Plexo - Bez Teba - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Plexo - Bez Teba

Bez Teba
Without You
Ľudia sa menia ako na páse
People change like on a production line
A každý naokolo zakopol o pravdu
And everyone around has stumbled upon the truth
Ja vidím ženu, ktorá hľadá sex
I see a woman looking for sex
A mesiac dozadu si plánovala svadbu.
And a month ago she was planning a wedding.
Vravím jej: schovaj slzy pod viečka
I tell her: hide your tears under your eyelid
Pozbieraj sily a stav to na jednu farbu.
Gather your strength and make it into one color.
A tak sa budím v cudzích obliečkach
And so I wake up in strange sheets
Chcem odtiaľ vypadnúť a myslím na tu karmu.
I want to get out of here and I think about that karma.
Tak občas hľadáme seba
So sometimes we search for ourselves
A občas dávame veľa
And sometimes we give a lot
A nedostávame späť.
And don't get anything back.
Niekedy býva nám zle
Sometimes we feel bad
A niekedy chýba nám neha
And sometimes we miss tenderness
A my naháňame cash.
And we chase cash.
Potom sa snažíme kúpiť
Then we try to buy
Trochu lásky a súcit
A little love and compassion
A ovláda nás pýcha
And pride controls us
A tak si balím tie kufre
And so I pack my bags
A musím niekam utiecť preč
And I have to escape somewhere
Kým zase voľne dýcham.
Until I breathe freely again.
Som na ceste sám
I'm on the road alone
Kilometre nepočítam
I don't count kilometers
Silu ešte mám
I still have strength
Je mi jedno, či ti chýbam
I don't care if you miss me
Mám na večer plán,
I have an evening plan,
V ktorom ale ani s tebou nepočítam
In which I don't count on you either
Iba bez teba, bez teba.
Only without you, without you.
A ja viem, že som sa zmenil,
And I know that I have changed
No odkedy nepijem sa nechovám jak vtedy
But since I stopped drinking, I don't behave like I used to
Roztrhanú dušu na márne kusy,
A torn soul into empty pieces,
Stehy neposkladali dokopy
The stitches didn't put it back together
A ja musel som to prežiť.
And I had to survive it.
A odvtedy iba prežívam,
And since then I've just been surviving,
Na starej adrese par mesiacov nebývam
I haven't lived at the old address for a few months
Zmenil som revír a nevolaj mi pre víza,
I changed territory and don't call me for a visa,
Z tohoto seriálu sa nevysiela repríza.
This series doesn't have a rerun.
A čaká ma nový život,
And a new life awaits me,
Tak čakám na nový život,
So I wait for a new life,
Stávam sa na nohy bejb,
I'm getting on my feet, baby,
Ty čakáš na môj ypsilon a kedy odpustím ti,
You're waiting for my ypsilon and when I will forgive you,
No tak to sa načakáš hej
Well, you'll be waiting for a long time, hey
Bola si na koni mimo
You were on a horse, out of your mind
A ja nezápolím s vinou,
And I don't wrestle with guilt,
Lebo som zákony čítal
Because I read the laws
Ja nechcem ďalšie mimino
I don't want another baby
A než sa zamotám s inou
And before I get entangled with another
Kráčam a zase voľne dýcham.
I walk and breathe freely again.
Som na ceste sám
I'm on the road alone
Kilometre nepočítam
I don't count kilometers
Silu ešte mám
I still have strength
Je mi jedno, či ti chýbam
I don't care if you miss me
Mám na večer plán,
I have an evening plan,
V ktorom ale ani s tebou nepočítam
In which I don't count on you either
Iba bez teba, bez teba.
Only without you, without you.
.A bez deda,
And without grandpa,
Ja nejsom ŠTB-ák,
I'm not an SB-er,
Ani Esmeralda,
Nor Esmeralda,
Tak mi rezne daj.
So give me some cutlets.
Chcem peňáz,
I want money,
Lebo dnes nemám,
Because I don't have any today,
Tak poďme ešte raz a ešte raz.
So let's do it again and again.
A zase voľne dýcham
And I breathe freely again
Som na ceste sám
I'm on the road alone
Kilometre nepočítam
I don't count kilometers
Silu ešte mám
I still have strength
Je mi jedno, či ti chýbam
I don't care if you miss me
Mám na večer plán,
I have an evening plan,
V ktorom ale ani s tebou nepočítam
In which I don't count on you either
Iba bez teba, bez teba.
Only without you, without you.

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