Postolar Tripper - Irska - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Postolar Tripper - Irska

Pričaju mi tamo posao možeš naći isti dan kad dođeš
They tell me there you can find a new job the day you arrive
I možeš živjet ko gospodin
And you can live like a king
Samo ako hoćeš
Only if you want to
Trava je zelena
The grass is greener
Ovdi vene sve
Here everything withers
I volja za životom
And the will to live
Odlazimo sutra ranom zorom
We're leaving tomorrow at dawn
Prvim avionom
On the first plane
Letimo za Dublin
We're flying to Dublin
With Ryanair
Letimo u bolje sutra
We're flying to a better tomorrow
Jednim smjerom
One way
Gore toče Guinni
They serve Guinness there
Sanjaj vodu koja pjeni
Dream of water that foams
Ovdje travarica, tamo Jameson
Here moonshine, there Jameson
Po istoj cijeni
At the same price
Po istoj cijeni
At the same price
Otišli su mnogi nitko godinama se ne vraća
Many have gone, haven't seen them in years
I čujem priče kako svakog prvog stigne cijela plaća
And I hear stories how on the first of each month they get their full pay
Kažu vidjeli su vile
They saw fairies, they say
Vidjeli su vilenjake
They saw elves
Ostavili su za sobom jebivjetre i seljake
They left behind wankers and peasants
Letimo za Dublin
We're flying to Dublin
With Ryanair
Letimo u bolje sutra
We're flying to a better tomorrow
Jednim smjerom
One way
Gore toče Guinni
They serve Guinness there
Sanjaj vodu koja pjeni
Dream of water that foams
Ovdje travarica, tamo Jameson
Here moonshine, there Jameson
Po istoj cijeni
At the same price
Po istoj cijeni
At the same price
Evo mi smo stigli ovdje
Here we are, we've arrived
Stvarno sve je med i mlijeko
It's a real land of milk and honey
Smijemo se, pijemo, sekiramo se jako rijetko
We laugh, we drink, we don't worry very much
Dođi i ti, sve je super
Come on honey, it's great
Brzo rješi sve papire
Sort out all the paperwork
Posla ima i za menadžere, a i za portire
There are jobs for managers and doormen
Letimo za Dublin
We're flying to Dublin
With Ryanair
Letimo u bolje sutra
We're flying to a better tomorrow
Jednim smjerom
One way
Gore toče Guinni
They serve Guinness there
Sanjaj vodu koja pjeni
Dream of water that foams
Ovdje travarica, tamo Jameson
Here moonshine, there Jameson
Po istoj cijeni
At the same price
Letimo za Dublin
We're flying to Dublin
With Ryanair
Letimo u bolje sutra
We're flying to a better tomorrow
Jednim smjerom
One way
Gore toče Guinni
They serve Guinness there
Sanjaj vodu koja pjeni
Dream of water that foams
Ovdje travarica, tamo Jameson
Here moonshine, there Jameson
Po istoj cijeni
At the same price

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