Poofer - Wero - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Poofer - Wero

Dicen conoce el negocio
They say he knows the business
Las mujeres las toma por ocio
He takes women for leisure
Lo ven por la ciudad paseando en carros lujosos
They see him around town driving fancy cars
Apenas pasaron meses ya era alguien peligroso
As soon as a few months passed, he was already a dangerous man
Al pozo el enemigo la familia es lo valioso
To hell with your enemy, family is precious
Visionario en unos años multimillonario
Visionary, in a few years a multimillionaire
Moviendo pacas de kilo aún camina el vecindario
Moving kilos of weight, he still walks the neighborhood
Amistades se marcharon otros se encargan del business
Friends have gone their own way, others are in charge of the business
Duerme tranquilo pues no hay cola que le pisen (Come on)
He sleeps soundly, because there's no one on his tail (Come on)
Pide Buchanan's molly con marihuana
He asks for Buchanan's, molly with marijuana
Corridos en la troca con líneas de su lavada
Corridos in his truck with lines of his own
Por si alguien preguntaba por si alguien sospechaba
In case anyone was wondering, in case anyone suspected
Todo pasa por la plaza tecnología avanzada
Everything goes through the plaza, advanced technology
Viene clavado aunque sea aliado de la maña
He comes through even if he's allied with the mafia
No confía en ningún perro que vea el hueso y se lo haga
He doesn't trust any dog who sees the bone and grabs it
Su mercado es tan distinto que al que le gusta le jala
His market is so different, those who like it, it pulls them in
Su mandato estaba escrito sólo su canción faltaba
His mandate was written, only his song was missing
Que no falte el adictivo saben que soy cocaino
Let's not forget the addictive, you know I'm a cocaine addict
Quiero hacerme unas líneas como hace tony a su estilo
I wanna do some lines like Tony does, in his style
Quiero apretar los dientes como lo hace un cocodrilo
I wanna clench my teeth like a crocodile
Mercancía de la buena no como la de tu equipo
Good stuff, not like your crew's
¡Hey wero! Internacional parcero
Hey wero! International, dude
Llega de Colombia va directo al extranjero
He comes from Colombia and goes straight abroad
Viste casual y va callar al gallinero
He dresses casual and will shut the chicken coop up
Sus vicios son las pieles, armas largas, gatilleros
His vices are fur, long guns, shooters
Gente que lo conoce sabe que no pone dedo
People who know him know he doesn't snitch
Antes de tirarlas balas deja que tiren primero
Before he fires his bullets, he lets them fire first
Pero si se descuidan apunta el es certero
But if they get careless, he aims and he's deadly
El tiempo pasa rápido valioso su dinero
Time goes fast, his money is valuable
Negociante, amor por los billetes y diamantes
Businessman, a love for cash and diamonds
Desde que era un niño se le dio ser comerciante
Since he was a kid, he had a knack for being a merchant
Y por la fechoría se ganó su nombre andante
And for his mischief, he earned his street name
Un saludo pal padrino nos vemos aquellas tardes
A shout out to the godfather, we'll see you later

Авторы: Victor Barban

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