisane stranice
So now I'm gonna rap the printed pages
Nahranim vas s kurac žandari i žandarke
I'm feeding you shit, cops and policewomen
Furam samo makserice, oriđiđi stvarke
I only wear sneakers, original stuff
Baš me sinoć iscimalo par dobrih ortaka
A couple of good friends really chewed me up last night
Da nekoj kurvi mrčem koku sa stomaka
That I'm whispering to some cunt about a chicken from the stomach
Repuje vas 60% kao moja baka
60% of you rap like my grandma
Kad sa šljakom završim, šurim se od skanka
When I finish with the slag, I run from the weed
Na žurezi puca flaša kad čujem "hej Branka"
At a party, the bottle pops when I hear "Hey, Branka"
Stiže jesen, nadam se da će nići granka
Autumn is coming, I hope a branch grows
Kada prođeš mojim krajem, čućeš zvuke metaka
When you pass by my place, you'll hear the sounds of bullets
Kad u BG svratim robu uzimam sa Medaka
When I stop in Belgrade, I get my stuff from Medak
Jer tamo se nalaze hedovi meksički
Because that's where the Mexican heads are
Pogledaj me popreko i dobićeš po pički
Look at me sideways and you'll get it in your pussy
Cimaju me sinoć dva pandura debila
Two dumb cops harassed me last night
Završiću ti gudre kol'ko god da ti treba kila
I'll get you the haze, no matter how many kilos you need
Kad zablejim gajbi, duva se nargila
When I hit the crate, the hookah is smoking
Kao zveri našibani - lele majko mila
Like beasts, high - oh my God
Matre koljem, ide mi sve bolje i bolje
I'm killing mothers, it's getting better and better
Moj pištolj je ljubav - pičko bićeš voljen
My gun is love - you bitch, you'll be loved

Авторы: Nemanja Nikolić

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