Plexo - Obyčajný Chlap - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Plexo - Obyčajný Chlap

Obyčajný Chlap
A Common Man
Obyčajný chlap chce dobrý sex a dobre vyspať sa,
An ordinary man wants to have good sex and sleep well,
Dobre sa napapať a potom dobre, dobre, dobre.
Eat well and then feel good, good, good.
Proste ísť na záchod, no v prvom rade ísť tam sám,
He simply wants to go to the bathroom, but first all by himself,
Listovať v Brejku a tým poštekliť si podvedomie.
And leaf through a magazine and tickle his subconscious.
Piť pivo z tanku a občas sa prežrať haluškami,
Drink draft beer and from time to time overeat some dumplings,
Rýpať sa v aute a byť špinavý za ušami.
Work on his car and be dirty even behind his ears.
Vo futbale fandiť tímu, ktorý sídli v jeho meste
Be a fan of the soccer team that's based in his city,
A nech každý závidí mu, všetko je len o rešpekte.
And may everyone envy him, everything is just all about respect.
Pozerá po ženách, jak keby boli všetky jeho,
He stares at women as if they were all his,
Ony všetky jeho, takto si leští ego.
They are all his, this is how he polishes his ego.
vždy najlepšie auto a svoje kšefty, lebo,
He always has the best car and has his business, because,
On živiť rodinu a žena musí živiť jeho.
He has to provide for his family and his wife has to support him.
Nesnaž sa zmeniť to a narušiť ten reťazec,
Don't try to change that and break the chain,
Chlap svoju hrdosť a hrdosť, to je velká vec.
A man has his pride and this pride is a huge thing.
Radšej to urob tak, jak to robíte to len vy ženy,
Better do it the way that only you, the women, do it,
Zostaňte nad vecou a on vás nikdy nevymení.
Stay cool and he will never cheat on you.
Každý je nervózny, keď sa pár nocí nevyspal,
Everyone gets nervous when they hadn't slept well for a few nights,
Ty hľadáš princa? Prečo tam, kde neni král?
You are looking for a prince? Why would you do that if there is no king?
Len hlavne nehroť to, čo máte, zase do extrému,
Just don't exaggerate about what you have to an extreme,
Neodvrávaj chlapovi a vôbec ne slovenskému.
Don't talk back to a man and especially not to a Slovak man.
Každý je nervózny, keď sa pár nocí nevyspal,
Everyone gets nervous when they hadn't slept well for a few nights,
Ty hľadáš princa? Prečo tam, kde neni král?
You are looking for a prince? Why would you do that if there is no king?
Len hlavne nehroť to, čo máte, zase do extrému,
Just don't exaggerate about what you have to an extreme,
Neodvrávaj chlapovi a vôbec ne slovenskému.
Don't talk back to a man and especially not to a Slovak man.
Ok, zmeňme tému, prepni kanál, futbal ide,
Ok, let's change the topic, switch the channel, the soccer game is on,
Dones mi zopár pív a ty si urob Cuba Libre.
Bring me a couple beers and you make yourself a Cuba Libre.
Nechcem sa rozprávať a nechce sa mi vysvetlovať.
I don't want to talk and I don't want to explain.
Naši rozohrávajú. Prečo? Lebo my sme doma.
Our team is playing. Why? Because we are at home.
Keď sa chceš posťažovať, zavolaj si jednej z tých,
If you want to complain, call one of those women,
Ktoré ma neznášajú, lebo som vraj dementný.
Who hate me because I'm supposed to be an idiot.
Dajú ti za pravdu a natlačia ti rozumy
They will agree with you and brainwash you
A my budeme v pohode a nedojdeme o zuby.
And we will be ok and our teeth will be intact.
Takto sa správa chlap a tak sa chová klasik, hej?
This is how a man behaves and this is how a classic man behaves, right?
Kamoškin chlap je pozorný? Lebo je asi gay.
Your girlfriend's man is attentive? It's because he's probably gay.
Chová sa tak preto, lebo nezarába prachy, ver mi,
He behaves like that because he doesn't earn any money, believe me,
Toto je normálne a každý máme na výber, ne?
This is normal and it's up to us to choose, isn't it?
Vy iba neviete čo chcete, chvílu je to maznať,
You simply don't know what you want, for a moment you want to cuddle,
Stretnete frajera a to je ono, chce to grázla.
You meet a guy and that's it, you want a wild man.
Slúbi vám modré z neba, s velkým autom z dovozu,
He will promise you the moon, with a big imported car,
Bude vás klamať, ale pripraví vás o rozum.
He will lie to you and will take away your mind.
Každý je nervózny, keď sa pár nocí nevyspal,
Everyone gets nervous when they hadn't slept well for a few nights,
Ty hľadáš princa? Prečo tam, kde neni král?
You are looking for a prince? Why would you do that if there is no king?
Len hlavne nehroť to, čo máte, zase do extrému,
Just don't exaggerate about what you have to an extreme,
Neodvrávaj chlapovi a vôbec ne slovenskému.
Don't talk back to a man and especially not to a Slovak man.
Každý je nervózny, keď sa pár nocí nevyspal,
Everyone gets nervous when they hadn't slept well for a few nights,
Ty hľadáš princa? Prečo tam, kde neni král?
You are looking for a prince? Why would you do that if there is no king?
Len hlavne nehroť to, čo máte, zase do extrému,
Just don't exaggerate about what you have to an extreme,
Neodvrávaj chlapovi a vôbec ne slovenskému.
Don't talk back to a man and especially not to a Slovak man.

Авторы: Inconnu Compositeur Auteur, Peter Plecho

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