Port Bo - El meu avi - перевод текста песни на английский

El meu avi - Port Boперевод на английский

El meu avi
My Grandfather
El meu avi, el meu avi, el meu avi
My grandfather, my grandfather, my grandfather
El meu avi va anar a Cuba
My grandfather went to Cuba
A bordo del Catalán
Aboard the Catalan
El millor barco de guerra
The best warship
De la flota d'ultramar
In the overseas fleet
El timoner i el nostramo
The helmsman and the boatswain
I catorze mariners
And fourteen sailors
Eren nascuts a Calella
Were born in Calella
Eren nascuts de Palafrugell
And were born in Palafrugell
Quan el Catalán sortia a la mar
When the Catalan went out to sea
Els nois de Calella feien un cremat
The boys of Calella would make a cremat
Mans a la guitarra, solien cantar
Hands on the guitar, they would sing
Solien cantar Visca Catalunya! Visca el Catalán!
They would sing Long live Catalonia! Long live the Catalan!
Arribaren temps de guerres
Times of war came
De perfidies i traïcions
Of treachery and betrayal
I en el mar de les Antilles
And on the sea of the Antilles
Retronaren els canons
The cannons thundered
Els mariners de Calella
The sailors of Calella
El meu avi enmig de tots
My grandfather in the midst of them all
Varen morir a coberta
Died on deck
Varen morir al peu del canó!
They died at the foot of the cannon!
Quan el Catalán sortia a la mar
When the Catalan went out to sea
Cridava el meu avi: Apa, nois, que és tard!
My grandfather would call: Come on, boys, it's late!
Però els valents de a bordo no varen tornar
But the brave men on board did not return
No varen tornar
They did not return
Tingueren la culpa els americans
The Americans were to blame
Quan el Catalán sortia a la mar
When the Catalan went out to sea
Els nois de Calella feien un cremat
The boys of Calella would make a cremat
Mans a la guitarra, solien cantar
Hands on the guitar, they would sing
Solien cantar Visca Catalunya! Visca el Caalán!
They would sing Long live Catalonia! Long live the Catalan!

Авторы: Jose De Monasterio Ortega

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