NIKØTIN - Vůně trávy - перевод текста песни на английский

Vůně trávy - Plasticперевод на английский

Vůně trávy
The Smell Of Weed
Zase pálim gram a mizim v dáli vám
Again I light a gram and disappear into the distance from you
Tak to zapal a potom to pošli dál
So light it up and then pass it on
Jestli nechceš pálit, tak to spálim sám
If you don't want to smoke, I'll smoke it myself
Miluju vůni trávy, když jdu bary psát
I love the smell of weed when I go to write bars
Zase pálim gram a mizim v dáli vám
Again I light a gram and disappear into the distance from you
Tak to zapal a potom to pošli dál
So light it up and then pass it on
Jestli nechceš pálit, tak to spálim sám
If you don't want to smoke, I'll smoke it myself
Miluju vůni trávy, když jdu bary psát
I love the smell of weed when I go to write bars
nemůžu pít, páč to potom nejsem
I can't drink, because then I'm not myself
Tak mi dej ten ohěň, mam něco, co tady sejme nás
So give me that fire, I have something that will take us down here
Po pár kotlých, mi skonči, asi vážně nejde vstát
After a few hits, already finish me off, I probably can't even stand up
Dlouho na těch světlech byla rudá, teď je zelená
For a long time the lights were red, now they're green
Neřeš sračky, přestaň mi tu kurva kurvo kurvit vibe
Don't worry about shit, stop fucking with my fucking vibe
Nemluv píčoviny o životě, když jsem teďka high
Don't talk bullshit about life when I'm high now
Je mi fuk, co kdo řikaj a co na asi maj
I don't care what people say or what they have on me
Vim, že maj velký hovno, proto se pořád na ptaj
I know they have big shit, that's why they keep asking me
Vůně trávy po pokoji, uuu, oči jako Kim Jong Un
The smell of weed in the room, uuu, eyes like Kim Jong Un
Ale je mám od narození, píčo furt
But I've had them since birth, man always
Abys je měl taky, to bys měl víc hulit
To have them too, you should smoke more
To bys měl víc hulit a míň mluvit
You should smoke more and talk less
Zase pálim gram a mizim v dáli vám
Again I light a gram and disappear into the distance from you
Tak to zapal a potom to pošli dál
So light it up and then pass it on
Jestli nechceš pálit, tak to spálim sám
If you don't want to smoke, I'll smoke it myself
Miluju vůni trávy, když jdu bary psát
I love the smell of weed when I go to write bars
Zase pálim gram a mizim v dáli vám
Again I light a gram and disappear into the distance from you
Tak to zapal a potom to pošli dál
So light it up and then pass it on
Jestli nechceš pálit, tak to spálim sám
If you don't want to smoke, I'll smoke it myself
Miluju vůni trávy, když jdu bary psát
I love the smell of weed when I go to write bars
Marie a Jana lesby, co ti vlezou do hlavy
Mary and Jane lesbians, who will climb into your head
Tak moc, že se potom někdy nejde ani postavit
So much, that sometimes you can't even stand up afterwards
A jestli nemáš dost sena, tak s náma teď pojď na byt
And if you don't have enough hay, then come to our apartment now
Vždycky je co kouřit, doufam že vy máte dostatek
There's always something to smoke, I hope you guys have enough
A neni to jen o hulení
And it's not just about smoking
Je to o lidech, který jsou tu s tebou i když jde to všechno do kytek
It's about the people who are here with you even when everything goes to shit
O těch pravejch, co maj s tebou tady něco zažito
About the real ones, who have experienced something here with you
S nima to smysl pálit, když je v kotli nabito
It makes sense to smoke with them when the boiler is charged
Tak kotel nabiju já, s bruderem tu hulíme skuff
So I'll charge the boiler, I'm smoking a skuff with my brother
Je to zas jak minule, proprvý jsem cejtil ten smrad
It's like last time, the first time I smelled that stink
To mi bylo čtrnáct, poprvý jsem to poznal
I was fourteen, the first time I found out
Poprvý se vyhulil
Got high for the first time
Zase pálim gram a mizim v dáli vám
Again I light a gram and disappear into the distance from you
Tak to zapal a potom to pošli dál
So light it up and then pass it on
Jestli nechceš pálit, tak to spálim sám
If you don't want to smoke, I'll smoke it myself
Miluju vůni trávy, když jdu bary psát
I love the smell of weed when I go to write bars
Zase pálim gram a mizim v dáli vám
Again I light a gram and disappear into the distance from you
Tak to zapal a potom to pošli dál
So light it up and then pass it on
Jestli nechceš pálit, tak to spálim sám
If you don't want to smoke, I'll smoke it myself
Miluju vůni trávy, když jdu bary psát
I love the smell of weed when I go to write bars

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