NIKØTIN - Tablety - перевод текста песни на английский

Tablety - Plasticперевод на английский

Občas mi je dobře, pak se vrátim do reality
Sometimes I feel good, and then I come back to reality
Tak jebu celej systém, jebu na autority
So I fuck the whole system, I fuck the authorities
Můj respekt málo kdo, ale fakt to nejsi ty
Few have my respect, but you're not one of them for sure
Každej den démoni v hlavě křičí dej si pills
Every day my demons in my head shout take pills
Chtějí oponovat mi, ale nedovolim
They want to argue with me, but I will not allow it
Aby stáhli tam dolů jejich těžký okovy
So that they pull me down there with their heavy chains
Nikdy to nedovolim, aby jsem byl jako ty
I will never allow it, so that I'm like you
Abych jako malá děvka sezobal to plato pills
So that like a little whore I swallow that plate of pills
Cejtim jak se rozpadam na kusy jak střepy
I feel how I am falling apart into pieces like shards
A kdybych to rozmrdal a nešlo to slepit
And if I would break it up and it would not be possible to glue it back together
Všichni chápou, ale nevidí do tebe, jsou slepý
Everybody understands you, but they don't see through you, they are blind
Proto to, že jseš v píči občas ani nikdo neví
That's why nobody even knows that sometimes you're in the dumps
A tak zas polikáš tablety, neboj se to zvládneme
And so once again you swallow tablets, don't worry we'll make it
Dal jsem to já, když spadneme, tak vstaneme
I made it, when we fall, we'll stand up
nechci řešit lidi, co něčim zklamali
I don't want to deal with people anymore who disappointed me with something
Jen pár lidí se našlo, co svou chybu uznali
Only a few people were found who admitted their mistake
Zas mám depresi online, proto jsem byl furt offline
I have depression online again, that's why I was offline all the time
Nemocný lidi to znaj, když dlouho neni fajn
Sick people know it when it's not been fine for a long time
Dejte mi beat k tomu majk, na něj vyleju vibe
Give me a beat to that mic, I'll pour my vibe on it
A mrdam vážně na to, že to nebude mít hype
And I really don't care that it will not have any hype
Zas mám depresi online, proto jsem byl furt offline
I have depression online again, that's why I was offline all the time
Nemocný lidi to znaj, když dlouho neni fajn
Sick people know it when it's not been fine for a long time
Dejte mi beat k tomu majk, na něj vyleju vibe
Give me a beat to that mic, I'll pour my vibe on it
A mrdam vážně na to, že to nebude mít hype
And I really don't care that it will not have any hype
Unavenej timhle shitem, píšu sloky do sešitu
Tired of this shit, I write verses into the notebook
Asi jsem zase pod vlivem
I'm probably under the influence again
Vypisuju se z pocitu, z kterýho mi nejde ven
I write out of the feeling from which I can't get out
Řikali, že přejde to, že se to přežene, že to prej neni nemoc
They said that it will pass, that it will be overdone, that it is not an illness
Život platíš časem, kterej tady na světě ty máš
You pay for life with time which you have here on earth
Když se blíží konec, zjišťuješ, že ti nic nezbylo
When the end is near, you realize that you have nothing left
Tři základní emoce, strach, smích a jen pláč
Three basic emotions, fear, laughter and just crying
odmala učí o čem je ten zkurvenej život
From early childhood you are taught about what this fucked up life is all about
Zase nejdu mezi lidi, zase Dominik je sad
Once again I don't go among people, Dominik is sad again
Zatim co ostatní zkouší, kolik vlastně unesou
Meanwhile, others are trying how much they can actually bear
Fetu ve svý krvy, pak píšou, že maj deprese
Meth in their blood, then they write that they have depression
Nejlíp se jim to píše, když jsou na dojezdu
They write it best when they are on the comedown
A tak zas polikáš tablety, neboj se to zvládneme
And so once again you swallow tablets, don't worry we'll make it
Dal jsem to já, když spadneme, tak vstaneme
I made it, when we fall, we'll stand up
nechci řešit lidi, co něčim zklamali
I don't want to deal with people anymore who disappointed me with something
Jen pár lidí se našlo, co svou chybu uznali
Only a few people were found who admitted their mistake
Zas mám depresi online, proto jsem byl furt offline
I have depression online again, that's why I was offline all the time
Nemocný lidi to znaj, když dlouho neni fajn
Sick people know it when it's not been fine for a long time
Dejte mi beat k tomu majk, na něj vyleju vibe
Give me a beat to that mic, I'll pour my vibe on it
A mrdam vážně na to, že to nebude mít hype
And I really don't care that it will not have any hype
Zas mám depresi online, proto jsem byl furt offline
I have depression online again, that's why I was offline all the time
Nemocný lidi to znaj, když dlouho neni fajn
Sick people know it when it's not been fine for a long time
Dejte mi beat k tomu majk, na něj vyleju vibe
Give me a beat to that mic, I'll pour my vibe on it
A mrdam vážně na to, že to nebude mít hype
And I really don't care that it will not have any hype

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