Pragoholik - Jedou Sem Benga 2 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Pragoholik - Jedou Sem Benga 2

Jedou Sem Benga 2
The Cops Are Coming 2
Pragoholik, ej
Pragoholik, yo
Jedou sem benga
The cops are coming
Jsem v klubu, je tady zátah
I'm at the club, there's a raid
Jdu na brko, dávám si potah
Taking a hit, puffing away
Sleduju benga, jak nabíhaj dovnitř
Watching the cops, how they charge inside
Jsem vožralej, čumim jak postiž, ej
I'm drunk, staring like a retard, yo
Neni ti 18? Shit
Not 18? Shit
Jedou sem benga, tak zmiz
The cops are coming, so disappear
Fejkovou vobčanku znič
Destroy that fake ID
Bacha, přibíhá snitch
Watch out, the snitch is running near
Strážníci, pojďte sem
Officers, come here
Plnej klub nezletilejch
The club is full of minors
Všichni jedou čáry
Everyone's doing lines
A spousta z nich je i vopilejch
And a lot of them are also drunk
Chlapi, dělejte, jdem tam
Guys, let's go, we're going in there
Za prémie koupim Smart
With the bonus I'll buy a Smart
Tahle noc je novej start
Tonight is a new start
nebudu kouřit Sparty
I won't smoke Sparty anymore
Najednou sleduju, jak se atmo v klubu mění
Suddenly I'm watching the atmosphere in the club change
Všichni hned propadli panice, nikdo nic neví
Everyone immediately panicked, nobody knows anything
Jedna typka cení zuby, druhý z huby pění
One chick is baring her teeth, the other is foaming at the mouth
Majitel si trhá vlasy, pokuta bude jmění
The owner is tearing his hair out, the fine will be a fortune
Jsem v klubu, je tady zátah
I'm at the club, there's a raid
Jdu na brko, dávám si potah
Taking a hit, puffing away
Sleduju benga, jak nabíhaj dovnitř
Watching the cops, how they charge inside
Jsem vožralej, čumim jak postiž, ej
I'm drunk, staring like a retard, yo
Neni ti 18? Shit
Not 18? Shit
Jedou sem benga, tak zmiz
The cops are coming, so disappear
Fejkovou vobčanku znič
Destroy that fake ID
PENÜS, Pragoholik, ej
PENÜS, Pragoholik, yo
S fellas razim do klubu
With the fellas we're crashing the club
Vožíráme si hubu
Getting wasted
Kolem samý patnáctky
Surrounded by fifteen-year-olds
Cejtim se jak ve Starsky
I feel like I'm in Starsky
To byl klub, kde sme nezletilý lili absinth
This was the club where we, as minors, drank absinthe
Aaa, jedou sem benga
Aaa, the cops are coming
Bude zátah, jsme v pasti
There will be a raid, we're trapped
Co? Holka klid...
What? Girl, chill...
Dyť piješ nějakej shit
You're drinking some shit
V tom snad ani neni chlast
There's not even alcohol in that
Nečum, dej mi vochutnat
Don't stare, let me taste it
Proč seš na takhle zlej?
Why are you so mean to me?
Dyť ani nevíš kdo jsem
You don't even know who I am
Protože znám nány jako ty
Because I know chicks like you
Co to máš pod nosem? Wooah
What's that under your nose? Wooah
Heej, nech beejt
Hey, leave me alone
Barman mi nechtěl nalejt
The bartender didn't want to serve me
Řikal jsem si...
I thought to myself...
Na Virgin Mojito je ten drink ňákej hořkej
This Virgin Mojito tastes kinda bitter
Mám tam trochu emka, no
I have some MDMA in there, yeah
Život je fakt na hovno
Life really sucks
Rodiče nechtěj pouštět ven
My parents don't let me go out
Na párty zdrhám voknem
I sneak out the window for parties
Bych teď měla taky zdrhat
I should be sneaking out right now
Dyť vás nemaj za co sebrat
They have nothing to arrest you for
Ale jo, měla jsem všechno
But yeah, I had everything
Ruma i vodku a k tomu emko
Rum and vodka and MDMA
A k tomu dvě koule a ňáký piko
And two pills and some coke
A dýler mi postříkal triko
And the dealer sprayed my shirt
Fakt? Tak snad ti dal slevu...
Really? So he gave you a discount at least...
Nedal mi nic, ukrad mi bundu
He didn't give me anything, he stole my jacket
A k tomu všemu mi natrh kundu
And on top of that, he ripped my pussy
to zjistěj naši, tak zchudnu
When my parents find out, I'll be grounded
Páč voni netušej kam mizí kapesný
They have no idea where my pocket money goes
Kupuju si za to coke a speed
I buy coke and speed with it
Tak to mi bylo hned jasný
Well, that was immediately obvious
IQ 80 výrazný
IQ 80, very expressive
se změnim, byla to chyba
I will change, it was a mistake
To teda byla, jsi tupá dilina
It sure was, you stupid bitch
Jsem v klubu, je tady zátah
I'm at the club, there's a raid
Jdu na brko, dávám si potah
Taking a hit, puffing away
Sleduju benga, jak nabíhaj dovnitř
Watching the cops, how they charge inside
Jsem vožralej, čumim jak postiž, ej
I'm drunk, staring like a retard, yo
Neni ti 18? Shit
Not 18? Shit
Jedou sem benga, tak zmiz
The cops are coming, so disappear
Fejkovou vobčanku znič
Destroy that fake ID
PENÜS, Pragoholik, ej
PENÜS, Pragoholik, yo
Jsem v klubu, je tady zátah
I'm at the club, there's a raid
Jdu na brko, dávám si potah
Taking a hit, puffing away
Sleduju benga, jak nabíhaj dovnitř
Watching the cops, how they charge inside
Jsem vožralej, čumim jak postiž, ej
I'm drunk, staring like a retard, yo
Neni ti 18? Shit
Not 18? Shit
Jedou sem benga, tak zmiz
The cops are coming, so disappear
Fejkovou vobčanku znič
Destroy that fake ID
Jsou tady rychle jak nic
They're here in a flash
Policie, tak copak to tu máme?
Police, what have we got here?
18 bylo? (jistě, samozřejmě, ano)
Are you 18? (Of course, absolutely, yes)
No tak dělejte, vobčanky
Well then, let's see your IDs
I'm taking it out already
Kam zdrháš ty smažko?
Where are you running, you little bitch?
To je policejní brutalita!
This is police brutality!
Drž hubu a dej mi doklad
Shut up and give me your ID
Hm, 15? Tak to jdeš dejchat
Hm, 15? Then you're coming with me
Stoupni si, tady máš Dräger
Step up, here's a breathalyzer
Hej, kam zdrhá ten n*gr?
Hey, where's that n*gger running off to?
Kurva, vy jste rasista!
Fuck, you're a racist!
Fotim si vaše čísla
I'm taking pictures of your badge numbers
Budete kurva litovat
You'll fucking regret this
Fotr si bude stěžovat
My dad's gonna complain
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter
Všichni držte huby
Everybody shut up
Ty pocem a uka dudy
You come with me and show me your goodies
Co to chcete, vy úchyláku?!
What do you want, you pervert?!
Tak pudeš na sociálku
Then you're going to social services
Né, tam vážně nechci!
No, I really don't want to go there!
No, tak uka cecky
Well, then show me your tits
Když seš dost stará na chlast
If you're old enough to drink
Seš ready i na můj šnaps
You're ready for my schnapps too
Ach jo, to bude karma
Oh well, karma's gonna get you
Najednou přibíhá barman
Suddenly the bartender comes running
Tu pokutu fakt nechci platit
I really don't want to pay this fine
Tak to byste se měl ztratit
Well then you should get lost
Do kapsy 20k hodit
Put 20k in my pocket
Jinak 5 za každýho, sorry
Otherwise 5 for each one, sorry
Beru to, nemám co ztratit
I'll take it, I have nothing to lose
Tady se bude klátiiit!
We're gonna party here!
Jsem v klubu, je tady zátah
I'm at the club, there's a raid
Jdu na brko, dávám si potah
Taking a hit, puffing away
Sleduju benga, jak nabíhaj dovnitř
Watching the cops, how they charge inside
Jsem vožralej, čumim jak postiž, ej
I'm drunk, staring like a retard, yo
Neni ti 18? Shit
Not 18? Shit
Jedou sem benga, tak zmiz
The cops are coming, so disappear
Fejkovou vobčanku znič
Destroy that fake ID
PENÜS, Pragoholik, ej
PENÜS, Pragoholik, yo
Jsem v klubu, je tady zátah
I'm at the club, there's a raid
Jdu na brko, dávám si potah
Taking a hit, puffing away
Sleduju benga, jak nabíhaj dovnitř
Watching the cops, how they charge inside
Jsem vožralej, čumim jak postiž, ej
I'm drunk, staring like a retard, yo
Neni ti 18? Shit
Not 18? Shit
Jedou sem benga, tak zmiz
The cops are coming, so disappear
Fejkovou vobčanku znič
Destroy that fake ID
Jsou tady rychle jak nic
They're here in a flash

Авторы: Lukáš Svoboda

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